Tutor him!

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Oh,I wouldn't mind,Hazel Grace.It would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you.
-John Green,The Fault in Our Stars.
(A/N Rose's nickname is Hazel,lol)

Rose's pov

"You're late!"my boss,Mrs.Wilson stated,taping her feet while folding her arms over he chest,her expression looked stern.Panic struck through me oh my god is she going to fire me?!
She can't I need this job to pay for my mum's medicine.

As she took in my anxious expression her face immediately softened and her lips curved into a small smile."Calm down,dear,its okay it was your first time getting late.Its fine"she waved her hand and assured me that me being tardy wasn't a big deal.

Mrs.Wilson aka Victoria she's in her early 30s and has a 5 year old daughter Lucy,She is very nice and is the best boss someone could ask for,she's the only person,other than Dove, that knows about my mother's condition and my past,so she tries to not get to hard on me.

"So, I don't mean to intrude but who was that fine gentleman that dropped you off?"she asked with a teasing smirk.

"That was Jay"I said nonchalantly.

"ooh is he your boyfriend?"why does every one think that when they see a girl and boy together?

"No,he's my...Friend"I thinked about what to label him as, I guess he was a friend.

"That's what the all say"she sang.

"And what's that suppose to mean?"

"I said the same thing when I was your age about Phillip now look he's the father of my children"my face turned scarlet,really what is up with people and telling me that I'm going to marry Jay after seeing him it's like it's written right across our faces that. ' I'm Jay's' and ' I'm Rose's' and 'we're going to get married so you should probably put bets on us.'

I groaned and turned around to stand at the counter,pinching the bridge of my nose to try and ease my killer head ache.

"Are you alright,Rose?"Victoria asked me concern lacing her voice.

"Yeah...Yeah um fine I'm just having a hangover"

"Go home,honey,I'll take care of every thing here"she was giving me the day off?

"What no I couldn't possibly go home while you-" she cut me off.

"Its fine go home and get some rest,I'll handle here besides it's a slow day"I nodded and hugged her good bye and went out the store.

I walked from the shop thinking if something very unusual.I was thinking of...Jay.

Why does he keep coming back?I was sure if I say or do something bad he would back away like all others who have came and went.Why doesn't he see I'm not interested in him?

Yeah right keep telling yourself that and maybe someday it will come true.I rolled my eyes at my stupid conscience,if another person saw me doing that they would probably think I'm crazy,not that I disagree

The book store isn't that far from my house,so I reached my front porch in hardly 10 minutes.

I grabbed my keys but before I could unlock the door the door itself magically opened...not.

Mum was standing there with an angry expression.Uh oh I totally forgot about what excuse I would make about where I was.

I walked inside and opened my mouth but before I could say anything she pulled me into a hug...I was not expecting that.

"Do you even know how worried I was when you didn't came back before 12"she continued to hold me.

"I know mum I'm sorry,I drank too much and-"she cut me off.

"I know Dove told me you don't have to explain."well I guess I'm going to have to thank her later after I kill her for dragging me to that stupid party and making me drink and then leaving me there with Jay.I bet she did the last one on purpose.She is so getting it.

"Mum can I go and rest I'm having a really bad headache."I winced in pain.

"Well thats hangover for you"she laughed.

I went up to my room and jumped on to my bed and dozed off to my slumber.


Today we were getting our tests back.Ooh goodie,note the sarcasm.

Mr.Carter gave me mine and I was not shocked to see 98%.Maths like my second language.

I saw Jay out of the corner of my eye holding his face in the palm of his hand,he must have flunked.

I was walking out of class when Mr Carter stopped me.

"Yes?"I asked politely.

"Well as you know you're the top student in my class..."he trailed off.

I looked at him confused so he continued"and Mr stone here"just then Jay walked in.

"Is well sort of failing so I wanted one of my best students to tutor him"he finished it sounded more like an order than a request.

"I'm not tutoring him!"I looked at Jay and I saw hurt flash his eyes,my heartached I wish I wouldn't have said that so I added"Mr Carter you know I can't tutor him I have things to do"I looked at Jay and sent him a smile trying to tell him that I wasn't trying to get away from him because I didn't like him but actually I don't have time for tutoring him.

Mr Carter sighed"Miss Carlson I know you have a job and such but if you tutor him I would write that recommendation letter that you need for college."He sent me a sly smile telling me that he had already won this argument.

I huffed but nodded.I can't believe he blackmailed me,out of everyone in the world Me!And to think I was close to him...Okay maybe that's a lie.

"Okay"I said,gritting my teeth.

"Okay what?"he smirked,ughh if he wasn't 20 years older than me I would've slapped that annoying smirk right of his face.

But since he wasn't"I'll tutor Jay"I sighed in defeat while I turned my head to see Jay smiling like an idiot,what was he so happy at ?oh yeah my misery.

I glared at him and he shrugged innocently.

I stomped out into the hallway only for Jay to catch up to me.

"So..."he started.

"What?"I snapped ,I was really not in the mood of seeing his adorab-ok I really have to get away from him but it looks like I'm stuck with him for God knows how long because of this tutor business.

"When should I come by your house?"he asked.

I sighed,since I am stuck with him I guess I should at least be nice.
"At 3,don't be late"and with that I ran off to my next class...away from him.

The door bell rung I rushed towards the door before mum could get her but it looks like I was too late.

Mum was standing there with the biggest smile I have ever seen and her eyes twinkling.She rubbed her eyes to check if she was dreaming.

I coughed snapping her out of whatever trance Jay had put on her,I knew Jay was...attractive but seriously my own mother fell for him.

She hopped towards me like really hopped towards me and whispered in my ear"Did you really got me my wish?"

I looked at her confused"What wish?"

"About how you know...about you having a boyfriend"she smirked,my face turned red.

"Mum,he's just the guy I'm tutoring"I tried to well get out of the thought that he isn't my boyfriend.Her face fell a little but it quickly was concealed by her devious smile.

Oh no what is she planning?!


End of chapter 23 hope you liked it plz vote and comment.


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