Guy Code And Pride.

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Eddie's P.o.V.:

It was quarter past three but I couldn't fall asleep. I was exhausted because only an hour before I had come home from a tiring day on set. Hannah was lying next to me sound asleep, while I was tossing and turning. My phone buzzed a couple of times in my hand; I expected it to be Emma, trying to make me talk to her, but it was Andrew. Sighing, I unlocked my phone to see what he wanted from me. 

Andrew: Emma really misses you.

Eddie: I'm sure she does.

I didn't believe that since she didn't even make an effort to talk to me. She had never called me ever since she had moved back to the states and she just left it, whenever I didn't reply to her texts anymore. Still, I waited for Andrew's answer.

Andrew: I'll call you in ten minutes.

Slowly I got out of bed and walked into the living room, so I wouldn't wake Hannah. What was wrong with me? Only a few months before, I had been the happiest person alive; happily married to a wonderful woman and expecting a child with her. In that very moment, I was attached to two women at the same time. That had never happened to me before and I just didn't know how to handle that. As much as I did not want to hurt my wife, it just didn't feel right anymore to be with Hannah. I had been convinced that she would be the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with but ever since my feelings towards Emma had changed, I wasn't so sure anymore. My ringing phone ripped me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I answered it.

"How are you, man?" Andrew asked, sounding a little tired.

"Could be better. How about you?"

"What's wrong? Well, I'm good actually."

"I'm just stressed out at the moment. The pregnancy and everything."

"I see, and you're not stressing about Emma?"

"No, why would I?"

He paused for a short moment. The he sighed heavily and quietly cleared his throat. I needed to get it off my chest and I knew Andrew was probably the wrong person to talk about it with but on the other hand I knew that he could keep a secret.

"I just thought that maybe you're mad at her but never mind." he then spoke up.

"No, I'm not mad. Hey, can you keep a secret?" I said, sighing.

"Sure! What is it?"

"You're gonna hate me for it. I think, I'm getting attached to Emma."

"What? Eddie, you're married. Are you sure that it's not just a phase?"

"Yes, I'm sure about that."

"Okay, keep talking."

"I don't know, she's always on my mind. I even feel jealous of you. God, I wish I was you, to be honest. You get to see her every day; you get to hold her hand. Do you know how much I'd give for that? Do you know how much it hurts me to see pictures of you guys kissing? I feel so stupid for even thinking about stuff like that but I can't help it. You're my friend, Andrew, and I shouldn't be talking like this about your girlfriend. God, I'm such a-"

"It's fake." Andrew interrupted me.

Taking a deep breath, I thought about it for a moment. I was confused as hell. What was fake? Their relationship? In fact, it surprised me that he actually told me. Well, a part of me had already sensed it but I couldn't convince myself since it looked so real. Why was I even surprised that they could make it look real? They were both incredibly good actors, of course, everyone was buying it.

"What?" I then asked, whispering.

"The relationship, it's not real." 

"What are you talking about?"

"It's a publicity stunt."

"So, you're not mad at me?" 

"God, no! Emma and I are just close friends that's why we agreed to doing it. Anyways, I gotta go. We're on one of those fake dates and I don't want her to sit in the restaurant by herself for all too long. Was nice talking to you, Redmayne."

"One more thing. Can you not tell Emma about that, please?"


With that the line went dead. I could not believe that Emma had not told me about it but still, I felt relieved. First of all, I had talked someone trustworthy about my situation, and second of all, I had no reason to feel jealous anymore. With a smile on my face I went back into the bedroom. Before I tried to sleep, I replied to Emma's last text message. I decided I shouldn't tell her that I knew about the fake relationship. 

Eddie: I'm happy for you, you know?

Emma: Thanks.

Eddie: Enjoy your date and greet Andrew from me.

She red the message but didn't reply. Apparently she was mad at me or just too busy with playing Garfield's girlfriend. Finally, I could fall asleep. 

Emma's P.o.V.:

After almost two hours Eddie had finally replied to my text. I was not mad at him; I just didn't feel like talking to him, so I put my phone back into my purse. Andrew had gone outside to talk to someone on the phone. With a smile on his face he came back and sat down opposite of me. We ate in complete silence but it was not an awkward silence more of a comfortable one. Again, we were playing the role of the couple that couldn't get enough of each other. After eating and talking for a little time, we decided to go home. Andrew was supposed to spend the night at my place; Madison and his manager wanted it to look even more realistic by making everyone think we would sleep with each other. Not even in my wildest dreams, I would've done that.
As we arrived at my house, a sigh of relief escaped from both of our lips. Immediately, I went upstairs to get out of the fancy dress and the uncomfortable shoes. Andrew, who had plopped down onto the couch, loosened his tie and turned on the TV. I offered him something to drink, which he gladly accepted, and sat down next to him. He honestly thought it was a good idea to confess my feelings for Eddie; it was something I would've never done. I was way too proud to do something like that. Confessing my feelings would've made me vulnerable and I didn't want to be weak.

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