Still Falling For You.

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Three weeks had passed and meanwhile Eddie and I spent every lunch together. The more time I spent with him, the deeper I fell in love with him but I didn't mind it anymore. Even though I would probably never get a chance to show him how much he meant to me, I was glad that we were at least friends. I was currently in my apartment, preparing everything for a movie night. The whole cast had a day off and I had invited a few of them over, including Katherine, Ezra, Colin, Dan and Eddie. I had baked my special cookies because Ashley had asked me to. She was the first one to come over. After that Katherine showed up; she had a bottle of Whiskey in her hands. With a hug and a big smile I greeted her. 

"Do you live here alone?" she asked, when she looked around the huge apartment.

"Yeah, well, if you don't count my cat." I answered, pointing at Leo who was sleeping on the couch.  

"You don't have a boyfriend?"

"No, sadly not."

"Any love interests?"

"Yeah, I have my eyes on someone but it's hopeless."

With a huge grin on her face she sat down on the couch next to my cat and started petting him. She opened her mouth to say something but the doorbell cut her off. Dan and Ezra stood in front of the main door. Smiling, I let them in and greeted both of them with a hug. I offered them a beer which they both gratefully accepted. The only ones missing were Colin and Eddie but both had texted me, saying they'd come a little later. 

"Now, tell me about that love interest!" Katherine cheered.

"Like I said, it's hopeless, so I'd rather keep it to myself." I answered, sighing.

She nodded, getting the hint that I didn't want to talk about it. Well, actually, I wanted to talk about it but I didn't trust her and the guys enough to tell them it was Eddie. As long as we had to wait for the rest to arrive, we watched some normal TV and talked about our careers. Since I was the youngest one in the group, they asked me a lot of stuff. All of them knew who I was, so it was more personal stuff than the usual questions.

"By the way, you were great in The Amazing Spiderman!" Dan stated after a while.

"Oh, thank you." I answered laughing. 

"Did you audition for it or were you asked to play Gwen Stacey?" 

"I went to the casting. Always wanted to be part of the Marvel Universe."

"That's so cool! I've met Andrew once, he's super chill!"

Nodding, I smiled at the thought of all the funny moments I had with Andrew and the rest of the crew. As I was getting comfortable on the couch, the doorbell rang again. Ashley jumped up from the couch and went to open it before I could even react. Colin followed my best friend into the living room and plopped down next to me. When I offered him a beer, he politely declined but asked for a glass of water. I sighed and looked at the TV. Some talk show was on but I didn't pay a lot of attention because I couldn't await Eddie's arrival. Another hour had passed, when finally the doorbell rang. A smile spread across my lips and I got up happily. Slowly I opened the door only to see him standing there with a bag of chips in his hands. He looked so good, even though he was wearing plain black jeans and a normal white t-shirt.

"How you doing?" he asked, when he hugged me.

Honestly, I didn't know how I was. On the one hand, I was happy to see him and to call him my friend but on the other hand, I hated myself for being in love with him. I really wanted to return his huge smile but I couldn't, so I faked a very small one.

"Good, how about you?" I answered, after giving him that fake smile.

Apparently, he didn't notice because he just nodded in response and followed me into my apartment without questioning it. He greeted everyone in the room, placed the bag of chips on the coffee table and sat down on one of the armchairs. When my guests were comfortable, I started the movie. Honestly, I couldn't really concentrate on it. Every now and then I glanced over to Eddie who was watching the screen concentrated and laughed whenever a funny scene came on. After the first movie, I got up from the couch to get my cookies. Sadly, I overheard Eddie and Colin talking in the living room.

"What's up with you? You're so smiley!" Colin asked curiously.

"Well, Hannah and I are expecting a child." Eddie answered, smiling to the ground.

"That is amazing! Congratulations!"

The empty plate I was holding slipped out of my hands. Immediately Ashley rushed into the kitchen. She knew exactly why that had happened. I wanted to cry so badly. Why did I have to fall for someone that would never ever leave his wife for me? Taking deep breaths, I bent down to pick up the pieces of the broken plate. Meanwhile the others had also come into the kitchen to see if I was okay. At that moment, I knew I was everything but okay. On top of that, I managed to cut my finger on one of the broken fragments. Ashley told me to clean the cut in the bathroom and I got up from the floor quickly. As soon as the door had closed behind me, I slid down. A mental breakdown; not that I hadn't had one before but this one was worse than any other I had had before. Not only was my heart aching, but I also cried because of the plate. Stupid, you might think but I was so sensitive at that moment. If someone had asked me about what was wrong, I couldn't have answered because I didn't even know what was wrong. A soft knock on the door made me pull myself together.

"Emma, are you okay?" Eddie asked very softly.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" I lied.

I only heard him walk away from the door after that. Quickly I got up from the floor and washed my hands. After I had bandaged my finger, I cleaned my face and walked back into the living room. Ashley looked at me worried, while the others smiled at me. My eyes met Eddie's and no matter how hard I tried to make myself hate him, it seemed like I wanted him even more.

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