Chapter 11

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"Alright, everyone! Listen up! If we want to be back at the top in the eyes of the world, I need to give me your everything into this practice! I need you to give me your everything 'cause I don't want me, whose going to push you to your limits but I want you to be the one who can jump over your limits! This may not be those trainings we had before, 'cause I'm gonna take it all slow but at same time, it'll be really painful. Now, chop-chop! Find yourself a partner and please, by partner, I mean anyone that's not your mates. Females will be fighting other females and males do the same thing with other males. This is a test for all of you to go through and I want to have you ready for a battlefield that we might not realize it's gonna happening sooner or later. I want you to imagine your partner to be your enemy that you're fighting with, but if I let you train with your mate as your partner, I doubt you'd hit them.", I tell. 

Everyone look at me, understood with the points I'm trying to tell them. It's been only a week I'm back, here and everyone have gone back to their productive lives. As everyone find themselves a partner, Alex smirk at me and I know why he did so but I quickly shake my head to him. 

"And for you, Alex. I have a special work for both of us to do.", I averts my gazes to Liam whose now standing uncomfortably on his feets from the looks I'm giving him right now. 

Jonathan about to pair up with Liam, but I quickly tell him that Liam is off for special training. The lad nods, didn't object at all before I call Liam to follow me and Alex to another training room. He looks very nervous, to the point he could break but I quickly assures him that we're just gonna train him so that he'll be stronger just like others. He purse his lips and nods still, before I leave the mat for him and Alex to use. 

"Alright, Liam. Follow every moves Alex did and listen carefully to my voice. Pay attention and focus, 'cause if you don't then you'll be totally dead in the battlefield.", I tell. 

He look at me for a little, but nods still. I hums, taking few steps back from the mat before nods to Alex, to see him giving the same reaction. Alright, let's the party starting! I keep giving orders for every moves and techniques, watching Liam struggling to follow Alex's moves. I groans, stopping the training after 15 minutes of going through the same things but Liam never get the right rhythm to match with Alex's. Looking at Liam, I shake my head in slight disappoint before Alex walks off to the side, drinking his water. 

"C'mon, Liam! I'm being totally serious about this! You need to be really focus in this training and if you lose that focus, you could get yourself hurt or die in the battle in the future. I care for your safety as much as I love you, but I really can't go with this training if you don't empty your mind and focus! If you're actually thinking about Cheryl right now, please just for forget everything about her for only an hour and half! Only for this training! Once you've learnt all the moves and tactics to fight your enemies, I'm pretty sure you can defend your own life by yourself with everything self-defence techniques we've teach you! Even better, you can kick someone's ass for messing with you.", I tell. 

His lips are tightly purse to thin line, while his eyes are staring straight down to the mat we're currently stepping on. I groans, shaking my head before looking down to my barefoot. I really don't want to do this, but I need to. Without any warning, hard blow lands to Liam's right jaw making him stumbling behind before fall to the mat, looking at me in disbelief. Heavy pants escapes my mouth while my eyes are tightly squint shut, as I'm trying to hold the pain that I'm currently feeling on my right jaw. The same amount of painful force that I exerts to Liam's right jaw, could be feel on my own. Well, the bond still kick strongly. He look at me very shock and disbelief, while Alex in other hand is taken back with the moves I decide to take on him. Positioning myself to stand tall on my feets, I look down at Liam in slight disgust. 

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