Chapter 3

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After driving for awhile, we finally arrives the Black Blood pack. Looking at Liam, I see him still fast asleep. The bruises on his face are still visible to my eyes though it's healing up fast. I could feel my wolf begging for me to let it resurface and rip his piece of shit Dad's head off for hurting, breaking my mate apart. All this time, I wonder how long have he been handling those beat up from his old man. I guess, he's actually really strong in in the inside, but weak in the outside. Maybe I should know him better than jump to the conclusion and judge him for what he is in the outside. The guilts begins to eat me up alive, over again and heavy sigh begins to escapes from my lips. Shaking my head, I pull at the pack house and kill the engine before I turn to look at him, whose still fast yet peacefully asleep. I can't be more grateful to know that the windows and windscreen of my car are heavily-tinted and no one could see whatever happening inside this car. I bring my hand out to touch his face and when it's coming closer, my hand just stop. He looks so beautiful, but also frail and broken. This just hurts my heart even more. I think I have no such heart to reject this poor, broken mate of mine. Maybe I should just accept the fate that he's actually mine. For me and only me. Sighing heavily, I decide to drop my earlier intention to look at his face carefully and wake the sleeping lad up. 

It takes me a couple of minutes to get him up, but at least he's still conscious. Yawning and stretching a little, he look at me before getting all surprised for sudden. I almost jump in shock too, but I quickly calm down before cock my brow at him. 

"You look like you've seen a ghost with me. You're okay?", I ask. 

He still look at me in surprised, blinking his eyes for couple times before shake his head and look back to his laps over again. Sighing silently, I nods and quickly grab my backpack with me before tell him to get out from the car. He frowns, so I informs him that we've arrives at the pack house. He look at me again, in surprised and disbelief but purse his lips tightly and nods slowly to me. We both soon to pile out from the car and I lock it behind, waiting for him to come to my side which takes him couple of minutes to do it. Some people already giving us the odd looks, but with the glares I send to them, they all quickly dismiss from us. I lead him into the pack house, getting greets by few peoples in the house but as usual they gives Liam the odd looks. It makes the poor latter to be really uncomfortable, so I quickly ushers them all to go do their works. They all snap out from us, but nods quickly to my demands before leave. 

"C'mon. Right this way.", I tell. 

Liam nods and quietly follows my lead. I bring him upstairs to the third floor where my bedroom and my friends' are allocates. I know that Liam should be given a guest room, but he's my mate so he's staying in my bedroom. Bringing him to my bedroom, I quickly push him into the room and enters after him, shutting the door behind. He look around the room, in amazes which almost makes me wanna coo at his looks but I only shake it off from me. I just stand near the door and watch every of his moves 'til he bring his gaze back to me. 

"I-Isn't this your room?", ask Liam, stuttering bits. 

I hums, nodding a little before setting my backpack down to the couch beside me. I walk towards his direction and look at him, before smile softly to him. 

"Well, it is your room too, now. You're my mate and I'm not gonna let you stay in the guest room when you could've stay here with me.", I tell, truthfully. 

He look at me, first touched but the looks instantly fades into disbelief and he begins to shake his head to me as if he's disagreeing with my decision. I frowns, looking at him in confusion before he begs me to let him stay in different room than with me. I look at him, hurt suddenly shades my eyes but I only covers it up with anger and annoyed. Growling a little, he begins to bows his head a little to me in submission, whimpering a little. Walking closer to him, I tiptoes to his height and closing my face to the side of his head. 

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