Going Public.

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Eddie's P.o.V.:

Without hesitation, I signed the divorce papers. After 10 months of going through the marriage contract Hannah and I had wanted, it was finally done. We had shared custody, the money was equally divided and I had wanted her to get the house. Smiling, I walked out of the building next to Hannah. She had had a couple of dates and seemed to be happy as well. We hugged before we both left. Since I was going to have an interview only two hours later, I got in my car and drove to the studio I was going to be interviewed in. I wanted to surprise with Emma because she was getting tired of hiding our relationship whenever we were out in public. To be honest, it was hard for me as well; I wanted to show the world that she made me happy. Meanwhile she had gone back to the states; that had only happened a week prior. It was around 6pm and I knew she was awake, so I texted her.

Eddie: Good morning.

Emma: Morning, how are you?

Eddie: I'm good, what about you? 

Emma: Too. What are you doing?

Eddie: On my way to an interview. Could you do me a favour and watch it?

Emma: Sure, I'll stream it.

Eddie: Thanks, I'll text you afterwards.

With that I put my phone back into my pocket and walked into the building. First, I had to get to the make-up artist and the stylist and then I had to wait until they were calling me on stage. As the moment came, I smiled at the audience and greeted the interviewer. She sat down on the couch across from me.

"I'm here today with Oscar winner, Eddie Redmayne! How are you?" she said sweetly, looking at me.

"I'm good, thanks for asking. How are you?" I answered, smiling at her.

"I'm good, too! Last time you were here, you had just confirmed that you were getting divorced. How do you like single life?"

"Well, I'm not single anymore but it was strange right after moving out of the house."

"You're not single?"

"No, I have someone new."

"Who? And why haven't we seen you out with someone lately?"

"We wanted to keep it a secret until the divorce was through. Her name is Emma and she's amazing."

"Wow, sounds like she makes you happy. Only two weeks ago, you were spotted on a walk with Emma Morrison. Is it her?"

I laughed a little and then nodded slowly. The interviewer started smiling widely and clapped a little bit. Then she took a sip of her water and continued.

"She's a few years younger than you, isn't she?"

"Yes, 11 almost 12 but she's very mature and different from other people her age."

"How did you get to know each other?"

"We met at a Burberry shoot and got to know each other on set of Fantastic Beasts."

"You made a very good catch with her, she's gorgeous! Anyway, you actually here to talk about your upcoming movie!" 

"Thank you very much. I feel very lucky to have her."

When I walked backstage again to grab my stuff and leave, my phone was buzzing non-stop. Apparently, Emma couldn't believe what I had done. Though, she was not mad at me, in fact, she was even happy. Immediately, I got a call from my agent who wanted me to make an appearance with her as soon as possible. Smiling to myself, I walked out of the building. 

Emma's P.o.V.:

I couldn't believe that Eddie had just announced our relationship live on TV. On the one hand, I was happy about it since hiding it all the time was tiring but on the other, I had the feeling that Madison was going to be furious about it. Normally, she decided stuff like this but I hadn't known that my boyfriend was going to make it public. Sighing, I made my way into the bathroom, while texting him.

Emma: I love that we don't have to hide anymore but Madison's going to kill you, haha.

Eddie: I think, I can cope with that.

Emma: How did your agent react? He didn't even know about us in the first place.

Eddie: He wants us to make an appearance as soon as possible.

Emma: Oh, dear. Paul and Andrew are gonna come over in a few.

Eddie: Greet them. I'll meet up with my parents now.

Just as I was putting my hair into a ponytail, I heard the front door open. Sometimes, I hated myself for giving a key to my brother. Slowly, I walked down the stairs only to find Paul spread out on my couch with a glass of coke in his hand. He was looking through the channels and didn't even notice, when I sat down next to him. Then I cleared my throat and he nearly jumped of the couch. Laughing, I leaned back on the couch as well. He gave me the death stare and playfully hit my shoulder. As he wanted to say something, the doorbell rang. I jumped up and happily walked over to the door. Andrew smiled at me widely, when he entered my hallway. We quickly hugged, then made our way to Paul, who had switched to playing Xbox. I really liked days like that one; no auditions, no interviews and no photo shoots. Being the good person I was, I immediately offered Andrew something to drink and got some snacks from the kitchen. That's exactly what we did the whole day: game a little, watch some movies and talk about stupid stuff. 

"By the way, congrats on the new boyfriend." Andrew stated, playing Call Of Duty against Paul. 

"Thanks, you should concentrate on not dying, though." I answered, laughing.

"I'm not dying. Told you, everything would be fine. Dammit!"

In the moment he had said that, Paul shot him down. I had to laugh so hard that my stomach started to hurt. Nothing could've ruined that day, not even a pissed off Madison. As their round was over, we switched, so I was playing against Andrew.

"I bet, you're not better than I am." he said, grinning from ear to ear.

"Challenge accepted!" I replied, knowing that I had a lot more practice than he did.

"You're gonna lose." Paul just simply stated.

"Who? Me or Him?" I asked a little confused.

"Andrew. Dude, she's even better than I am. What do you think she's doing, when she has nothing to do?"

Garfield scoffed and looked back at the TV screen. Soon, he realized that my brother had been right. While I had killed him about 20 times, he had shot me about three times. Though, he was not mad at me. He didn't game all the time, like I did, so I understood why it was hard for him. The rest of the day, we kept gaming, ordered some food.  

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