Chapter 1

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"Get your fat-ass up, twats! You're gonna be late for school!", shouts Louis. 

I groans at my eldest brother's, stuffing more pillows to my head. At first, I really thought that he already left but boy, I'm really should take back that thought when there's still time. As I'm trying to get some sleep, huge splash hits me and I scream at the top of my lungs, being too scared and shock at the sudden attack from freezing cold water. Louis practically laughing his butts off on the floor, rolling a little as he watch me getting all soaking wet from head to toe. What a great starter to starts my day. Growling angrily, I instantly jump off from my completely wet bed and look down to my night gown that's practically soaking wet. Glaring hard at Louis, I march my way towards him and grab him by the neck, squeezing it a little tighter which makes him begins to choke in my hold. I could tell that my wolf begs me to resurface and hurt my brother for disturbing us to get little more rest after such long, stressful, exhausting working day, yesterday. 

"I'm getting with all of this shits, Lou! All I'm asking right now is to be left alone and have little bit more rest, is that hard for you to get it inside your thick skull? I went hunting pack of rouges that trespassed my territories, that had made such big chaos in my territories. I even had to handled with kids who had lose their parents during the attacks! Don't you fucking have any ideas how tiring it was?! At least, I've did my part as a princess and an alpha to protect and cared my pack and other wolves, unlike you who just sits happily, protected behind this concretes not knowing what the actually fuck happened to your kind!", I snap. 

I practically sees nothing, but red inside my eyes and Louis have remorse looks on his face, which he always does whenever he tries to get away from my hold. I'm so close to kill him, but luckily, Zayn and Niall quick to be here, stopping me from continue the murdering process starts. It have been a routine for them to do such things, since Louis haven't quite learn his lesson when it comes to my short-temper. Dropping Louis down, Niall is fast to catch before he get hurt and I scoffs a little, rolling my eyes at my brothers. Being the only daughter and the youngest really sucks, but I'm still happy to have such awesome, sporting, caring, understanding yet over-protective and annoying brothers. Zayn motions me to get my shower, then head downstairs for breakfast before I can go to school. I've missed my school for couple days now, due to being too busy handling my pack's problems that keep hitting me one-by-one. Groaning once more, I begins to stomp my way to the connected bathroom inside my room and lock the door behind. I could practically hear my brothers trying to help Louis outside the bathroom, by my werewolf hearing. 

Ignoring them, I quickly strip off from my soaking wet night gown and take my hot shower real quick. Hot shower always help to relax my tensed muscles every morning. I starts to wash myself and take about 20 minutes to get myself all freshen up and clean. It's been a week after my 18th birthday and I should be able to find my mate, but I never get the chance to find him. Thinking that he'd be in another pack, I just feel slightly burden but also could be a good thing for my pack too. I dries myself real quick and step out from the bathroom to my closet, right next door. Shutting the door behind, I quickly get dress up into my outfit. I have my blank black fit tees and tight skinny-fit ripped denim jeans. I rock my outfit with pair of brown boots and tie my red plaid shirt loosely around my waist. Walking to the dresser, I quickly dry my hair with the hairdryer and brush it down for couple times. Moving on, I only apply light touch of makeup to my face and it only consist of foundation, compact powder, mascara, eyeliner and matte maroon lipstick. Before I step out from the closet, I have my black beanie with 'Chill' written in white, cursive letter on my head as I leave my long, dark chestnut brown hair down. 

Stepping out to my bedroom, I quickly grab my wallet and black matte iPhone 7 Plus from the wireless charger, stuffing them into my school backpack. I quickly put my backpack to my back and walk out from my room, heading downstairs to have breakfast with my breakfast. You might think that we lives in castle, but oh well. We are, matter of fact. As I head downstairs, I soon to be greets by the omegas in the hall but I only flash the warm smile in returns. They may be lowest in the rank, but I still treat them equally just like everyone, unlike some ungrateful wolves in certain packs. As I make my way down the hallway heading to the dining hall where my family should be at, I could hear noises of my brothers would always make from the dining hall in the hallway. Smile quickly pull to my face and I quicken my pace to the hall, before reaching there in time. Greeting my family, I give Mum and Dad a peck on their cheeks before I get myself down beside Luke. 

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