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Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.
-H.Jackson Brown,Jr.

Jay's pov

She's not taken!oh my god she's not taken.If I weren't in public I would've be jumping up ans down and doing my victory dance.

But wait didn't she say they were dating.Why was she lying to me?oh there she goes.

I walked up to her and putted my arm on her shoulder"hi Rose"

"Oh umm hi Jay?"she eyed my arm and removed it from her shoulder.

"So for how long have you and Martin dated?"I have to see what she answered.

"Who said anything about me and him dating?"she fired her question at me.

"umm but you did say you two were-"she cutted me off.

"Yeah we are close.But being close doesn't always mean people are dating you know.People could be best friends, brother and sister,there isn't only girlfriend-boyfriend relationship."she shrugged but asked"why were you jealous"raising her eyebrow at me.

"Me jealous, oh puh-lease what does he have that I don't?"I scoffed.

I wasn't expecting her to answer that
"A kind personality,pretty face,amazing body,perfect school record.I can go on and on"

"So why don't you go date him?"I asked irritated by the fact that she thinks he's better than me.

"Because if I date him then you would be heart broken to see me with him since you're so hopelessly in love with me."she joked while pinching ny cheeks as if I were a baby.If only she knew how right she was.Not about the love part although I don't think I love her,I just met her,it's not possible to fall in love so quick,right?

And the only thing I could say to her was "shut up".Our ways parted and we went to our classes.

Lunch break.

Me and Logan entered cafeteria and saw Dove and Rose sitting their with Martin.Jealosy flowed through me seeing Rose laugh at something Martin said.Why doesn't she laugh when I'm around her?

I was walking in their direction when Logan stopped me."Dude I don't think it's a good idea for us to be sitting with them.You know with the she-demon sitting there."He eyed Rose.

"She is not a she-demon"I seethed as a sudden urge to protect her flowed through me.

"Okay okay dude,calm down,wow you're whipped"he laughed.

"I am not!"I became defensive,can everybody but her see how I feel about her?First Martin now him.

"Whatever you say Jay Bro whatever you say"I began to ignore him and walked towards the table.

Logan greeted them"Hi lady"he nodded towards Dove,"gentleman"he acknowledged Martin "oh and Rose"he looked at Rose who was sitting with a bored expression.

"hey guys"Dove replied.

"Can we sit here?"Logan asked cautiously,he wouldn't want to see Rose's wrath.To that Dove nodded.
He sat down next to Dove.

I on the other hand wanted to sit with Rose but Martin was sitting there.I asked him politely"Martin would you please move"

He was about to get up when Rose holded his arm and pulled him back"No!I want to sit with Martin"

"But I want to sit with you!"I pulled on Martin,for him to get up.But I couldn't do it Rose was holding on to him tightly and soon a very confused Martin became our tug of war."No!" "yes!" "No" "yes" "no".

"Stop!"Martin shouted we both quickly let go of him.He turned to Rose to whisper something in her ear to which she giggled and said 'goodluck' to him.When he reached me he patted my back-hard as if wishing me good luck too and saying that I'll need it.

I sat down next to Rose and looked up to see Dove and Logan both holding smirks on their faces.But quickly when Rose shot Dove a look she began to engage in a conversation with Logan.It seemed like they hitted off well.

I continued to eat my food,still ashamed of what happened just minutes ago.

When Rose spoke up "They look so cute."

"huh?"I wasn't paying attention to what she was saying cause I was so caught up in her beauty.

"Dove and Logan don't they look cute"she directed her eyes towards the two.

"Yeah they do"I wanted to add 'we both too' but complied against it.When something hit me"Didn't she had a boyfriend?"I heard something about her and dating some guy-David was it,ughh I'm not good with names.

"No she broke up with him last night."she frowned.

"oh"it was all I could say.

"Speaking if which I have to do something".She got up and left the cafeteria in a hurry.She definitely didn't like sitting next to me with the way she left.I chewed my food trying to make my the numbness of my heart fade.


End of chapter 13 .hope you enjoyed it.This story is unedited so pointing of grammatical mistakes is most appreciated.


The Real MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang