Chapter 8

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After hours and hours of letting Doctor do his work, Liam are good to be visit but he's still down in his sleep. Max, the pack doctor even tell me that he isn't sure when he's gonna wake 'cause he take in big impact from hit on his head. Plus the untreated wounds from the work of his abusive Dad are still healing. Hearing all of this just makes me see nothing but red. Max only manage to pull an apologetic looks to me, which I really don't need it at all. Growling, I march out from the pack hospital and about to climb back into my car when out of nowhere Alex's grey wolf appears in front of me. I groans, heading back inside the hospital before ask back the shorts that Liam worn earlier. Lyla quickly pass it to me and I thanks her, before jogs back outside and pass it to Alex to get change into it. 

"Alpha Moron is calling. At your office.", informs Alex. 

I frowns, but understands what he's trying to tell me. Groaning a little, I nods before we both hop into my car. Starting the engine, I begins to drive the car heading back to the pack house. You must be wondering whose that moron we're talking about. Well, he's the alpha to the neighbouring pack and he's known to be biggest moron, fuckhead and useless. His name is Charles Xavier and he's the alpha to Blue Moon pack. Yeah, the pack that attack my pack in the past 2 decades and that time the pack was ruled by his father, Adam Xavier. Whenever Charles nor any of his family member give a call or request for a meeting or visitation in our pack, that means no good. Charles maybe a moron and fuckhead, but he always gets whatever he wants. And he always want war to increase their territories. If he wants mine, then we'll fight 'til the last drop of blood. 

"I don't feel good, Cass.", Alex speak. 

I look at him with pointed look, before look back to the road. The last time I've gone to a war when I was 16 and that was between Charles' pack 'cause I wanted to take back what supposed to be mine and I successfully get it back after ripping Charles' dad's right arm from his body. I guess this could be a revenge, but whatever it is, we're gonna find out soon. Reaching the house pack, I quickly park the car at the driveway and run inside the house as fast as my feets could bring me. I practically storm into my office room, to find Capri my 3rd command are in my room with worries plaster every inch of his face. Pursing his lips tightly, he pass me the office phone to me and quickly back away from me as fears shade in his blue eyes. He always does those, when he knows that I'll be pissed. Guess this gonna pissed me off or something. Pursing my lips too, I press the phone against my right ear and clears my throat a little, greeting to Charles. 

"Took you so long to get my call, Cassandra.", Charles snickers. 

My brows furrows tightly, so does my hands curling up tightly into fist. I could feel the hold on the phone tighten 'til my hand turns white. Taking a deep breath, I try to push those off my head but he seems to like it as he begins to add more fuel into the small burning fire inside me. Growling at him, I almost bark at him but Alex stop me. 

"C'mon, kitty. You've been softie now, after found your mate, huh?", Charles speak. 

That's when my face turns white, all color drains off from my whole face and body. Shock can be seen all over my face, to hear Charles saying that. Though I supposed to be growling at him for calling me those, but I'm just too shock after finding out about him knowing my mate. How could he ever know about this? How did he-

"Surprised, Princess? Well, don't be. Little birdie told me everything I need to know about you. Now, that I have weapon to bring you down, I just can't wait for our little party to start.", Charles laughs. 

Alex and Capri get even more worried as I haven't speak a word in return, yet I still in deep shock. My mind can't stop running about weapon, Charles, war but mostly Liam. Liam suddenly get the strong grip inside my mind, making me snap out from my own shock before I shake my head in disbelief. 

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