Disaster Dinner.

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Ashley and I had just arrived at the restaurant. We linked arms as we walked into the building and looked for my co-actors. Eventually I found them at one of the biggest tables. The only ones sitting at the table were Joanne, her husband, Ezra and Katherine who played Porpetina Goldstein. Smiling, I walked over to them and greeted them, then I introduced Ashley and sat down on one of the chairs. My best friend let herself sink into one of the chairs on my left side. Shortly after we had ordered something to drink, Eddie walked into the restaurant. He had linked arms with a very beautiful woman, his wife. I was sure he would sit down next to Katherine or Joanne but no, he sat down right next to me. Out of all the empty seats, it had to be the one next to mine. Immediately I tensed up and Ashley, who was talking to Ezra and his plus one, noticed, even though she was not really looking at me. She grabbed my clutch, signalizing me to follow her. 

"Can we switch seats?" I immediately asked, when we walked into the women's bathroom. 

"Emma, you can't just run away from it and you don't have to talk to him, right?" she answered calm.

Sighing, I took my clutch out of her hands and applied some lipstick. While Ashley was on the toilette, I scrolled through Twitter. My fans were happy to see me in a new movie and my name was trending at the moment. When my best friend was finally done, I dragged her outside. I was an occasional smoker and in that moment I really needed a cigarette. It was stressing me out that I had to sit next to Eddie. We stood in front of the restaurant for a couple of minutes before I put the stub into the ashtray. With a fake smile on my face I sat back down at the table and looked through the menu, ignoring the fact that Eddie was looking at me. 

"I called out your name when you left today, didn't you hear me?" he then started a conversation.

"Did you? Sorry I was in a hurry this afternoon." I answered, still looking at the menu. 


I knew he was getting the hint that I didn't want to talk to him. Still, he kept glancing at me every now and then but I was too stubborn to give in and return the glances. Ashley seemed way more interesting in that moment. After about an hour, the food was served but my appetite was gone. Well, actually I hadn't had appetite ever since I had met Eddie. Since I didn't want anyone to worry about me, I ate very slowly and halfway through the plate I acted like I was full. Of course, the others were done with eating a long time before, so all eyes were on me. I didn't care and while I was taking a sip of my glass of wine, I thought about the last time I had eaten properly. Eddie's stare was burning through me.

"Do you always eat that slow?" his voice ripped me out of my thoughts.

Ignoring his question, I got up from the chair to go and smoke one. Ashley gave me a warning look and then looked at him apologizing for my behavior. At that moment, I knew he was confused and I also knew my plan was working. The moment I walked out of the building, I let out a sigh of relief. My best friend looked pissed, when she stood next to me. 

"Did you really have to be so rude?" she asked annoyed.

"Do you want me to get hurt again?" I countered.

"No, but you don't have to be a complete bitch!"

"Ash, I want him to leave me alone."

Sighing, she nodded and waited for me to finish my smoke. When I was done, we walked back to our seats. Immediately I ordered myself a cocktail because I wanted to be drunk that night. Honestly, I needed some drinks, I wouldn't have been able to stand one more minute next to him. To see him admiring his wife and giving all his attention to her made me want to throw up. I was jealous of her because she could kiss him, she could touch him and he was all hers. Fortunately Ashley had finally agreed to switch seats with me. She apologized to Eddie for my behavior which made me roll my eyes at her. 

It was almost midnight and I was beyond drunk but I pulled myself together not to embarrass myself in front of my co-actors. Hannah, Eddie's wife, had already left and Ashley was meanwhile sitting next to Joanne, talking to her about how Harry Potter had changed her life. Redmayne and I sat next to each other, none of us saying a word. The more alcohol I had drunk, the more desperate I got. I wanted to talk to him so badly but I kept telling myself that it was a bad idea until I wanted to go smoke one. My vision was blurry, when I stood up and it took me exactly one step to collapse. Of course, everyone rushed over to me, making sure that I was okay. 

"I'll bring you home!" Ashley exclaimed, when she helped me stand up.

"Everything okay with her?" Eddie said, helping Ashley.

"She doesn't eat properly anymore. Sooner or later her body had to react like that."

I wanted to get out of his grip and away from him but my legs felt like jelly and I was way too drunk to struggle against them. They gave me halt while walking me out of the restaurant and towards the car. Eddie's hand was gently placed around my waist and he had put my arm around his shoulder. This was probably the closest I would ever get to him.

"Why is that?"

"She's stressed out at the moment. That's why she drank so much tonight but thanks for helping me."

"You're welcome."

When we reached the car, he carefully sat me into the car, making sure that I was okay. After that he said goodbye to both of us and left.

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