I need to go see her!

139 28 45

"Just because you love someone don't let them treat you badly."

Jay's pov

"Dude get a grip man, she's just some girl."Logan rolled his eyes as I continued to chug down the alcohol straight from the bottle, feeling the slight burning sensation at the back of my throat.

"Just some girl?! She's my rose!"I growled at him.

"She has a boyfriend, you said it yourself, so why don't you just move on.Delete her from your life, delete her messages, her number, her 237 photos of her-sleeping, eating, talking...Wow!Can I just say you my friend, have a talent in stalking." He stated while scrolling through my phone.

"I'm not a stalker! I just observe her from a far."I paused.

"Plus even if I delete her number or her photos, How can I delete her voice, her face, her Hazel eyes-that haunt me in my sleep,the memories I have with her?!"I took another slug of the whiskey.

"What memories?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Well there was one time when I kissed her in her sleep-" He cut me off.

"You kissed her while she was unconscious?!" He repeated in disbelief. " I may know why she doesn't want you." He muttered under his breath.

"Hey!" I shouted at him, offended. He sheepishly sent me a grin and shrugged.

"Ya know, she asked me about you..."he trailed off.My face light up in hope, maybe she loves me too.

She has a boyfriend, remember?

Dang it! You crush all my dream!

"What did she ask?"I asked nonchalantly, but on the inside I was a mess of nervousness and excitement.He smirked.

"Just that if you were ok and where you were?" He thought for a moment before continuing."Actually she looked like a mess, she was asking pretty much everyone if they have seen you somewhere."

"What?!"I shouted.She must be worried about me.

"What did you tell her?" I asked.

"Well...I didn't say anything just glared at her....Oh and she sent you loads of texts too."

"But I didn't get any messages..."

"That's because I had your phone all week."I got up, trying not to stumble, and snatched the phone from him.It had over 25 unread messages and 45 calls from Rose.

My rose: Good night Jay.

My rose: Jay you didn't show up for maths class today....are you ok?

My rose: Jay, I'm getting worried.

My rose: Jay you missed our torturing session.

My rose: hello you there Jay?

My rose: Jay, where are you?

My rose: Jay please stop this if you're pranking me...I'm really worried.


My rose: JAY ARE YOU OK?

My rose: no ones telling me where you are.

My rose: Logan glared at me when I asked him about you...I dont know if he did that cause he hates me in general or of something else.

My rose: Jay...

My rose: Jay I know you're reading this.

My rose: Jay are you mad at me?

My rose: what did I do?

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