Creepy face!

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Jay's pov

She descended down the stairs,like an angel descending from heaven,wearing a burgundy sweetheart neckline dress,that hugged her figure well.It was fitted from the top and flowy at the bottom.

Her hair,perfectly curled that reached  her breasts,bounced up and down with every step she took

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Her hair,perfectly curled that reached her breasts,bounced up and down with every step she took.She was breathtaking.

Swaying her hips she walked towards me.She moved with such elegance and so gracefully like a feather falling in air.

She stopped right infront of and looked up to me through her bangs that were covering her eyes preventing me from seeing the two beautiful hazel orbs.

I reached up to her face and tucked the strands behind her ear.I saw a faint pink spread upon her cheeks adding more beauty to the already created master piece.

Her lips looked so pink and plump.I closed the distance between me and her.I grabbed her by her waist and pulled her even close to me.Her hands landed on my chest.Her soft fragile body crushed against mine.

Wasting no more time I leaned down until her lips brushed against mine.Her breathing became unsteady.Her lips felt so soft.

I was about to kiss her....

"Dude,snap out of it!"Logan shook my shoulders.

"Huh?"I stood dumbfounded,When did he get here and where's Rose?

You were day dreaming again you idiot.But it felt so real,why do I always wake up or snap out of my dream whenever I'm just about to kiss her?Its like the whole universe doesn't want me to kiss her.I mentally groaned in frustration.

"You're starting to freak me out with the face you keep making."Logan informed.

"What I do not make a face"I said defensively,Do I really make a face?

"Hey Martin!"he called out for Martin who was standing across the hallway talking to some red haired girl-Nancy I think,I don't know.

He made his way towards us and greeted"Hey guys".

"Martin please tell Jay that he makes that creepy face whenever he thinks of the she-demon"he made a disgusted face.

"I do not and she's not a she demon"I said protective over her.

"No offence Jay, but you kind of do,like this"He made a euphoric face with his lips puckered up.

"Really?Do I look that bad?"I asked disbelieving.

"No"I sighed in relief.

"You look worse!"They both laughed while I groaned.

"Hey boys!"a voice startled me from the behind.I turned to look at Dove standing there.

"Dove what did I tell you about not spying on people"Martin scolded with amusement leaking in his voice,Dove shrugged and faced me.

"Can I talk to you?"she asked and then eyed the two people behind me and added"alone"

"Yeah sure"I nodded and began following her wherever she's leading me.

"Its about Rose"she stated not looking back at me.

Blood rushed to my heart,did something happen to her?how could it I just saw her?

She leaded me to her car,unlocking it she slipped in.I hopped in the passenger seat and asked"So where are we going?"

She shrugged"wherever we can find privacy."

Okay now I was getting curious,what is this about?What does she want to talk to me about Rose?

She stopped right infront of a cafe and stepped out of the car.I copied her and we went inside the cafe.

We sat in the booth in the corner.We ordered our drinks and I waited for her to say something.

"Rose is like a sister to me,I have known her since we were 7,she means more to me than anyone else in the world.I've seen her grow up."she smiled.I smiled too thinking of little Rose how did she looked?

She continued"She used to be the most sweetest person I knew.I know it's hard to believe but this is the truth.She used to be funny,sweet,enthusiastic,talkative like seriously once she opened her mouth she wouldn't stop at anything."my mouth fell open that doesn't sound like Rose at all.What happened to her?

"But due to certain circumstances she changed"I wanted to ask her what circumstances she was talking about and as if she heard my thoughts and continued.

"I can't tell you exactly what but let's just say she has a bad history with guys,they all betrayed and broke her and made her what she is now,she's not how she used to be.

She and everyone else thinks that she's strong like she's made of stone but the truth is that no one knows her like I do.

She's not strong Jay and the fact she isn't makes her angry.She's afraid of boys Jay she's afraid of getting hurt.

She thinks I don't know her but I do know her.She doesn't laugh or smile and even if she does there they are all fake I know they are.

I tried so hard to make her happy to make her laugh but I couldn't but you,you came in and made her laugh,smile,be her real self again without even trying."she sent me a small smile and her eyes were filled with tears and it looked like they were about to slip.

I smiled but then frowned"but she hates me."

She chuckled sadly"No Jay She doesn't hate you,she's just trying to protect herself and if you knew what she's been through you'd understand,she doesn't hate you she hates the feeling she gets by being close to you.

She now believes that if she falls for you she'll get weak and she doesn't want to you to have power over her.Do you get me?"she asked with eyes full if hope,I nodded.

"Jay I can't watch her go through that pain again,it hurts me so much to even think about what she's been through.So Jay I want to ask you something,will you say the truth?"she asked.

"yes"my voice came out as a whisper.

She took a deep breath"Jay what are your intentions for my sister?"the question caught me off guard.

I didn't know what to say,should I say I would protect her from damage or what?

When I didnt say something"Will you leave her this time?"

Wait what did she mean by 'this time'.

"You don't remember her do you now alphabet J"she grinned.

Some thing in my brain clicked at that statement...alphabet J


End of chapter 18,hope you liked it.plz comment but not hurtful ones.


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