An Unexpected Call.

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The trailer of my movie had been released, the filming was halfway done and the planned two months of living in London had turned into four. I didn't mind though, that way I could spend more time with Eddie. Meanwhile he had told his family about us but we still kept it a secret. Whenever one of us was asked about the other in an interview, we would always say that we were just close friends. The press bought it since there was no proof of a relationship. When he came over he drove himself; going by the underground would've been too risky. 

My day on set had come to an end and I was on my way to my apartment. I had told Eddie where my spare key was hidden, so he could go inside whenever I would take longer to get home. As usually, I was stuck in traffic; not that I wasn't used to it but it annoyed the last piece of good mood out of me. Cursing to myself, I grabbed my phone and texted my boyfriend, saying that I'd take longer to come home. The city traffic in London was really bad sometimes. After almost an hour, I finally arrived at my apartment. Groaning, I let myself fall onto my couch. Eddie, who had told me that he had already been on his way, chuckled and started rubbing my back. I crawled over to him and cuddled up to him. 

"How long did you wait?" I asked, yawning.

"Not too long, came here around 30 minutes ago. I want to show you something." he answered, running his fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry but I'm way too tired and it'll have to wait till tomorrow."

"Oh, no! I'll carry you, come on."

Again, I groaned but didn't fight him, when he picked me up bridal style. Since I had my eyes closed, I didn't see where he was carrying me. Soon, it smelled like my favorite aromatic candles. Slowly, I opened my eyes only to find myself in my bathroom. There were candles placed around the bathtub and the tub itself was filled with water and bubbles. Eddie put me down and smiled at me widely.

"I thought you could need a little relaxation. Now, get in the tub, I have to pick up Iris from Hannah but I'll be back in about an hour." he then said, kissing my cheek and after that leaving the bathroom. 

Still surprised about his ability to amaze me even after all the time we had known each other, I looked around the room once more. Smiling to myself, I got undressed and first of all felt the temperature of the water. It was perfect and so I got into the tub and immediately felt a lot better. The tension and annoyance vanished within seconds and I really appreciated the way Eddie was paying attention on the little things. I don't know how long I had been in the tub, when I heard the front door open and a soft knock on the bathroom door. My boyfriend came inside with a small smile on his face. 

"Are you hungry?" he asked, sitting down on the little chair that was next to my bathtub.

"A little bit." I answered, looking at him.

"I brought something my mum has made for us. By the way, your phone was ringing, when I came in." 

"Could you bring it to me? Maybe it was someone important."

Nodding, he got up and left the room. Shortly after that, he came back with my phone in his hand. Right in the moment he handed it over to me, it started ringing again. Quickly, I looked at the caller ID; it was Madison. With a sigh, I picked the call up and put her on speaker phone.

"Hi, Madison." I said, trying to sound as polite as possible. 

"Hi, sweetie! You sound tired, everything okay?" she replied with her sweet and calming voice.

"Yeah, I just had a stressful day." 

"Alright, anyways, I have big news."

"If it's another fake relationship, I'll hang up immediately."

"No, I know that you and Redmayne have something and don't even try to argue me!"

"How do you-"

"Remember, when I came over last week? You have a picture with him on one of the cupboards in the living room. Anyways, Dijana Milic called yesterday."


"Dijana Milic, she's in the executive board of Victoria's Secret."

"And she called you because?"

"She's seen the trailer for your new movie and wants you to audition for one of their fashion shows."

"Excuse me?"

"Basically, she begged me to convince you to become a Victoria's Secret Angel!"

Her excitement was overwhelming and she seemed to be happier about that chance than I was. Modeling was exactly what I had never wanted to do, at least not on the catwalk. On the other hand, Victoria's Secret was the biggest name in the model world and being asked to become an Angel was rather rare.

"Why did she do that?" I then asked, still confused.

"Apparently she liked your walk in the trailer and she also said that you have the perfect body for that job. Emma, what am I going to tell her? Yes or no?"

"When do I have to be there?" 

"Don't worry, the fashion show is in November and the casting is going to be in June."

"Alright, tell her I'll be there."

"Great! I gotta go! Have a nice evening and greet Eddie!"

With that the line went dead. Slowly, I put my phone on the ground next to the bathtub. Eddie looked at me with an expression of pure pride in his eyes. I smiled back at him and thought about the conversation I had had with Madison. My career was actually rather normal but ever since I had dated Andrew, it was going a lot faster. Suddenly, everybody wanted to work with me, have a shoot with me or wanted to interview me. I knew that if I modeled for Victoria's Secret, it would get even worse but it was a huge thing. Ashley and Kendall were also under contract there, they were Angels as well, so why not?

Later on, Eddie and I were cuddling on the couch, while Iris was sleeping in the little, portable crib he had. He was gently running his fingers through my still wet hair. I was so tired that I barely could keep my eyes open, though I tried to because we were watching Into The Woods, one of my favorite movies. During the last couple minutes of the movie, I fell asleep. I only felt Eddie carrying me into bed and kissing my forehead. 

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