Don't hate you just despise your exitance!

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Truth is everybody is going to hurt you:you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.
-Bob Marley

Jay's pov

I walked out if the cafeteria as the bell had already rang.This day is the worst day of my life.My so called mystery girl hates me.ughh why did I have to challenge her like that.The truth is I liked the way she was giving me attention-she looked so cute when her nose flared with anger.Why am I so messed up?

I looked from my locker to see a figure approaching me.It was her.I quickly turned around,not wanting her to shout at me again.

When I felt a hand on my arm.I turned around to face her.Her touch send tingles through me.She removed her hand.I frowned at the loss of contact.

"Jay I'm-"

"Its okay"Dismissing whatever she was about to say.

"No Jay it's not.You don't deserve the way I treated you.I'm really really sorry"she apologized.

"Why do you hate me so much?"getting straight to the point, not knowing what I did for her to not like my presence.Since morning she's been ignoring me.

Wow you sound like a lovesick puppy.

"What?"she asked again,shocked by my question.

"Why do you hate me-"she cutted me off.

"I don't hate you."she answered,my heart was doing cartwheels until she continued"I just despise the whole male population."I frowned at her response,so she does hate me because I'm a guy?

It was as if she sensed my sadness and quickly added"excluding some people,like you"and my whole face lighted up like a Christmas tree.

"So friends?"I putted my hand forward for her to shake.

"More like acquaintances"she answers shaking my hand.I felt electricity flowed through my body.

"So what's your name?"

"Don't you already know?like Dove did yelled it out after all"

"No I want you to tell me your name."

"Rosetta Carlson at your service"she mocked my earlier introduction.

"Nice to meet you,M'lady"

"The pleasure is all mine,kind sir"and bobbed a curtsy to me.I chuckled at her childishness.

"Well I better head to class,bye Jay"she walked away from me and waved like an angel.

I waves back finally feeling blissful.That this time when she walked away she was happy and I got her name.

Great now all we have to do is stalk her,right.I shaked my head and set out for my next class.

Rose's pov

School finally finished.And I was outside the school building.When Dove showed up in her new car.I opened the door and hopped in.

"So did you talk to Jay?"was the first question she asked.She must really like Jay.

"yeah, I apologized to him"I nodded.

"Great!so the wedding's still on then"I rolled my eyes at her as she giggled at her fantasy.

She parked infront of my house.I got out and leaned in the window to ask"you coming?"

"No"she shook her head and continued"I've got to get home,I have a date with Daniel tonight"

"I can doll you up if you want?"I suggested.

"No offence Rose but you couldn't do make up even if your life depended on it so I actually don't want to look like a clown like in the 8th grade,when you tried to make me look like sleeping beauty for the play."

"Hey I'm not that bad."I pouted and she gave me a look."okay okay I'm even worse"I held up my hand in mock surrender and backed away from the car.I waved as her car left.

I turned around to face the front door of my house.Searching for the keys in my pockets and finally found it.I unlocked the door and stepped inside.

Smelling the air.sniff sniff...smoke!


End of chapter 9.hope you liked it.this story is not edited so plz point out if you see any grammatical mistakes.


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