Chapter 16

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When Liam and I got back home, we cuddled 'til we both fell asleep but after we both woke up from the nap, we just head to different direction and doesn't even say a word to each other. I don't know, but I'm waiting for him to make his move 'cause it seems like I'm always doing most of the jobs in the relationship. Well, sure during the claim, he did his part first but that doesn't meant everything I've done was his works too. It was my effort to keep him safe, protected and happy. I make sure that he'd never get hurt ever again and instead, I'll take the pain away from him. Sighing, I pinch the bridge of my nose as I rest back against my chair behind my mahogany table. Right after waking from the nap, I head straight to the house office and continue to the pack's daily paperwork that always increase in numbers, every single days. As my hand drop to the armrest of my chair, my eyes begins to wander around my office 'til it lands on Liam and I's photo in a beautiful frame that I've set on my table. The sudden flashbacks of him with Cheryl keep coming back, hitting my mind over and over again, making me feel like wanting to burn the photo us together. 

"How did we ever end to be in this situation, babe? Y'know that I'd always love you no matter what, right? That I'd take all the hits so that you'd never be hurt again? But I don't need you to give me a personal hit by doing this to me. By betraying my own heart. I know that I've said those words so often, but trust me, when I said each words of it, I mean them with all of my heart. Please just don't break my heart again.", I mutters, brushing my finger gently right at Liam's photo. 

I've lots of his photos, but the one on my table right now is my most favorited ones. He looks rather beautiful with those soft, bright sunlight illuminates his face. Heavy sigh escapes once from my lips before I look away from it, shutting my eyes tightly. My mind had been running with one too many thoughts inside my head since I woke up from my nap and it's making my head throbs. 

"Moon Goddess, does this also part of the life cycle? Am I always getting the heartbreaking pain? Is he enjoying them to see me hurting behind him? Does he knows that I truly loves him and would do anything just for him?", I ask. 

I've always hope to hear answer from the Moon Goddess, but it's never gonna happen. It's rare to be happening, but I've once heard an old story that a wolf's prayer was answered by her, appeared right in front of him in all-white dress. Chuckling at myself, I shake my head and pick my phone from my table, unlocking them before I text with my friends. I get caught up with the gadget in my hands, not even realizing that the sky outside have gone dark. It is 'til Alex snap me out through the mindlink, telling me that Liam and Cheryl planning to leave the pack, tonight. That message is just enough have me standing on my feet, marching out from my office room, heading downstairs before walk straight to the front door. I sniff in the air and follows his scent which leads me straight to the pack house's car garage behind. I don't even bother to check if the door is lock or not, but instantly kick the door down, startling both Liam and Cheryl in there. They both jump at the loud, sudden slam noise made by the busted door before they averts their browns eyes on my hard, burning, darken, stormy icy grey eyes. I could feel my wolf trying to push herself out of me, to gain the control and kill her at once but again, I'm not the jealous bitch Alpha. 

"So, you're leaving with her? You're not coming back too? Well, that's just great. I should've know that you'd never be the same for me. I mean, who would've wanted a female Alpha in this pack and happens to be one of the Alpha King's princesses, isn't it? I'm nothing but a snob, selfish, over-confidence and so much more. I'm a brat and cruel. Cold-hearted and maybe that's the reason why you couldn't stay loyal with me.", I try to hold myself back from killing Cheryl at this very moment. 

Cheryl didn't think of anything but nods in respond, hums a little I begin to nods at them. I look my gaze with Liam, before glaring him hard.

"I don't know if you really in one of those fuckboys' kind but right now, I'm pretty sure that you are, Liam. Well, since both of us scared of rejection, let's not reject but again forget the claim you've made for me the other day. If you want to marry her so badly, please do so and you have absolutely zero blessing from me. I hope you'll have a pathetic, shitty, worthless lives out there and please never bring your faces back to my pack. I don't know if this is the right matter to do, but turning you both into rogue, it'd put you in big danger since Liam doesn't learn much about the self-defense techniques. He's pretty hard-headed to me, but I guess he always oblige to your order no matter fucking shits. So long, bitches! Hope you'll rot in hell!", I tell. 

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