Chapter 19

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I don't know how long I've been put down, but when I wake up, I find myself in very familiar room. Ward room. The beeping noise of machine that have wires connecting to my chest are the only noise I could hear, besides my heavy breathe. I feel very hurt at my lower abdomen, as if I've someone pierced something sharp for multiple times or it could've been my monthly-time. Soon enough, Max walk into my room and smile warmly to me, greeting me. I hums, nodding to me before look at him with slight frown. 

"How are you feeling now, Alpha Cass?", ask Max. 

I quickly explain my pain on the lower abdomen and aching back too. He hums and nods, writing whatever I tell him to the clipboard, then begin to run some routine checks on me. He even check on my stomach, when I find my stomach looks bit shown than last time. Frowning at the sight of it, I pull Max by his sleeve and look at him with confusion on my face. 

"I didn't look like this, last time, do I?", I ask. 

Max frowns a little, before realizes that I'm talking about my showing stomach. He chuckles softly, before shake his head to me. Looking at me whose still lost, he finally explain everything back. 

"You became surrogate mother to Liam and Cheryl's twin pups. It was your decision, past week. You said that you wanted to saved them and give them a life to lives. When we're doing the transfer, I found that you were still virgin, so it was really good thing 'cause your womb are very healthy at the moment. Also, I was glad that I've put you down or it'd be really painfully procedure for you to go through. I didn't knew that you were still a virgin 'til that time and during the transferring, you've lose your virginity at the same time. It's the only way to transferring the embryos inside you.", explain Max. 

I look at him as if I'm about to burst, instead I just look down to my stomach that's starting to shows more. Absentmindedly, I rub my hand across my stomach before sigh heavily. 

"So, now what? I really have no idea with any of this.", I say. 

Max look at me with knowing looks, before giving me a book. It's a pregnancy book on what can and can't do throughout the pregnancy phases and after pregnancy phases. I look at the book, then back to Max with deep frown on my face. 

"That will help you, Alpha Cass. Food pyramid that you'll need to follow-up during the pregnancy and since you're at first trimester, it's gonna be really hard on you. You'll be constantly throwing up, having weird cravings and late night's cravings. Your body will starts to go through another phase of developing. But I can tell you this. Every women after their pregnancy, they'd look much more beautiful and glowing, and trust me, it does. My mate still looks glowing 'til now.", tell Max. 

I hums, nodding to him knowing that I could actually trust every of his words. Sighing once more, I look down to my slightly shown stomach before small smile escape to my face. 

"It's the sacrifice that I take for them.", I mutters. 

Max look at me with pursed lips, squeezing my shoulder lightly before assures me that everything will work out for us. I hums, not knowing if that'd be true or just something to bring my hopes down, then crash and burn into hell. 

"Max, make sure you don't open your mouth about this to anyone. Not even to Alex, Liam, your mate, Carla. If not, you'll be on my list.", I tell. 

He smile and nods, giving his words to me. I smile back and nods, thanking him. He nods again, before informing that I'm good to check out today and he'll be setting up a monthly appointment for me and the pups that's growing inside me. I nods and thanks him again, before he help taking the wires and tube off me, then leave me to get change. I quickly get change into my last time's clothes that left folded at the lounge before leave the hospital gown on the bed. Slipping on my flats, I soon to leave the room and head to the reception counter, to get my slip. Susie, whose working behind the counter sees me and quickly bows to me in submission, before throwing me a warm smile. 

"Morning, Alpha Cass. How'd you feel, today?", ask Susie. 

I smile and nods, giving her an okay's sign. She grin and nods back, before print out my appointment slip with Max, next month then pass it to me. I thanks her, before round to the pharmacy to get the meds from Max. On the way there, we meet halfway and he soon to pass me a bag of prescribed drugs for my pregnancy. 

"Take care, Alpha Cass. Call me if there's something goes wrong.", tell Max. 

I nods and thanks him, bidding him goodbye before head to the forensic hall, where I park my car outside. Unlocking my car, I climb inside it and bring the engine back alive, before driving it away heading back home. Max's words starts to circling inside my head and it's really a lot for me to take-in. I guess, I'd be needed to talk this with Mum as she's the most experienced people I've known for long and really good at giving advises or tips. Just as I reach my house, I park the car at the driveway and about to climb out, when the door being pull open by Liam. I look at him in shock, to find him already out from the hospital before me but quickly shrugs at him. Climbing out from the car, I push his hand down to help me getting out before I shut the door and lock the car. I walk towards the house with Liam hot on my tail. Just as I'm about to enter the house, I stop and sigh heavily, turning around to face him. 

"Look, I don't even know what we are now. I'm not even sure that we're still together in this thing. It's very confusing and I need to clear my head up. And for you, you're still not forgiven. Get that inside your head. You'll not be forgiven 'til your earn them. Work your way to get my forgiveness, Liam 'cause I'm already tired of giving everything straight to your face. It was stupid of me to do so, but now I've learnt my lesson. Also, you'll be living in your old room at the pack house. I really need time and spaces from you. For now, you can do whatever you desires but don't get into my way.", I tell. 

He looks absolutely hurt, but nods understandingly to me. I didn't want to do this to him, but he needs to understands of his mistakes. Of the pain he caused me. Turning my back to him, I enter the house and lock the door behind, leaving him standing outside at the doorway before I head upstairs to my room, to get some rest. This whole thing starting to get me overwhelm and tired, so easily. Also, I'll be needed to go out for shopping with maternity things and babies stuffs' too. I'd need to make a nursery for them too. This is gonna bring lots of questions to my whole pack when they sees my stomach growing in size. Well then, I should be prepare with really good explanation to them when everything starts to get more noticeable than last time. And I know this is going to be hard for Liam to accept the fact that I've made a decision to be surrogate mother to his and Cheryl's pups. That I've made another sacrifice for him. 

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