Using Harry Styles!

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You will be someone's best thing.

Rose's pov

"Get up Rose!"Dove shouted,shaking my shoulder.I groaned and replied"No,I wanna sleep."

"Rose come on we're going to be late"she continued to shake me.

"10 more minutes Rose,Harry styles is just about to kiss me."

"Harry styles or Jay?huh?"She teased.

"Shut up and let me sleep.I'm sick."I threw a pillow at her.

"Rose if you don't get up I'll dump a bucket of cold water on you right now"she dared

I still didn't move an inch so she started counting"1.....2...."

"ok ok I'm up"I scrambled out of bed and during the process fell down.


"Serves you right.Now get up,get cleaned and meet me down stairs in 10 minutes or I'm leaving you."She said pushing me towards the bathroom.

I was brushing my teeth when I suddenly realised.Dove seemed fine.How could she be fine?She just broke up with her boyfriend of 2 years!And the last time they were on their supposing 'break' she cried her eyes out for whole two weeks.

Although I always haven't like Daniel,but if he made her happy I was okay with him,but I never took him to be a cheater.

How is she coping with the break up?
Weren't they in love like she said?I have to ask her.

I went down stairs and saw Dove munching on my mum's famous chocolate marshmallow cookies that is the only thing Mum can make in the kitchen.

"Ready?"she asked and I just nodded in response.We both said goodbye to mum and jumped in her car.

"So how are you coping with the 'breakup'?"I asked.

"Oh I'm fine"she waved her hand like it wasn't a big issue.

"Are you really okay?"still not believing a word she said.How could I she was spending her nights crying for him just a few months a ago.

"Yeah I'm really okay.I know it's hard to believe but I'm seriously okay.I always knew we weren't going to last and after a while we both were just staying with each other because we were afraid of being alone you know self-preservation.Yeah we didn't love each other and even on our dates we weren't paying attention to each other like he was always eyeing others girls and I didn't mind and the fact that I didn't mind proves that I didn't care about him although I am really mad at me for doing what he did couldn't he wait to do that after our break up?"

I waited for it to sink in.Wow I was way off key and my mind was still running blank and all I could say was"oh."

We reached school and we headed towards our lockers.Dove's and mine locker were actually very close mine was '289' while her's was '285.'

I closed my locker to see Martin standing next to me.As soon as I turned he enveloped my in a bone crushing hug.

"Thankyou thankyou thankyou "Still squeezing the life out of me.

"Can't....breath"I choked out.He finally
let go of me,when someone cleared their throat.Jay was standing there glaring at Martin,his face red with anger.

"You two done yet"he asked.

Martin shot him an evil smirk and spoke"Not quite".

He faced me once more and again hugged me,I was stunned but still hugged back.He leaned close to my ear and stated"He's got hots for you so let's make him jealous"I giggled and he hugged me even tighter."Now for the grand finale"he stepped back and his faced came close to mine and gave me a quick kiss-on the cheek.He winked at me and left.

I saw Jay,furious to say is an understatement.His hands were balled into fists and his jaw clenched.I have to he looked pretty scary.

Not to mention hot.Oh you're back again I was wondering where were you today.

Jay walked over to me and then walked around me as if I was invisible and left without a word.I shrugged and walked to Maths class.

I sat in my usual seat,next to Jay.Trying to focus on what Mr Carter was saying but I couldn't because of the guy who was sitting next to me clicking his pen.


End of chapter 11.hope you liked it.if you find any grammatical mistakes plz inform me,it would be most appreciated.


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