Girls rule!

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"You see me smiling you think I'm happy but honestly have you ever tried gazing into my eyes and decipher the truth....."

Jay's pov

I blinked,trying to ease the burning sensation because of the sudden light.Where am I?I always sleep with my curtains close so where is this light coming from?

I rubbed my eyes with my knuckles and began to get up,when I felt a load on top of my chest...Hair?

I shook my head,maybe I was dreaming,and took a good look...Rose?What is she doing here?And suddenly memories from last night came back to me.

I sighed happily,and continued to gawk at the beauty on top of me.She looked so peaceful,so innocent and best of all she had this small smile on her pink lips.Her oh so kissabl-no-Jay snap out of it,she's sleeping! Not that she'll let me kiss her if she was awake...

I brushed her hair with my fingers, because they were irritating her...ok or maybe I just used that as an excuse to touch her.

Suddenly she started to stir awake, I guess fun time's over...

Rose's pov

I'm both cold and hot.Cold from the above and hot from the underneath,if that makes any sense.And why is my bed so stiff?!I balled up my fist and punched my bed for it to be smooth, when I heard someone...groaning?

"Rose I would really appreciate,if you wouldn't move so much and hit my already bruised body."I sat up with a shriek.

"Had a nice nap?"Jay smirked.What in the world is he doing in my bed-no wait where the heck are we?!I was lost in last nights events when Jay's voice snapped me out of my daze.

"Rose,I love the position we're in right now but could you please move?"His voice came out strained,I looked down and blushed,I was still on top of him.I muttered a 'sorry' and got up, embarrassed.

"You know you talk in your sleep."he stated with his usual gorgeous smirk.Ok ignore that I said that it's the freaking hormones talking.

"Oh no,what did I say this time?"I asked,dreading the fact that I would've said something completely and utterly humiliating,what?It has happened alot of times before.

"Just the fact,you find me incredibly charming and hot,and that you love me."He had a smug look on his beautif-hormones,hormones I tell you.My mouth went dry,shiitake mushrooms,now what?!I know I wouldn't have said that but the freaking hormones!

"Rose,I'm joking you are so gullible!"he laughed and fell on his back,holding his stomach.I slapped his chest,and pushed myself up from the ground.

"I hate you."I said under my breath and began stalking away from didn't take him long to catch up on me.

"Are you mad?"he asked innocently.


"You aren't going to talk to me."

"No"I deadpanned,as if I wasn't already talking to him.

"Do you hate me?"

"Yes." No,glad he couldn't hear me.

"Fine then,I'll guess I have to eat these tasty looking Oreos myself." He said showing a packet of Oreos in his hand.

"Ok fine,I forgive you,now give me."I demanded,he gave me the packet,which I gladly teared and began to munch on.

"Rose,can I ask you something?"he asked me warily.

"Yeah sure."I shrugged.

"Why were you whimpering in your sleep?"It was like the ground slipped from beneath my feet.Like a fish,I opened my mouth but no words came out.I didn't know how to reply to that I know why I was doing it I just don't know if I'm ready to share that with him.

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