Hungover Stories.

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My head was pounding, when I got up the next morning. Honestly, I had no motivation to drive to the set but I wanted to thank Eddie and I didn't want to mess it up immediately. I had made the decision to give in and talk to him. The plan to make him hate me was total bullshit and I thought that maybe the crush would go away, when I got to know him. As I put my hair into a ponytail, I yawned and tried not to fall asleep, standing in my bathroom. Before I left, I grabbed two painkillers for my headache but since I was already late, I decided to take them on set. Honestly, I was not sure if I was allowed to drive due to the amount of alcohol I had consumed the night before. 

When I arrived at the studio, I felt as if I was going to throw up. With a brief look into the driving mirror I made sure that I didn't look like a zombie. Sighing, I got out of the car and started walking towards the building. A car parked behind me but I didn't pay a lot of attention to it. It was probably just one of the other actors.

"Emma!" I heard Eddie's voice behind me.
He didn't even shout but my headache made it feel like it was extremely loud, so I winced. Immediately I rubbed my temples with my left index finger to ease the pain. Still, I stopped and turned around to show him that I had heard him. He greeted me with a warm smile, while I just blankly stared at him. 

"How are you today?" he asked.

Again the loudness of his voice made me wince. I tried to smile back at him but my state didn't let me. Any movement made me feel like throwing up immediately.

"Gosh, could you please speak with a low voice? I'm hungover." I answered.

My voice must've been extremely raspy, at least that how it sounded to me. Eddie laughed slightly but nodded. We started walking towards the building together. 

"Thanks for bringing me to my car last night." I added, when we entered the building.

"No problem, dear." He answered with an even bigger smile. 

This time I ignored the sick feeling in my stomach and returned the smile. As soon as we got to the break room, I grabbed a bottle of water and took the first painkiller. After a while I started feeling better and when it was my turn to play a scene, I at least didn't have a headache anymore. Eddie's eyes were glued to me, while I was acting. My role was one of the wizards of MACUSA who only said something once but could be seen in the movie a couple of times. After the third try the scene was done and I could go to the break room to have lunch. Even though my appetite was not back and my hangover didn't allow me to eat, I forced myself. The breakdown the night before shouldn't happen again. As I sat down with a small sandwich on my plate, I kept thinking about the next scene I was going to play.

"Mind if I have lunch with you?" Eddie's voice ripped me out of my thoughts. 

"Not at all." I answered, smiling.

The handsome man sat down opposite of me and started eating his lunch. Just like the night before, I ate awfully slow and after eating half of the sandwich I shoved the plate away from me. Eddie must've realized because he shoved the plate back to me and stared at me sternly. 

"You have to eat, dear! I don't want you to collapse again." he then said very calm. 

"I'm hungover and can't really eat right now." I mumbled, playing with the edge of the plate.

"That's an excuse, I can tell. You don't have an eating disorder, do you?" 

"God, no! Lately I've had a lot of stress and that has a negative effect on my appetite." 

"What kind of stress?"

"Too many jobs to bare at once, personal problems and overall just a bad mood. You know, the usual."

"Sometimes talking helps to relieve the stress. If you need someone, I'm here."

I thought about his offer for a short time. At that moment I didn't want to talk but I was definitely keeping that in mind. A small smile spread across my face, when I looked up at him. Something about him was so different. Unlike other men, he didn't try to flirt with me; he was just trying to be a friend. We didn't know each other at all but it felt like we'd known each other for years. For the rest of our break we were talking about a lot of stuff. He told me that he had went to Cambridge, that he felt honored to play Newt Scamander in the movie and that he had really enjoyed the Burberry shoot with me. 

"Do you have any other scenes today?" he asked as we walked over to the set.

"No, I'll just go home and watch some movies, I guess." I answered, yawning.

"Alright. You know what? I'll give you my number, so you can call me, when you need someone to talk to!"

Hesitant I grabbed my phone from the back pocket of my jeans and handed it to him. After a few seconds, he gave it back to me. Smiling, I looked at the contact name he had given himself. Eddie-bear. He was such a goofball and you would not believe that he was 33 years old. 

"Thanks! Well, I'm gonna leave now. Have fun, Eddie!"

"You too!"

Smiling to myself, I walked into my dressing room to get my bag and then made my way out of the building. The hangover was completely forgotten by that time. I had known that I would fall for him even more, if I talked to him. Just like I had expected it, I got lost in his eyes. They were hypnotizing even though I had never had a weakness for hazel eyes, his were special. I couldn't believe that he had given me his number. 

Finally I had arrived at home. Leo was curled up on the couch, sleeping very tight. The doorbell rang and I immediately knew it was Ashley. She would always come over unexpected but since I didn't have any other friends in London, it could only be her.

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