They kissed!

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"Everyone has that one friend,They would choose over anyone-to watch movies with, hang out with, talk with-to do anything with doesn't matter.They're always going to be the first heart wrenches when I realized I'm not that friend to least not anymore..."

Rose's pov

You know that time when you're trying to ignore someone but it's hard when they are constantly throwing paper balls at you? Yeah that's what happening with me right now.

Guess who's finally back?


I thought I would be happy but honestly I don't know if he's bipolar or something because sometimes he's just so prefect and other times-like this-he's just acting like a jerk.

Each crumpled paper ball had a different message inside.

Are you ignoring me?

Are you mad?

I'm sorry.

The first three former ones were well nice but the latter ones were just irritating.

One hit the side of my head and landed on my desk.My nose flared with anger as I opened up the crumpled piece of paper.

It didn't take me long to realize that it was another one from Jay,judging by his impoverish handwriting.'I like what you did with your hair today.Did your hair get stuck in the washing machine?' It read.

I took a deep breath trying to control myself from pouncing on him-and not in a good way.

Well so much for worrying about an asshole....

I knew I probably looked like crap but he didn't have to point it out.My physical appearance wasn't my biggest priority compared to him...I hate him.

It took all my sanity to not bang my head down on the desk.My grip on my pen tightened and I scribbled something below his writing.
'Oh gee how did you know that? o_O
I know you're creepy and obsessed with me but you don't have to stalk me." I crumpled the paper back and threw it back at him,hitting his face, Score!

Before I knew it something again hit the side of my head and fell to the ground.I slammed my hand on the desk as I reached down to pick it up.
'Did your grandma dress you today?'

I groaned in annoyance.Where is nice Jay when you need him?

'Did your dog dress you today?' I replied and threw it back to him one again.

'That doesn't even make sense.' He replied.

'Well your face doesn't make sense!'

'Don't lie to me, I know you love my face.You ogle my handsomeness when I'm not looking.'

'Handsomeness is not a word genius. Has anyone ever told you that you are so stupid?'

My eyes began to twitch when the ball hit my head once again.I snapped my head towards his direction and glared at him.But as if he was immune to it, he continued to look at me with amusement.Oh why can't this class be over so I can kill him!

'I always knew I was a genius! And Rose you just called me a genius so logically I'm not stupid.' He poked his tongue out.

So mature.

"Can you stop bothering me, Stone?!"I whisper-yelled.

"Stop pretending you don't like it." He retorted, smirking.

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