Victoria's Secret And Ellen Degeneres.

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A couple of months had passed. To be honest, Madison hadn't even been mad at all, in fact, she had planned to make it public anyways. The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show was that night and I was extremely nervous. Ashley and Kendall were standing next to me as I waited to go on stage. They had given me a soccer themed outfit and even a ball that I was supposed to carry. The Weeknd was currently performing, when I finally got the signal to walk down the catwalk. All the models had a kind of choreography of how they should walk and I did exactly what I had been told to do. The longer I was walking, the more confident I started feeling. At the end of the stage, I looked around the audience. My parents, Paul and, to my surprise, also Eddie stood up and started clapping. I had to concentrate, so I hid the small smile that was forming on my lips, turned around and walked back. Well, I shouldn't have been surprised; the show was in London but he hadn't told me that he was going to come. Ashley was on next and we did a high-five as we were passing each other - that's what the producers of the show wanted. I was happy with the way it had turned out. Only a few minutes after the show was over, my family and Eddie came backstage. He immediately wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm so proud of you!" he whispered into my ear.

"Thank you!" I answered, kissing his cheek.

My mother, who was close to tears, was the next one to hug me really tight. Ever since I had been little, she had dreamed of something like this. All the models had to gather backstage to take a picture together. I was placed right between Ashley and Kendall. They were both congratulating me and especially Ashley was proud of me. 

Another two weeks had passed. I was sitting on Ellen Degeneres' couch. Of course, I had to give an interview about the movie that was going to be released only a week later and because of the fashion show. She was still asking me about the things I had to do, when she finally came to the fashion show. First, she showed pictures of me walking, then one of the pictures with the other models.

"We also found this one online." she said, pointing to a picture of Eddie and me kissing.

"Oh, didn't know this one existed." I laughed.

"You and Eddie Redmayne. How in the world did that happen?"

"We met at a Burberry shoot and got to know each other on set of Fantastic Beasts. First, we were just friends but I was crushing on him so hard and he started liking me too." 

"He must be very proud, now that he's dating a Victoria's Secret Angel."

"Oh, he is. Not because he can brag about it but because it's something very special."

"Can we just take a look at his reaction, when you came on stage? That's what I call a very supporting boyfriend."

A video was shown in which my parents, Eddie and my brother were all standing up and cheering. My boyfriend was clapping and whistling and he had the biggest smile on his face. It made me blush to see him react like that. On stage, it looked so normal but seeing it from a different ankle, it was a very strange thing to look at. 

"He is very supportive, I'm glad about that." 

"How do you handle the fact that he has a child?"

"I love Iris! She's wonderful and the sweetest thing on earth." 

"Do you watch her sometimes?"

"Not really, I mean, most of the times Eddie's with me and if I get to be alone with her, it's only for an hour or so."

"I'm glad to hear that you like her. How about his ex-wife? Did you get into trouble with her or was it all friendly?"

"To be honest, I only met her like three times but she's very nice and she was the one that made him do the first step."


"Yeah, when they had decided to get divorced, he wanted to visit me on Christmas. My brother had invited him but he wasn't sure if he should actually do it, so he called Hannah and asked her for advice."

"Aren't you jealous that they have so much contact?"

"They were friends before dating and now they have a child together. As long as I know that he's not taking her to a restaurant or anything like that, I'm completely fine with that."

"Very mature! Speaking of that, you're a lot younger than him, aren't you?"

"Yes, 11 years."

"Isn't it hard to find things to do with such a big age gap?"

"Sometimes, yes, but we both like to watch movies or TV shows and if that gets boring, we take walks or go grab some coffee." 

"Thanks for your honesty, Emma. We'll be right back after the break with a little game!"

During the break, I was sitting in my dressing room. Ellen came in to chat a little. The break was only ten minutes long, so she soon had to go back again, while I grabbed a bottle of water. As the show went on, we played a game called 'Heads Up'. It was really funny because I was not allowed to talk but had to act like the animal that was shown on the screen and Ellen had to guess the animal.

Yawning, I entered my house. Leo was already waiting for me in the hallway. I slowly bent down to greet him and walked into the kitchen afterwards to give him something to eat. When I had put his bowl back onto the floor, I went into the living room. I was exhausted, even though not a lot had happened that day. Since I didn't know what else to do, I watched some TV. My phone was ringing next to me on the couch. Eddie was calling which was surprising me a little since it was almost midnight in the UK.

"Hello, love!" his voice rang through my ears.

"Hi, babe." I answered, smiling to myself.

"How was your day?"

"Had an interview with Ellen, so it was rather interesting. How was yours?"

"I bet it was. She's one funny person. I was on set all day and just came back but I wanted to hear your voice before I go to sleep."

"Aw, that's sweet. My movie's coming out next week, so I'll stay in London for a few days."

"I know and guess what? I'll be your red carpet date."

"That's good. I wanted to ask you but since you've already made your decision."

"I thought that maybe we could go on a real date before the premiere. How does that sound?"

"Sounds great. Our first red carpet appearance."

"Yes, I'm excited! Anyways, I'll go to sleep now."

"Alright, sleep tight."

With that the line went dead. A part of me had wished to hear an 'I love you' but I guess, it was too soon for that. We were only dating for about seven months, so I didn't expect him to say it. Another yawn escaped my lips, when I was looking through Netflix to find myself something to watch. When I had finally found a good show, I pressed play and cuddled up on my couch. Leo immediately jumped up and laid down on my stomach.

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