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Eddie's P.o.V.:

Months had passed. Iris Mary was born on June 15th. Meanwhile she was five months old. Within the last couple of months, Hannah and I looked happier than ever, well, my wife was truly happy but I was torn on the inside. The more time passed, the more I realized that I really liked Emma. For our daughter's sake, I pushed the feeling away and concentrated on keeping our little family together. It was the night of the premiere of Fantastic Beasts in LA. I was going to see her again after six months. Andrew and her had broken up just a couple of days before. 

As I was sitting in the car on my way to the theater it was going to be shown, I kept thinking about what I would say. Emma might had forgiven me the text message from the night she had been at Bieber's birthday party, but she had changed ever since. Since she didn't have a main role, she wasn't going to be with Katherine, Colin, Ezra or me, so I had to wait till after all the interviews to go and see her. The location slowly came to view and I prepared myself for questions about my daughter, the movie and the filming. 

Finally, the last interview was done. Sighing, I made my way into the theater to find Emma. When I spotted her, she was talking to Katherine together with her friend, Ashley. Immediately a smile spread across my face. She looked good in her dress, even though I could not quite tell which color it had. Slowly, I walked up to them. I didn't even reach them, when slender arms tightly wrapped around my neck. The cologne I had missed so much reached my nostrils. Apparently, she didn't care about our little fight anymore because she kept repeating how much she had missed me. I tightened the hug and lifted her up.

"Can we talk for a second? Alone?" I whispered into her ear before she let go.

Nodding, she grabbed my hand and started leading me to the dressing rooms. We were standing in one of the hallways but there were too many people that could've listened to the conversation. It was hard for me to concentrate on talking to her, when every two minutes someone passed and greeted us. Emma apparently recognized because after my third attempt to apologize in person and failing because we were interrupted, she pulled me into one of the empty dressing rooms.

"Eddie, you don't have to apologize, I do. I'm sorry for being such a bitch some-" she started saying but I cut her off by pinning her against the wall behind her and placing my lips on hers.

My hand was gently placed on one of her cheeks while the other one had a hold on her hip. The kiss was sweet and soft. At first she hesitated with kissing back but after a couple of seconds, she moved her lips with mine. The longer we kissed, the deeper it got but soon enough I was vehemently pushed away from her. Confused, I looked at her, while she was looking at the ground. When she looked up, I could see tears brimming in her eyes. Immediately I tried to pull her into a hug but she pushed past me out of the room. My feet were automatically carrying me after her, even though my thoughts were still with the kiss. 

"Emma, wait!" I called after her.

"Leave me alone!" she answered, still walking at a fast pace.

I felt so guilty. On the one hand, I had just basically cheated on my wife with someone that was eleven, almost twelve years younger than me and, on the other one, Emma probably hadn't wanted to kiss me. Since the movie was about to start, I had to wait till after the premiere to talk to her again. The vibration of my phone ripped me out of my trance.

Andrew: How's the premiere going?

Eddie: I fucked up. I fucked up so badly.

Andrew: What happened?

Eddie: I kissed her...

Andrew: How did she react?

Eddie: She kissed back but pushed me away and stormed off.

I didn't have the nerve to keep talking to him, so I turned my phone off and walked over to my seat between Katherine and Dan. Emma was seated somewhere else together with her family. Even though I really wanted to see the movie, I couldn't quite concentrate on the screen. Every five minutes, I looked over to the other side of the room to see her reaction. Much to my surprise, she was barely paying attention. She was so occupied with hiding that she was crying that she missed almost the whole movie. Why was she crying? As the end credits started playing, she got up and left. That was my chance to talk to her or at least apologize. At a fast pace, I followed her and grabbed her arm. 

"I'm sorry." I just said, while looking her deeply in the eyes.

She just shook her head, got out of my grip and exited the building. A young man came to stop next to me. He looked a lot like her and I quickly came to the conclusion that he was her older brother, Paul. Giving me a small smile, he congratulated me on the film and followed Emma. As much as I wanted to follow her to her house and clear this out, I couldn't. My wife was waiting for me with Iris and I had to give a couple more interviews. 

Yawning, I entered the hotel room that I shared with Hannah and my daughter. The baby was asleep, while my wife was watching TV. I had offered her to come to the premiere with me but she had declined. Immediately she noticed that something was wrong and being the good person she was, she wanted to know what had happened at the theater.

"I've done something very bad." I simply answered.

"What have you done?"

"You have to know that I never intended to hurt you, Hannah. I just can't do this anymore."

"Eddie, what are you talking about?"

"Emma and I... we kissed."

By the time I had said that, I was at the verge of crying. My family was falling apart because I hadn't controlled myself and on top of that I had lost a friend. Burying my face in my hands, I sat down on one of the couch. I was waiting for Hannah to be mad but she was completely calm.

"Why did she do that? Does she not know that you're married?" she then spoke up.

"No, I was the one initiating it." I answered slowly.

"Honestly, I've seen it coming."


"The way you look at each other and you care so much about her. Sooner or later it had to happen."

Surprised, I looked up at her. She was crying but there was no sign of anger in her face. Giving me a weak smile, she sat down next to me and took my hand. I wrapped my arms around her to comfort her a little.

Lost In Ya Love (Eddie Redmayne)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora