BigMacs and secret parks!

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"Whenever I see you I try to cower away because I'm scared I'll fall for you and when I finally have enough courage to ask you "What do you think of me." you'll say "I don't."

Rose's pov

Every thing was fine this morning...till this blonde Barbie (Maria Stella) had to bump into me.

"Hey watch where you're going bitch."she said with an angry look like who does she think she's scaring?

I ignored her and started walking away.

"I was talking to you!"she yelled at me.

"Sorry,but I'm kinda busy right now so can I ignore you later?"I replied with a sweet smile.

"Bitch."she swore again-ok let me just say that is like the only word in her vocabulary.

"Say that one more time."I challenged.


"That's right bitches do as I told."I said with a smirk.I don't usually say those kinds of words but honestly the look on her face was perfect until it turned into a sly smile.

"You're just jealous that he picked me over you."I clenched my jaw,oh how I want to wring her neck but I decided now was not the time.I knew exactly who she meant by 'he'.

"Oh darling sorry to burst your bubble but no one wants Mason,that's why he's with you." I replied with a slight smirk trying to control my anger just the mention of him makes me lose my mind.

Her mouth fell no words coming out.I tried to walk away.Just like always the key word is 'tried'.

And suddenly I was pushed up against the metal lockers and my head hit the surface of the locker.

I winced in pain and looked up at a smirking barbie.She was only this tall because of the 6 inch heels she's wearing.

I looked around people were started crowding around us,hooting for a catfight.

"Oh let's give them a little show shall we?"Before I could say anything she pushed me to the ground but not before I got a hold of her,making us both tumble.

I balled my fists and punched her and she pulled my hair- ok gotta say that hurt!I tried not to wince,I know if I do she'll think I'm weak.

She said "you looked better when you were a nerd."

I smirked and replied "Oh really and you looked better when you were born,without all the crayons on your face."another round of 'oohs' chorused.

I was tackled on the ground once again,I mentally rolled my eyes,jeez when is this bimbo going to give up?

I rolled on top of her and lifted my hand to punch her again when a loud sound boomed through the hallway.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?"ooh goody goody the principal is here,(note the sarcasm).

I heard someone crying and I turned my head to see miss drama queen 'fake' sobbing.I rolled my eyes when I saw concerned looks on the students faces.Ofcourse these dimwits fall for her.

"She started it-"she pointed at me.I fake gasped and put my hand on my heart"Moi(muah)."

She glared at me and proceeded her 'mind blowing' acting skills."-I was minding my own business when she insulted me and pushed me."she shed couple of more tears.

"You"he pointed at one of her minions "take her to the nurse and Miss. Carlson follow me."

I cursed under my breath and saw a smirking Maria,waving at me and mouthing 'bye.'Ooh so much I want to kill her right now,if only murdering was legal....

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