Slapped the Ex!

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Love all,trust a few,do wrong to no one.
-William Shakespeare.

Rose's pov

I was looking at Dove and Logan in awe.They looked so cute together.Logan was telling her his experience of his first time on the rollercoaster and how he puked over the old ladies down below.I scrunched my nose in disgust however Dove found it quite amusing and laughed hysterically.

I haven't seen her laugh this much since...well ever.Even with Daniel she used to just smile or grin but not laugh like now.

I was smiling so much that my cheeks were about to hurt.Seeing Dove smile,laugh and even blush was so pleasing after how I saw her last night.

I looked at Jay,he was lost in his own world.First he wanted to sit with me now he wasn't even talking to me.

Martin had to leave to catch his certain female friend 'Natalia George'.
He has had a crush on her since last year but he hasn't got the guts to go ask her out.I know she likes him too,I tell him that but he just tells me he'll say it when he's ready.

Anyway I snapped Jay out from whatever he was thinking by telling him that Dove and Logan looked cute with each other.He agreed but the next question aggravated me.

"Doesn't she have a boyfriend?"

"No they broke up last night"I said with a frown.

I remembered I still haven't confronted Daniel and got up from my seat saying to Jay I had something to do and left without looking back.

I looked for Daniel in the hallway.I found the dirty rat sucking faces with some red head.

I pulled Daniel's right ear back to stop him from kissing the red head.

The girl saw my furious expression and backed away from Daniel but she was still here.

"Leave!"I spoke in a venomous tone and within seconds she dispersed.

"oww what the hell Rose?"Daniel howled,rubbing his ear.

"How dare you cheat on Dove?"

"Rose we both agreed we both weren't working out that's why we broke up."He explained.

"I wasn't asking about the break up I was asking about before the break you cheated on her with who-Maria,you know how much she hates her but still you did 'it' with her"I screamed.

He smirked at me and began walking towards me.I walked back until my back hit the wall of the hallway.

"wh-wha-what are you doing"I stuttered.

"You know Rose now that Dove and I have broken up I can finally tell how I feel about you.I always liked you Rose."he was inching closer and closer to my face.Was he going to kiss me?!No I won't let him.

I used all my force to push him back.I saw Dove standing right there with an unreadable expression looking between me and Daniel.

She walked over to me"I thought you were my friend,my sister,I trusted you and here you are making out with my EX!"she cried.

"No Do-"I tried to explain it yo her but she cutted me off.She walked even closer and now her back was facing Daniel and he couldn't see her face.

"How could you?!"she roared.

Then she winked at me.Wait winked at me that means she-is acting.I mentally face plamed my self for falling for her acting skills.She always has to create drama.She says it adds spice to life.I nodded in acknowledgment.

She sent me a small smile before continuing her tragic scene.

"And you know what hurts the most?"she asked to no one in particular but turned to come completely face to face with Daniel and then slapped him.

Ouch now thats going to hurt.You had that right there subconscious.

The sound boomed through the now full hallway with people who were no noticing Dove's amazing stage acting.

And Dove continued"When your ex is trying to make you hate your best friend."leaving Daniel completely speechless,holding on to his now swollen red cheek.

She grabbed my arm and we both bowed to the audience and leaved the 'stage',giggling.

"Wow tell me not to get on your bad side."I joked.

"Well I did learn from the best.Anyway why didn't you hit him?"she asked.

"He just got way close to me and I actually lost my senses for sometime until I pushed him away I promise I was going to give him a good beating after that but you came.Nice acting by the way"I winked at her.

She chuckled"Thanks."Then her face grew serious"Rose you didn't had to go after him.I'm seriously fine."she assured.

"Yeah I got that by the way you were drooling over Logan"I wiggled my eyebrows and she turned red like a tomato.

"Hey you look at Jay the same way"she retorted,I sighed how many times have I told her I don't like Jay.

"With hatred?" "No with love" "How many times do I have to tell you-" "Rose you said it yourself without love there is no hatred cause they're two sides of a single penny." "Yes but that was the old me-" "No Rose that is The Real You and I know Rose she's still in you,you just have to listen to your heart not your brain for once"she stated as if sure that the person I am now is not the real me.

Oh how I want to tell her that this is the real me but I can't because I know she's right this isn't the real me.This is just a wall that is being built around my heart to protect me from anymore damage.

"But Dove if only you know that my heart no longer exists because you can fix something that is broken but not something that is shattered."I whispered to myself as she began to walk infront.


End of chapter 14.hope you liked it.can you guess what might have happened to Rose to be shattered.I remind you this story is not edited so if you find any mistakes do let me know.


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