Home Sweet Home.

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My last day on set had come. Sighing, I walked into the building to say goodbye to the other actors. I couldn't believe that the adventure of Fantastic Beasts was over by the time the day ended. It's been almost a year since I had walked into the building for the first time. Nine months of knowing Eddie and eight months of seeing him almost every day. Within the past month, my crush had not gone away, sadly. Honestly, I tried to live with it because vehemently trying to push the feelings away made it even worse. As I was walking to my dressing room to say goodbye to the make-up artist, I looked over the set. I was definitely going to miss it but I had missed my home even more and I was excited to see my family. With a smile one my face I hugged Loraine, the make-up artist, when I had finally found her. Since I didn't want to disturb the filming, I waited until break to make my fare-wells. First, Dan and Katherine hugged me, then Alison, Colin and Ezra and last but not least Eddie.

"Lunch is going to be boring without you." he said as he pulled me into an embrace. 

"I'm gonna miss you too, Eddie." I answered, holding back the tears.

"Are you going to be at the premiere?"

"Not here in London but the one in LA."

He hugged me once more. It was the last time that I would smell his cologne and I already missed it. Before I pulled away, he placed a kiss on the top of my head. I knew that it didn't mean anything, at least not for him, but it felt so good and I didn't want the feeling to go away. Slowly I walked away from him, biting the inside of my cheek to hold the tears back. He looked so sad and almost like he was about to cry as well. As I pushed the door of the exit open, a small tear rolled down my cheek. I didn't cry because I wouldn't see him anymore, I cried because filming this movie had been one of the most beautiful experiences I had ever made. 

Out of breath I put my last bag into the trunk. Moving back to the states was definitely more exhausting than I had expected it to be. Thank god, I didn't have to take Leo with me; he had been brought to LA two days before and my parents had promised to take care of him. I had to be at the airport about an hour later to board my flight; it would take me about 30 minutes to get there. Sighing, I looked at the house that I had lived in for almost two years of my life. When I had moved to London, I had bought the apartment, so I didn't have to get rid of my furniture. With a heavy heart I got into my car and drove off. It had advantages to be famous, for example a private entrance to the gate. I could check in my luggage without interruption and I could board without interruption. Of course, my management had booked me a seat in first class. Almost twelve hours of flying were ahead of me. Luckily, I had taken enough books for me to read. Before I turned my phone off, I checked my messages. Eddie had sent me one, saying I should text back as soon as I had landed. 

Eddie's P.o.V.:

Emma had only left about two hours before and I was sitting at my usual spot in the break room. Lunch was way too boring without her. With her, I always knew what to say. Not that I didn't talk to anyone else that kept me company but it just wasn't as easy. Dan, Alison and Katherine were sitting at the table as well; they were having a great conversation but I just couldn't concentrate on what they were saying. I barely touched the food that was in front of me. Emma kept popping up in my mind, especially her smile. It was so radiant and contagious but at the same time it was very rare. In fact, I had only seen her smile a couple of times, well, at least a real one and not the fake ones she most of the time gave me. Slowly I picked at the rice on the plate to distract myself. 

"Eddie, what's wrong?" Katherine's voice ripped me out of my thoughts.

"Lunch is just not the same without Emma." I answered honestly.

"We miss her too. She's part of our movie family." Alison intervened. 

"I'm worried about her, you know. Now I can't keep an eye on her."

"I'm sure, she'll do fine. From what I know about her, she's a strong person."

Smiling, I looked at Katherine who smiled back at me. She was the one that knew how to make everyone feel better. Still, I was not feeling hungry and so I just put the food in one of the take-away boxes they had prepared. That day I kept forgetting my lines because I just couldn't concentrate. When I got home, I was greeted by my very pregnant wife. I placed a kiss on her lips and walked into the kitchen to get myself something to drink. With a glass of water in my hand, I sat down on the couch next to Hannah. She grabbed my hand and placed it on her belly to let me feel how our baby was moving around. We wanted to name her Iris and it made me forget about everything at least for a little while. It was still a riddle for me how I was so lucky to have such a supporting wife and especially have a child with her. Hannah cuddled up to me, while I put my arm around her. Soon enough, we both fell asleep on the couch. Still, Emma didn't leave my mind. Something in the way I felt and thought about her had changed, when she had opened up to me. Which guy would not want to date her? Sure, she had told me that it was someone who was married but still that man was stupid to let her go like that.

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