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The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.
-Audrey Hepburn.

Rose's pov

My first period this year was mathematics.I always loved it and hardly ever got below than A*.Like usual Mr. Carter was teaching when two figures entered the class room.
One was Logan James, you can say we were acquaintances like every other person in the school.Then a familiar figure came into class.Sudden realisation hit me it was my Jay.

Yeah 'your' Jay.My subconscious teasingly pionted out.Sometimes I wonder is every ones conscious this annoying or God has given me an extra irritating conscious as a gift-no no as a punishment for my past life.

I looked down hoping he won't notice me.Wait why was I even hiding from him?Its not like I bumped into him and was rude to him.Oh wait I was.
God please don't let him notice me or remember me.I wish he falls down and gets amnesia.

Really Rose really Amnesia that's your best chance.Wow you're a terrible person.No offence.See what I'm talking about it never shuts up instead of helping me it makes me feel worse as if I didn't already see how much of a horrible person I am.

I was in a middle of an argument with my conscious when Mr.Carter called out my name immediately involuntarily my head shot up and saw Jay walking towards my direction and talking a seat next to me.

Oh my god in all the seats in the world he had to choose the one next to me.Just my luck!(note the sarcasm)

Yes you're a very lucky girl,Rose,that a hot boy is sitting right there just staring at you.My conscious once again had to open its mouth.Wait how can she open her mouth?Does she even have a mouth?Isn't she and I one in the same person?And what does she mean by him staring at me?

From the corner of my eyes I saw him staring at me,he was staring at me!Did he recognize me?How could he?I even betted he met tonnes of other girls and forgot all about me.

But the way he was staring it was clear he recognized me.Why was he staring at me so intently.Was there something on my face or in my teeth oh I hope it's not last night's broccoli that would be so embarrassing.I tried to show that I was not the least bothered by his gaze but in honesty it was piercing holes through my skull.

I wish this class would just end right now...ring ring ring.Really did my wish just came true.This must be my lucky day well sort of.I quickly marched out of the classroom to stop him from interrogating me,not once looking back.

Tangled in my own thoughts I made my way to my locker 'locker289'.

Why did he effect me so much?He didn't even talked to me but still I felt nervous?Why did I freak out when he stared at me?Who is he?

"Hello earth to Rose"Dove appeared waving her hand frantically infront of me,snapping me out of my daze.

"Yeah what did you say"brushing my thoughts off I replied.

"you've been standing infront of your locker for"she looked at her watch"about 5 minutes.penny for your thoughts?"she asked trying to figure me out.

"No I wasn't thinking anything I was just trying to solve a mathematical problem"I easily lied.

"Oh okay. hey! Have you heard of the New guy.Girls are going gaga over him"she said dreamily.

"And let me guess one of them is you"I raised an eyebrow accusingly.

"What no I was trying to figure out if you had any interest in him so you know this time I can play cupid or something like you always do"

"Dove how many times do I have to tell you.I don't wan-"I was cutter off when someone bumped into me.What is up with me and bumping into people today?

Falling, I waited for the ground to make contact with me but it never happened someone managed to grab my waist to prevent my fall.

I stared into my rescuers green eyes when a someone cleared their throat to bring me back to reality.


End of chapter 6.Hope you liked it.This is not edited so pointing out grammatical mistakes is most appreciated.


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