Next To You.

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I slowly closed the book I was currently reading as the plane I was on was about to land. The passed five weeks I had been counting the days till I could finally fly to London. It was late afternoon and I was tired as hell. When the plane finally came to stop, I could get off and get my luggage. Since I was only going to stay for three months, my parents had taken Leo to take care of him. I texted Eddie on my way out of the airport building, saying that I had landed. Sighing, I waited for a cab to show up.

I was completely out of breath, when I put my suitcase on the floor and let myself fall on my couch. Why had I chosen an apartment in the third floor of a five story house with no elevator? Thank God, I had hired someone to take care of the apartment in London otherwise it would've been dusty. My phone buzzed in the pocket of my jacket. Groaning, I pulled it out and looked at the screen.

Eddie: I'm coming over!

Emma: When?

Eddie: Already on my way.

Immediately, I jumped up from the couch to get showered. That was by far the quickest shower I ever took. Within ten minutes I washed my hair and my body, shaved my legs and armpits and dried myself. I decided to let my hair air-dry. Just when I walked out of the bathroom, the doorbell rang. Smiling, I opened the door only to be greeted by two arms wrapping around my waist. I didn't even get to say something because Eddie had pressed his lips on mine the second I had looked at him. After a while we broke the kiss and just stood there in the doorframe hugging. It was like the world had stopped just for that moment.

"I missed you so much!" Eddie mumbled into my hair.

"I missed you too!" I answered, smiling.

For another few minutes we stood there until I pulled him into my apartment and closed the door. Since I was hungry, I walked over to the couch where my phone was to order some pizza. It was going to be delivered about an hour later, so Eddie and I decided to watch some TV while waiting. I cuddled up to him, enjoying every second and listening to his heartbeat. He gently rubbed my back and kissed the top of the head every now and then. All of the tiredness I had felt, when I had arrived was gone. As soon as I lifted my head to look at him, he placed his lips on mine.

"Do you know what you do to me?" he mumbled through the kisses he gave me.

The doorbell rang, meaning the pizza was delivered, so I broke the kiss and looked at him. He smiled at me, still having my face cupped in his large hands. Slowly, I got up from the couch to get my purse.

"No but I guess I'll find out after eating." I said before opening the door.

The deliveryman handed me the pizza box and then froze. Obviously he was a fan of mine because he couldn't even tell me how much I had to pay. After a few seconds, he cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry. That makes eight pounds." he said rather quickly.

I handed him ten and told him to keep the rest. Before he left, he asked for a picture and being the nice person I am, I nodded and smiled at him. We quickly took a selfie together and then I said goodbye and closed the door. Eddie smiled, when I plopped down next to him. Patiently, he watched me while I was eating. After I had put the box into the trash, he immediately pinned me against the kitchen wall. Smiling into the kiss, I buried my hands in his hair.

Exhausted, I was laying in my bed. Eddie kept running his fingers through my hair. Yawning, I turned, so I was laying on my stomach. It was only about eight o'clock and I really didn't want to be jet lagged, though my eyes kept shutting. Redmayne placed a kiss on my forehead before turning the light off. The only light that was in the room was the small TV I had in it. He was currently watching Grown Ups, well, it was on one of the channels and the only good thing might I add. For another hour or so I was watching as well until I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. Still, Eddie had fallen asleep before me. His arm was loosely wrapped around my waist. Soft snores escaped his lips. To be honest, it was the cutest and most peaceful thing I had ever seen. Soon, I drifted off to sleep as well.

When I woke up, it was around seven o'clock. I had slept for ten hours straight, something I hadn't done in months. Eddie's arm was still wrapped around my waist but he was laying on his stomach instead of his side. Stretching myself, I sat up. His hand fell onto my lap and he groaned. Apparently I had woken him up. With a kiss on his cheeks, I greeted him. Another groan escaped his lips before he turned around and pulled the blanket over his body again. Laughing to myself, I got out of bed to get dressed and to make myself some coffee. Yawning, I walked into the kitchen. The coffee machine must've woken Eddie fully up because only a few minutes after I had turned it on, he came into the kitchen as well. His hair looked messy and he had a tired smile on his lips.

"Morning." I greeted him as I took the cup of coffee I had made for myself.

"Good morning, love." he answered, walking up to me and pecking my lips.

"How did you sleep?"

"Very good. How about you?"

"Too. What are you going to do today?"

"I have an audition this afternoon and after that I'll have Iris. It's your first day on set today, isn't it?"

"Yeah, I have to leave at around nine."

Nodding, he took the cup from my hand and sat down at the table. I walked up to him and seated myself in his lap, facing him.

"I want you to meet Iris tonight. Why don't you come over, when you're done on set?" he then said, looking at me.

"Okay, well, I have to see how long I'll have to stay but if it's not too late I can do that." I answered, playing with the hair at the back of his neck.

Again, he nodded and smiled at me. We made breakfast together and spent the last hour before I had to be on set, talking about what we were going to do while I was in the UK. Of course, he wanted me to meet all of his friends and his family but I didn't want to rush things, so I politely declined his offer of meeting his parents. We weren't even dating officially, yet he wanted the people that were close to him to know about me. I on the other hand wanted him to ask me out and make it public, when the divorce was over. He was still married, well, at least on the papers.

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