Chapter 20

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"Bluek", I continue to continue the content of my stomach for the god knows how many times, today. 

Max wasn't kidding at all about this effects. Ugh! Flushing the content away, I stay on the floor a little while leaning back against the wall. Sighing heavily, I slowly try to get up on my wobbly feet before make my way to the counter sink. Brushing my teeth to get rid of the horrible taste of my puke inside my mouth and on my tongue, I finally rinse it off with my peppermint-flavored mouthwash. Spitting the content out to the sink, I gasp a little before gargles with some tap water. Looking at myself in the mirror, I can't help to notice the tiredness in my eyes, the big, black eyebags hanging underneath my eyes and my skin looks bit pale like I'm sick. Groaning a little, I begin to splash some cold, tap water to my face before wiping it dry with a face towel hanging on the wall. Exiting the bathroom, I get to my closet and get dress as I'm going out for a shopping with my brothers' mates. I've never spend some time with them, so I guess this would be a good day to hangout with them for a bit. Also, maybe I could do some talking with Mum before we head to the mall. I get dress into my black super skinny-fit jeans and blush pink knitted sweatshirt. Walking to the dresser, I quickly do my hair and styled them into two tight knots before leave the rest down. Spray some of my favorite fragrance, I finally do my light makeup before I walk to my shoe rack and put on my white flats. 

Grabbing my black Longchamp medium handbag, I begin to fill them with my purse, shades, lipstick and my phone. Once I've gotten everything in my handbag, I finally head out from my room and walk downstairs only to meet Alex and Liam in the living room, sitting on the couch. Frowning at me, they both soon to get up on their feets before walking towards the staircase. I keep my gaze on Alex, before cock a brow to him. 

"Where are you going? Thought you're going to rest down, for a bit.", say Alex. 

I smile and nods, before telling him that I had my mind changed. He narrows his eyes at me, before shaking his head in disagreement. Smiling softly to him, I pat on his shoulder before assures him that I'll be fine. 

"I'm just gonna go to meet my family. They invited me over for lunch and dinner. Well, I've meeting with Dad and few other alphas from other packs. I'll tell you what it's about once I've comeback from there. I promise that I'll go and rest, straight away after getting back.", I tell. 

Groaning to me, he look at me with a disbelief looks before giving in to me. I smile and hugs him tightly, apologizing to him for worrying about me. He hush me, quickly hugging me back before we pull away as I could feel my wolf scratching the back of my mind, to make me pull away from Alex. I could feel his gaze on me and I want to ignore, but my wolf doesn't want. She wanted to look at him, in the eyes and have little talk, but she did know that we didn't have time for that. Turning a little, I soon to meet his sad, dark brown puppy eyes. I almost coo at him, but I quickly covers them with slight fake cough, mentally scolding my inner-self. 

"What are you doing here? I thought I was already being clear to you about wanting my space.", I ask. 

He purse his lips tightly, staring down to his sneaker before nodding to me. Sighing heavily to him, I mutter my apology to him which soon to make him look up to me. To lock his gaze with mine, again. I just stares into his eyes and to find lots of emotions running behind those beautiful shades of his eyes, but I know that I can't let him know that I'm falling for his eyes, over again. 

"I-I know that you d-did, but I-I kinda f-felt u-uneasy about you. L-Like y-you're being s-sick in your room.", say Liam, stuttering. 

I look at him in surprised, to know that he has such hunch that perfectly right about me being sick in my room. Pursing my lips, I look away from him before hums. Nodding a little, I sigh before look at him. 

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