I may or may not have rejected the girl I love!

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You educate a man;you educate a man.You educate a women;you educate a generation.
-Brigham young.

Jay's pov

I wanted to slam my lips against her and kiss her senseless.I wanted to make her mine.It was like time had stopped,just me and her caught in a moment.Her eyes wide with shock and lips parted.

It took all my strength to back away from her.As much as I wanted to kiss her I knew it wasn't right,atleast not yet.If I kiss her she would go back to ignoring me.

I may sound clingy and girly but in all honesty her absence is the worst punishment I could ever get.I didn't like the fact that she keeps running away from me.

I have to gain her trust before doing anything.

I leaned back,away from her but as soon as I backed away I saw hurt evident through her eyes and immediately I regretted my decision. Did she thing I rejected her?!

I opened my mouth to tell her that I didn't reject her and I love her.


I love her?!Do I really love her?I do.

I can't deny it,I know she's the only girl I have ever loved since I was young,that's why with all the other girls wrapped around my fingers I still craved her.And surprisingly admitting that I loved her wasn't hard,I knew I felt something different for her since the day I saw her on the school bus or on the deck.

I wanted to tell her I loved her but as soon as I was about to say it my phone began to ring.I saw my my annoying sister's name flash on my phone's screen.But right now I was grateful she did save me from blurting my feeling to Rose.Rose doesn't even like me how could I just walk up to her and say I love you?

"umm I have to get this"I stood up and walked out of the room.

I attended the call"Hello?"

"wow Jay you actually picked up you phone on the first bell,you must be missing me alot"she joked.

"yeah yeah what do you want?"I asked nonchalantly.

"Oh I wanted to ask if you could get me some pizza on your way back home."she asked sweetly.

"Seriously?you disturbed my torturing session for that?"I was getting mad at her I specifically told her not to disturb me while I'm studying-even if it is just studying Rose.

"uh-huh.I'm probably sure a make out session is not a tutoring session"she teased me.Heat crept up my neck-I was blushing good thing she wasn't here or she would definitely die laughing.I never blushed but just the mere mention of Rose would make me flush.

"Emily!"I yelled.

"Bye Jay,have fun on your 'tutoring session'!"she sang and ended the call.

I went inside and saw Rose sitting right where I left her,staring intently at the wall like it was the most interesting she had ever seen.

"Rose,something just came up I have to leave."I lied.I cant stay with her or I'll probably scare hee off with my declaration of undying love to her.

She snapped out of her daze and just nodded while looking away from me trying to avoid eye contact.

I left her house and jumped in my car and raced back to my house.

I rang the doorbell for what seemed to be like the thousandth time,when finally Emily opened the door.

"You're home early,did she kick you out or something?"she teased.

I grabbed her arm and tugged her towards my room and made her sit down on the bed.I paced around the whole room.

"Ok calm down Jay tell me what happened?"she asked holding my arm to stop me from pacing anymore.

"iminlovewithrose"I said quickly.

"Ok a little slower please"

I took a deep breath"I am in love with Rose."She squealed with excitement while clapping her hand and jumping up and down.

She stopped and looked confused and asked"Wait-who's Rose?"

Ahh I haven't told her anything about Rose,I couldn't have she was at her UNI since last week.I told her everything about Rose and she listened carefully.

"Ok so let me get this straight you're once again crushing over your middle school crush,who surprisingly gets more beautiful each day and she's smart so she's tutoring you and that you want to tell her that you love her,right?"I smiled and nodded.

She let out a bark of laughter and kept laughing until she couldn't do no more,she wiped away her tears and looked up to me and said"you are so whipped!"and began laughing all over again.I don't know why I even decided to tell her she clearly is no help.

I began walking out of the door when I heard her call out my name,I spinned around to face her"what?you want to laugh some more?"I asked irritated.

She giggled and straightened her self "ok what I don't get is what's the problem here?"she tilted her head head in confusion.

"She wouldn't love me back."I looked down finding my shoes more interesting than anything else right now.

"Ok wow you really do love her don't you?"she smiled as I bobbed my head.

"Then why are you here and not with her?"

"huh?"I asked in confusion.

"Why are you not making her fall for you."

"But what if she doesn't like me"I frowned,I probably sounded like a baby right now but I can't help but feel insecure about myself.

"Ok this is not you,tell me where are you hiding my brother?!"she demanded shaking my shoulders and a chuckle left my lips.

"I'll probably regret this later and as much as it pains my to say this"she began fake puking but continued"you're probably the best guys I know,I know about all your flings and all but I can see you genuinely like her so go for her,if she doesn't like you back then she doesn't deserve you."she rubbed my back soothingly.

"Yeah,thanks"I hugged her and she hugged me back but pushed me away a little while later and said"stop being emotional like a pregnant hormonal woman,it doesn't suit you"she joked.

I smirked and started to think of ways to make Rose fall for me.This is going to be hard but when you love someone from the moon and back it doesn't matter how hard it is.What matters is did you get him or her in the end.
I'll make you mine Rose you can count on it.


End of chapter 25,hope you liked it plz vote and comment.


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