Not worth it!

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A smile is happiness you'll find right under your nose.
-Tom Wilson.

Rose's pov

For some reason Dove couldn't drop me off home today,guess I'll have to walk today.I needed a little exercise anyway.

I was walking on the side of the road when I saw a girl and a boy playing together,my heart ached,that I once had that kind of relationship with a boy.

And then all of a sudden it started to rain like seriously God do you hate me that much that you actually specifically choosed today to make it rain.

I didn't even had a coat or a jacket and I was wearing a really thin shirt.I shivered as the cold rain drops hit my face.

I used to love the rain first,I used to love the feeling of it on my skin.It was like it used to wash all my sins away but now I just feel like God's crying because I commited these.

Shivering I folded my arms and hugged myself when a car stopped by my side and turned my head towards it.

The driver stepped outside and he walked over to me.

"Come on let's drop you off home"Jay said opening the passenger door.I know I agreed to be friends but getting in a car with him, I don't think so,after all he still is a stranger.

I shook my head and began walking again.He caught up to me and continued walking by myside.

I stopped"What are you doing?"I asked .

"I'm dropping you off"he shrugged.

"What no go back you're going to get sick"I don't know why but I was worried he would get ill.

"I don't care about me being sick but if you walk home you'll get sick too."he countered.

"There is no point in arguing with you is it,you'll always win"he grinned in victory.

He led me back to the car,and opened the passenger seat for me as I slipped in.He closed the door and walked around the car to sit in the driver seat.

I looked out the window trying not to remember that I'm in Jay's car but it was hard when Jay was whistling to a song's tune.

"So Rose,tell me about yourself,now that we're friends."he started.

"Ok let's see I have two hands,two legs,two eyes,two ears-"I answer sarcastically but was cut off by him laughing so loud.

His laugh was contagious and it looked like he wasn't stopping soon,I didn't say anything that hilarious.I started to giggle lightly.

"You tell me about yourself."We are friends after all I have to know him.

"Ask away"he replied

"Ok...When's your birthday?"I asked after alot if thinking.

"31 March"he marked.

"okay,you ask"I gave him an opportunity to get to know me.Which I don't let anyone get.

"Why are you afraid of me?"his question left me stunned.What should I reply?

"I'm not"he cut me off.

"okay you don't have to explain."he dismissed me which I'm truly grateful for.

"Why are you doing this?"this I can tell he didn't know how to answer this.

"Doing what?"he played the innocent card as if he didn't know.

"Caring for me,you don't know me then why?"Why is he showing me kindness?Does he want something in return.

"I would like to know you better Rose,
No matter how much time it takes for you to open up,I'll wait."

The car jerked to a stop.I unlocked the passenger seat and before saying goodbye I said"Don't wait because I'm not worth waiting,and that's not just me it's everyone's opinion."

I scrambled out of the car and sprinted towards the front door and entered the peaceful atmosphere of my home.

"Mom I'm home"I shouted.

"In the living room!"she shouted back.

After checking up on her I walked up stairs to my room and changed into more comfortable clothes.I laid on the bed and fell asleep in its warmth.

Next day

Mr Carter handed out the question paper of our maths test.I didn't even study last night,I was so exhausted.

The questions seemed pretty easy and I finished the test with no difficulty.

The bell rang and I handed the paper and walked outside.Jay was walking with me.Today I wanted to treat him differently, I'll try at least to be his friend.It can do no harm,right?

"Hi Jay,how did your test go?"I asked him.

"Horrible!I couldn't even answer one question right,I'm so pathetic in it"he groaned.

"oh okay,it would get better,so what's your next class?"I asked him.

"Its history"he replied.

"okay I'll see you at lunch then."he grinned widely,why he did it I don't know.

I was in chemistry class when the teacher Mrs Robinson announced that the next assignment will be done in pairs.

She announced the pairs and my partner was...Natalia George aka Martin's crush.She has red hair,Brown eyes,of average height and is beautiful.

Let's just hope she is as beautiful inside as she is outside.

"Hey"she walked over to the empty seat beside me and sat down in it.

"Hi I'm Natalia,but you can call me Nat"she introduced herself.

"Well nice to meet you Nat I'm Rose"I informed her.

"So you're Martin's best friend?"she asked.

"yeah..."I replied unsure where this is headed.

"oh okay cool he talks about you all the time,good things ofcourse"she assured me.

We talked for a while and then finished the assignment.Then just out of the blue she said"you're not what I expected"

"What did you expect?"I asked curious to what she thought of me.

"I thought you might be rude or mean,you know keeping in mind the fact that you lighted a guy's shirt here on fire"She shrugged.

"Hey!he was asking for it he tried to seduce me,I already had warned him of the consequences for getting on my nerves."I defended my murderous act and she laughed.

"You're actually very cool.Martin is right about you, once people get to know you ,you really are sweet."I smiled.

We sort of became friends after that talk and I invited her to our table.I'm sure Martin would be happy.

Lunch break

Jay came to sit with me,just like the last time way to close,But this time I didn't mind.

"So Rose there's this party tonight..."Dove trailed off.

"No I won't go"I denied,I knew where this was going.

"please please please"Dove pleaded.I shook my head in response.

"Please Rose for me"Jay joined her,his eyes boring in to mine.

"okay..."I barely whispered.I don't know why I agreed to him but it was like I couldn't say no.

"Yeah Jay asks and you say okay but when I ask you always deny.Talk about double standards."Dove scoffed,I bloomed red and glared at her.

"I'll come by your house at 5."She added.

Oh God what have I gotten myself into now?


End of chapter 20.hope you liked it.plz comment and vote.


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