Chapter 23

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"Alright, so we've got the result back. And looks like everything turns out to be great. The pups and Alpha Cass' health are good, too. The blood pressure, stress level, everything looks fine. That tells you a good news which means you won't be needed to stay the night over here. Remember to rest a lot, don't do any hard works and carry heavy stuffs. Also, eat healthily and a lot 'cause you're not feeding yourself only. You're feeding your pups too. Drink your maternity milk for extra nutrition, for the pups.", tell Max.

Pulling big smile on my face, I nods and thanks him before slowly getting up from my seat. Alex and Liam follows me out from the room and head walk down the hallway with relief looks on our faces. The three of us head straight to the hospital exit before we pile back into my car, but this time, Alex is driving behind the wheels while I sit at the backseat.

"Well, that's good news and close call but still, it's a good thing.", informs Alex.

I chuckles and nods, agreeing with him while Liam just hums. I can see Alex looking at Liam with an upset look for giving such respond, but I quickly distract him with something else.

"Hey, Alex. Can we go and grab something to eat? Those tests makes me really starving, now.", I say.

He chuckles and nods, getting the engine back to alive before drives the car away from the hospital. We decide to pick-up Sam from the pack house so that we could all have lunch together while leaving George, our second Beta to watch over the pack. I've link to Sam about this and she's happy to join us. Making a quick stop at the pack house, Alex give a good honk for a sign to his mate notice, before we all meet Sam racing out from the house into my car.

"Hey, guys! Babe.", smile Sam, warmly.

Sam knows about my pregnancy, but she didn't judge me, yet she thought that it's brave of me for able to take the risk. Alex drives the car away from the pack house, heading to the exit of our pack's territory.

"So, where are we having the lunch at?", ask Sam, eagerly.

We all shrugs at her, before I look at her for any suggestion. Humming a little, she soon to grin before telling Alex to drive to their usual place. I frowns a little, chuckles before asking where but instead of telling where, they decide to keep as a secret. Groaning at them, I look at them with bored looks before roll my eyes.

"All I can tell is that the food there is awesome and very delicious. It's a home-cooked cuisine and made full with love. I'm sure enough you'll like the food more than anything else.", smirk Sam.

Chuckling at her, I shake my head to her before calling her a dork. Alex glares playfully, but quickly hush by Sam. We both chat for a bit at the backseat 'til she brings up the topic about the pups.

"So, you're ready to be a mother?", ask Sam.

I look at her in surprised, before shrugs, pursing my lips a little. I can tell Liam is looking at me 'cause I can feel the spark just from his stares. Sam only smile before nods to me, squeezing my hand a little in reassurance. I sigh a little, before looking at her with small smile.

"Okay, how about the shopping? Have you created list of things need to buy for the pups? Clothes, cribs, bottles, toys?", ask Sam, eagerly.

I chuckles, knowing where this is going before shake my head to her. Grinning widely, she soon to suggest me that we all go for baby shopping, today. Alex is quick to agree with her idea, while Liam just shrugs in respond. I purse my lips, thinking that he might not be interested to be in this trip with all of us. Sam notices that, before kick Liam's seat from behind.

"Excuse me, do you want to join us or gonna find a cab to get back to the pack, huh?", ask Sam, while trying to control her upset too.

Liam startles bit, before look at us in disbelief. Well, more to like to Sam. Sighing, he nods to us responds.

"Of course, I want to be part of this. After all, she's my mate and whose gonna look after when both you goes all mushy, together? So, yeah. I'm coming.", he tell, firmly.

That instantly have Sam pulling a proud smile to her face, looking at me. Shaking my head, I only roll my eyes before look out the window. Yes, I want him to join the trip with us but he made this sounded like he's forced to go with us and I don't like that. I want this to be a good time for us to spend some good, quality time together. Sighing a little, Sam link me her apology but I quickly assures her it's fine, although she knows it very well that it isn't. After driving for what could be an hour, we finally arrives the town and soon to pull up at the Mexican bistro.

"We're having Mexican for lunch? Great! I'm totally down for that 'cause I'm madly craves for some good Mexican tacos.", I grin widely.

Sam and Alex chuckles, nodding to me before we all pile out from my car. Locking the car behind, we all soon to walk towards the entrance and Liam holds the door open for me. I almost flush at him, but I quickly brush them off yet nods still to him in thanks. He looks down a little before purse his lips to me. I follows Alex and Sam into the bistro with Liam following behind, as they lead us to a vacant booth in the bistro. Liam and Alex pull out the chairs for me and Sam before we gladly take a seat on them, as they pushes it closer to the table. Taking a seat next to us, a waiter soon to come over to our booth with menus and hands them over me. He brushes his hand over mine when he pass one to me, which instantly have Liam growls at him.

"Thank you.", he grits a little, before excuse the waiter away from the booth.

Sam and Alex snickers at me in the link, as they all notice how jealous Liam get when someone tries to get me. I can't help to feel good inside knowing he feel such to me. That means he cares for me. Looking through the menu, Sam suggest to try their famous tacos in the bistro as they have everything in it. The rice, the meat, the salsa and special sauce. Nodding, I decide to give a try and pair them with an orange juice. They all soon to order up before Alex call out for the waiter to take our orders. Once he arrives to our booth, we rain him with all of our orders and he quickly get them written into his notepad before repeat it back to us. Confirming it to him, we nods and soon he leave the booth with the menus. We all starts talking about everything that we can talk about 'til noise of glass smash fill the air.

My nose begin to catch a scent and I know it well. Alex, Sam and Liam is quick to stand and get in front me, in protecting stance while others scram all over the place in the bistro for protection.

"You always love to come around at bad time right, mutt?!", snarl Alex.

They growls back to him, but backing a step away from him. Neither of us realizes that actually they aren't alone. Lots more rogues enters the bistro, growling hard at us and before I could even say a word, I didn't realise Charles coming from behind 'til I feel something sharp stab into my neck. I almost yelp but instantly fall into unconsciousness before he take me away from there.

"See you later, Alexander.", smirk the rogue in front of them before they runs out from the bistro. Turning around to look at me, they find me nowhere on my seat. Liam is first to go into all-panic mode before he goes all frantic in the bistro.

"It was a distraction! It was a distraction to take her away!", Liam comb his hair in pure frustration.

Instead of staying for the foods they've ordered, they run out from the bistro and pile back into the car, begin to hit the road while trying to track those rogues down but they got no luck on that as those scents have been covered.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2017 ⏰

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