Chapter 21

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"Wait! So, you're telling us that you're right now a surrogate mother to your mate's mistress' pups? But why? We thought that you hated her with passion.", ask Eleanor, in confusion. 

Sighing a little, I play with my salad for a bit before look at them with pursed lips. Shrugs to them, I tell them the exact thing that I've told Mum and Dad. That had them all in shock and speechless for far too long in the room. They all look at me with sad smile, before assuring me that what I did is actually something brave and should be proud of. I huff a little, before shrugs to them. 

"I don't think that's what Mum and Dad see. All they know that I'm an idiot and always jump to final decision without even thinking them thoroughly.", I say, stabbing my fork into my caesar salad. 

The girls look at me with sad looks, before sighing a little to me. I feel bad for what I say, 'cause I know that they meant to cheers me up but instead, I only put myself down more than I wanted to. Muttering my apology to them, Gigi quick to assures me that's alright. 

"Trust me, Cass. Mum and Dad are just being speechless 'cause you're way braver than they thought you are. I mean, look it up. Who would ever want to be surrogate mother to pups of your mate's mistress, besides you? Plus, you did those with a very good intention and that's just make things even better. Seriously, if someone tell you that you're stupid for doing that, you tell me so that I could kill that piece of shit who doesn't appreciates other's courage. Only people with real heart, emotions and absolutely brave will take that risk to save the pups. Not everyone dares to that thing, 'cause it's dangerous. Not only will kill the pups, but will also kill you if the doctor make a mistake in the procedure.", tell Gigi, firmly. 

Smile crack to my face, before shaking my head to her. Zayn is very lucky to find her as his mate. She's very good at all of this, but mostly she's very protective, warm, smart, caring and funny. Really fits his missing puzzle, perfectly. The girls nods to her, in agreement before look at me with pointed looks on their faces. I can't help to feel much better and relief, before nodding to them. Thanking them, we all continue to eat our lunches with some chats and jokes crack at the table before we can continue with some shopping. 

"Ugh! I really don't know anything about maternity clothes, but I also don't want to look like a bloody clown when I'm wearing those. This is gonna be hard to choose.", I say. 

The girls look at me as if I'm crazy for talking by myself. Shrugging to them, I quickly finish my salad before drink my orange juice. After 15 minutes, Allyssa get the bills paid by using Harry's credit card before we all pile out from the restaurants with some of our shopping bags. The girls are happily to offer their service on helping me to look for some nice, classy, beautiful maternity clothes for me to wear when my stomach grows bigger in size, in the next couple months. The trip goes on for hours long before we decide to call it a day. Well, actually I decide to call it a day as my foots throbs like I've been walking for straight a week without even stopping. 

"Alright, mama bear. Let's go back home.", Zoey chuckles behind me. 

I groans, but nods still to her before following the girls' tails behind. Zoey make sure to walk next to me, just in case if I'm feeling bit weird. Piling back to our cars, I'm gonna need to drop them all back to the palace, then I can head back to my pack. I've been away from my pack, for whole day and Alex surely would want to have me comeback, tonight. We soon to hit the road after exiting the mall's parking lot, speeding a little down the road. 

"So, how far are you now?", ask Alya. 

I look at her through the front-view mirror, before hums. Shrugging to them, they all look at me with odd looks before shake their heads to me. 

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