I'm Addicted To You.

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Sadly, the two days with Eddie had come to an end and he had to fly back to the UK. Within the last 48 hours, we both barely got any sleep because we wanted to trade on every second we had together. I was terribly tired but it was definitely worth it. The day Paul had brought the Christmas cookies, we had gone on a walk through my neighborhood and later that day, Justin, Kylie and Kendall had come over. They had had the idea of playing Call of Duty and later even 'Never Have I Ever'; it had been funny but by the time they had left, Eddie and I had been beyond drunk. Of course, we were both turned on after drinking and so one thing led to another. I had never had so much sex within two days and I doubted that there was a room in my house we hadn't slept with each other in. All we did was eat, sex, see some friends, sex, sleep for two or three hours and then repeat it. Before Bieber and the Kendall sisters had come over, I had wanted to take a shower but Redmayne hadn't let me go alone. Then there had been the time, I had teased him, while watching a movie on the couch. No matter what we had been doing, we couldn't keep our hands to ourselves. Even the kitchen counter had been misused for our sexual needs. 

We had three more hours left until I had to bring Eddie to the airport. Smiling, I buried my face in the crook of his neck. Currently, we were cuddling after tickling had turned into more. I was way too lazy to get up and get dressed again. The only thing I was wearing was the bracelet he had given to me. My stomach started growling and groaned in frustration. As hungry as I was, I was too lazy to make myself something to eat and I wanted to cuddle as much as possible as long as Eddie was still there. He chuckled and kissed the top of my head, pressing me against him. 

"We need to eat something, dear." he then said, yawning. 

"I'll go take a shower first." I answered, looking up at him.

"Alright, then I'll make us something." 

With that being said, he got up from the bed, picked his boxers up from the floor and left the room. I was beyond tired but forced myself to stay awake; I didn't want to miss any second with him. The shower woke me up a little bit and I felt fresh again. Yawning, I put on some white lace panties and a gray loose top. After that, I brushed my wet hair and walked downstairs to find Eddie making some sandwiches in the kitchen. He turned around to face me and looked me up and down. The look on his face was priceless; I knew exactly that the outfit was a whole tease. 

"Damn, do you want to go for another round?" he asked, chuckling.

Smiling, I walked up to him, pecked his and took one of the sandwiches but didn't say anything. Instead of answering his question, I sat down at the table and started eating. Obviously, it had been a joke because normally he would grab me and kiss me immediately but he just sat down across from me. After eating, I put the plates into the sink. Eddie wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed my cheek. 

"I'm still hungry." he mumbled against my cheek.

"There's plenty of food in the fridge." I answered, chuckling.

"Not for food." 

He grabbed my hand and dragged me up the stairs. I really tried to resist him but I just couldn't and since I knew that we didn't have a lot of time, I set an alarm just in case we would take longer. 

The last three hours of Eddie being at my house had passed and we were on the way to LAX. Since we were in public, we couldn't hold hands while walking through the airport. I had to say goodbye before he had to go through the security checks, so I was walking rather slow to spend some more time with him. We couldn't even kiss goodbye, so he dragged me into one of those photo booths that were placed all around the airport. 

"One more." I whispered as it had flashed the fourth time.

He smiled and cupped my face in his hands. I was so addicted to his kisses and it frustrated me that I couldn't kiss him for an uncertain amount of time. After breaking the kiss, we got out of the booth, grabbed the four pictures and walked over to the security checks.

"I'm gonna miss you." I said, looking down.

"Yeah, I'm gonna miss you too." he answered, sighing. 

We hugged for one last time before he had to go through the checks. I waited until he was out of sight before I left. Honestly, I hated being alone, so I called Ashley and asked her to come over. We hadn't seen each other for two weeks and I missed my best friend. It took me about 40 minutes to get back to my house. Even though Ashley actually lived in London, she was in LA a lot. She even had an apartment downtown because she was in town at least three times a month. As I arrived at my house, I looked around. It was so silent without Eddie. Still, I had no idea what we were. He hadn't asked me out, so it was not a relationship but we weren't just friends either. Sighing, I shook the thoughts of him off and sat down on the couch to watch some TV. Only a few minutes later, the front door opened and Ashley walked into the room. She plopped down next to me and grinned at me.

"Tell me everything!" she squealed happily.

I laughed a little and started to tell her everything that had happened from the moment Eddie had arrived at my parents' house. Nodding every now and then, she listened to me. Of course, I left out the details; only told her that we slept with each other and not where and when. Ashley was happy for me that after all the pain and scandals I had went through I finally had some luck. I knew she liked Redmayne and I knew that she wanted things to work out for me once. She had always been like that, even in high school. Things hadn't changed, when she had decided to move to London to become a model and I was rather glad about that.

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