I'm glad I kept you!

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"You can't judge people until you have seen the world from their point of view."

Rose's pov

I closed my eyes, thinking.Thinking about my past, I don't think I could ever move on.I tried being strong so strong like nothing could effect me but here I am curled up on my bed, my knees brought up to my chest, my eyes bloodshot and puffy from crying.I never thought I would have an actual fight with Dove.

I guess she is right at some point.Jay hasn't done anything wrong but...people change as devil was once an angel.Is he just pretending to like me? I don't even know if he does like me.I'm hopeless.

I don't think I should go.Dove can't be right about him loving me, I'm messed up no one would love me, he would be an idiot if he does.

Well he is an idiot.

I laughed silently as I had flash backs.

"I want you to marry me..." 

"We have got to stop meeting like this..." 

"Why do you hate me so much?.."

"No,I want you to tell me your name..."

"I'll never leave you, not again..." 

"In your smile and your eyes I see-"

My thoughts were cut off by the faint sound of knocking and the door creeking open.I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep so that the intruder would give away like being dead would drive the bear away.But of course Mum isn't an animal.

"Rose, I know you're awake."She stated.The bed dipped down as she sat behind me and tugged on my shoulder so that I would turn.I laid flat on my back staring at the ceiling blankly.

"Aren't you going to go to the dance?"She questioned.

"Mum, I know you heard the argument so stop trying to play I-don't-know-I'm-just-curious card."I grumbled,I have her a blank look.

"Well you two aren't the most quietest people I know."She chuckled and despite how was I feeling I felt my lips curving into a small smile.

"Look Rose, I think you-"I cut her off, without a doubt I knew she was going to say something about Jay.

"Mum, I don't want to hear it."I refused to listen to a word this woman infront of me.

"Rose-"I was about to open my mouth but she put her finger on my lips shushing me."-Do not cut me off again or you're grounded." I frowned.

"Rose, I know you're trying to protect yourself and all but you should consider going to the dance."

"That boy adores you Rose.Like who in the world is crazy enough to wake up at midnight and get someone food?" She smirked as my eyes widened in horror.She knows?!

"What? Do you take me to be an idiot? Sweetheart I'm twice your age and sneaking out? Ha that's child's play I used to-"

"Yeah, yeah mum I don't want to hear about the time you took pot." She scowled at me.

"I'm not that bad of a mother that I'll tell my child about that, besides you smoke pot not take it." she,  immaturely, poked her out tongue at me.I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways don't try to change the subject! I know all about your rendezvous-"

"-You could hardly call them rendezvous as the weren't even pre-planned-"

"-you are going and that final otherwise you're grounded for life-"I cut her off.

"You can't ground me forever, I'll be a full adult (18) in just a couple of months."I said triumphantly.

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