Please work Mr Plan!

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Keep your eyes on the stars,and your feet on the ground.
-Teddy Roosevelt.

Martin's pov

If I say that I'm not nervous that's a huge lie.Just a warning if this plan doesn't work there is going to be a death either mine or Rose's.I just hope it works cause Natalia really means alot to me more than I can explain.

Rose must've noticed my panic expression as she squeezed my hand to provide me some kind of comfort.I took deep breaths trying to keep myself from freaking out.

"Martin chill its going to be fine I promise."Rose assured me.I looked at Dove and Logan who were agreeing with her while Jay was just glaring at me probably because I was still holding on to his Rose like he says. He's getting way to possessive and over protective of her.I just rolled my eyes at the jealousy that radiated from him.

But I guess he's right to be jealous.I can't blame him while I'm no better than him.I actually even punched a guy for even saying Natalia's name so yeah...I can't believe I'm so whipped.

I took a deep breath"ok let the plan begin."

Natalia's pov

Lunch time

I haven't seen Martin all day today.I have mostly the same classes as him so not catching even a glimpse of him is strange.Maybe he didn't came today-no he wouldn't ruin his perfect attendance record.What if he's sick?! Bad thoughts came into mind and I started panicking.

But all of them vanished when I saw Martin sprinting towards me.I sighed in relief.

"Hi"I grinned up at him,he was quite tall,well not really but he was taller than my 5.2 figure.

"Hi uh I have something to do with Rose and umm just read this letter".He ran off to where ever Rose was handing me the letter.

Truth is I have nothing against Rose,it's just that it's always about Rose.Rose is this-,Rose is that-,Uggh it's so frustrating to see your crush talk about someone else than you.There I said it I like Martin but I know he will never like me back because I'm just not good enough to match Rose.

I wish she was a bitch so that hating her would be easy but after spending just a period with her told me she's not how rumors describe her.She's just perfect the opposite of me.You can't help but like her.She invited me last week to sit at her table,I was going to sit with her when I saw Martin with her laughing,I felt so heartbroken that I could never be as good as her,never be able to make him laugh like she can.

"Hey Natalia!"Rose snapped me out of my thought.

"Hi Rose"I politely replied even though I sort of dislike her but I know it's not her fault that she's so...perfect.

"Have you read the letter?"she eyed the letter Martin gave me.


"Well what are you waiting for go ahead read it"

I nodded and ripped the letter open inside was my favorite flower white rose and small note that said:
Hi remember when you once told me that your favourite game was scavenger hunt so I thought let's fulfill your wish today.So I'm going to leave clues and you have to follow the clues to find your prize aka me ;)
Your Prince charming

I smiled and faced Rose who had a bigger smile on her face and she handed me another letter.I eagerly ripped open the second letter and I found another rose and note.
I love the way you smile when I do something nice for you.
I smiled slightly,I still don't know why is he giving me these letters.

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