Trusting him!

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Three things you should never break:promises,trust and someone's heart.

Rose's pov

I tried avoiding Jay the whole day,I couldn't face him after our so called 'almost kiss'.

Right now I'm sitting in the place you call 'the library' trying to finish this dumb English essay on 'Trust'.
This is what I've written so far...

Trust is...yeah that's all I wrote.What am I supposed to write,its not like I trust a lot of people.

I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder.I turned around to see Jay looking at me with amusement like our almost kiss didn't effect him at all.

You know he must have kissed already hundreds of girls already unlike you.
Yeah thanks for reminding me subconscious you know exactly how to make me feel loved,I rolled my eyes inwardly.

"What are you doing?"he asked me amused.

"What does it look like,trying to figure out what to write in this stupid essay"I sighed heavily.He picked up my paper and sent a heart warming smile at me.

"Come on"he put his hand forward for me to hold.

"What where?!"

"Its a secret."he winked.

"What makes you think I'll go with you?"I put my hands on my hips.

"Do you trust me?"ok that question caught me off guard,did I trust him?I don't know,maybe.

I looked up at his hopeful expression and I just couldn't say no.Unable to voice my thoughts I just nodded hoping I wouldn't regret doing this later.

His eyes lighted up like a boy on Christmas as he eagerly grabbed a hold of my hand,familiar tingling sensation flowed through my body,why do I feel like this whenever I'm around him?

An involuntary smile curved up on my lips as he continued to drag me outside the school building till we reached his car,It was kind of a black jeep sort of thing-what I don't know a thing about cars,what did you expect?

He opened my door and I teased him "I didn't know you were a gentleman"

"Only for you,Rose"heat crept up on my face.Please don't notice it Jay please don't-

"you look cute when you blush" ofcourse he noticed it making me red even more to which he chuckled.

He hoped in the driver seat and started the engine and pulled out of the car park.

After five minutes

"So...where are we going?"

"You know you should stop trying to get it out of me,I'm not going to tell you,you'll see when we get there."

"Fine!"I huffed.

"Are you mad at me,Rose?"

Silence is what he got for an answer, I'll make him tell me,I can be very persuasive.

"Okay,we're just going to have lunch in my cousin's restaurant"he sighed.

I pinched his cheeks"Aww now was that really hard to tell?"

He slapped my hands away,pouting he muttered"shut up".

We reached a small restaurant/cafe and Jay opened my door for me to get out.

He entwined our fingers and led us towards the entrance,as cheesy and corny as it sounds but every time he holds my hand I feel protected,like he hides me from the cruel reality of the world.

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