Smogmella X Arachnus (Lemon)

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Arachnus was walking around his base, when he heard something like a whimper. He walked into the nearby forest as this is where he heard the noise. He came across what looked like a light blue puff of smoke stuck under a branch, "Poor thing, here let me help." he said while picking up the surprisingly heavy branch. He got it off the little puff of smoke and it reacted to his help by floating around him and saying "Smogling, Smogling." 9i imagine its like a Pokémon and only says its name) then nuzzling his cheek with her head. "heh you're welcome." he rubbed her head with two fingers. "Well I can only guess your names Smogling." she simply nodded which was her floating up and down. "Well then Smogling, you better get home now, bye." with that Arachnus went back to his base with Smogling secretly following him there.

He got to his small cabin (What I imagine he lives in) and shut the door, Smogling got in before he did shut the door. Arachnus went into his kitchen and got out two of his favourite doughnuts. He ate at the small table he had, he ate one and was about to eat the other only to find it gone. He looked around only to find Smoglings face stuffed with half a doughnut, the rest couldn't fit. He was shocked to find her in his home, "Smogling what are you doing here, I said go home." she bit down on the doughnut causing the rest to fall on the ground much to Arachnus's dismay. "Look, I don't mind you eating those doughnuts because I know there the best, but you can't stay here. Do you have a home?" she simply shook her head no. "Oh well, I guess you can stay here for a little while. But then we will find you your own home. Okay." "Smogling, Smogling." Smogling said and then nuzzled his cheek again. "I'll take that as a yes." he then went to clean up the mess of a wasted doughnut. Arachnus spent the rest of his day checking on everyone at his base. Afterwards he was getting ready for bed and put a pillow on the end of the bed, "You'll sleep here okay." he told Smogling which she then sat on the pillow getting comfy. He got into bed and heard Smogling move her pillow closer to him and settle back down.

The next morning he woke up with a fluffy thing on his face. He picked it up off his face only to hear a loud "SMOGLING." he sat right up only to find Smogling in a panic flying around quickly around the room. "Calm down Smogling, calm down." Arachnus told her this and Smogling halted. She sat on the bed after calming down, "Sorry for scaring you Smogling." she nuzzled his cheek and started floating towards the door. "Right we should get ready for the day ahead." Arachnus got dressed and headed outside with Smogling close behind him. He mainly showed her around the base so she could get use to it, he also introduced her to some of his sides (you know people who are on his side of the war) people. A few hours of this they had finished and he took her to his favourite doughnut shop and bought two doughnuts, one for him, one for her. He left the shop and went back to his house where they ate both doughnuts, this time he cut up the doughnut for Smogling so she could eat it all.

After a week Arachnus noticed that Smogling was a bit of a weakling, "Hey Smogling," he called out to her as she was just floating around a small flower "I've think it's time we started to train you." he said and she looked quite pleased. A few weeks of him teaching her how to use her wind attacks on a training dummy, she got really good at it, although her attacks were still weak. One day of training Arachnus left her at training to get a drink for the both of them, he ran back when he heard someone yell his name from where Smogling was training. "What?" he asked the person who was at the training grounds, all he saw was a yokai lady with light blue smoky hair and a wearing very revealing kimono which goes down to a smoke like end, with a darker blue bow on her back. He fought she was very pretty but Smogling was nowhere in sight. "W-who are you? Where's Smogling?" Arachnus asked her, "I am Smogling, I don't know what happened but I was training and suddenly I changed into this form.", "Come here, I'm sure it's alright. I've heard of this happening to a few yokai, it's when they get powerful enough there body's have to change in order to sustain that new power. So calm down." Arachnus reassured her holding her new hands to calm her down even more, him holding her hands made her blush a bit.

(Sorry if you don't like how that worked out, I just imagine it like how you want to)

She's still lives with Arachnus although she now sleeps in her own bed (still in the same room)and helps him around his house and with the base, she's kind of like his secretary who lives with him. People including Arachnus, have started to call her Smogmella as they fought Smogling was a bit to babyish for a now very grown up yokai. Over time with her new way thinking (with her being grown up now and what not) she developed a small crush on Arachnus, what with the way he's been so nice to her and letting him live with her. She would do subtle things like buying him doughnuts and getting into his bed with the excuse of a nightmare or too cold of a night for her. When it was the excuse of a cold night Arachnus would put his arm around her, which would make her blush like mad.

Arachnus also had something for Smogmella but he didn't want to ruin there friendship so he kept quite. Over time he noticed all of her kindness and her getting into his bed, he really discovered his feelings for her when he had a particular kind of dream of her. He decided to confess one day, he took Smogmella to get doughnuts. After I bought them we ate under a special tree (Wanna know why it's special, READ ON!)at around sunset. "Smogmella," Arachnus began "do you know why I bought you to this particular tree?". Smogmella shook her head no "No, what's so special about it my Lord?", "Well this is the tree where I helped you from under the branch." he said and then put his hand on hers which made her blush. "R-really my Lord?" she asked him as he started to grab her hand more with both of his, "Yes, because today is a special day." "Why is it so special my Lord?" she asked him. "Well, don't think I haven't noticed your little acts of kindness here and there.", he pulled her hand and hugged her, her head in his chest. He then lifted her chin up and leaned in, soon enough Smogmella closed her eyes while passionately kissing Arachnus as he did the same. After the kiss she opened her eyes, "Th-thankyou my Lord." she stuttered still in a daze from the kiss. "Smogmella, don't thank me, I do love you." he said as he pulled her into another hug. "I-I love you too, my Lord." Smogmella hugged him back, as she melted in his strong embrace. He kept kissing her head and rubbed her arms, after a time he lifted her head and kissed her again. He picked her up and she started to float again as they both walked home, he got her into the house where he started to kiss her again. After a bit of make out session it was a bit late and they went to bed.


It has been a few months since Smogmella and Arachnus have been dating. Arachnus came home one day as Smogmella was cleaning a bit. He snuck up behind her and gave her a hug, she gasped and turned around and gave him a hug back "I love you." "I love you too Arachnus." . He started kissing her on her mouth, cheek and along her neck and shoulder. He tugged on her Kimono a bit to get more of her shoulders, She moaned/hummed as he bit her collar bone. He felt her hands wrap around his waist, he stopped and gave her a smile with lust in his eyes. He loved her very much and wanted her, he pulled her away to his bed. He started to get on top of her on the bed and kiss her, he then started to take her kimono off. He first took her bow off and then went to get the kimono off her shoulders, after a bit of that failing he knew he had to take it all off. Before he did she took his off, she had trouble with his belt so he helped her out. After he was only in his pants he then finished taking her kimono off. She shyly hid herself as he took off his pants, she looked at his face as he sat on the bed next to her. He crawled onto her as he kissed her again, he went down and sucked on her breast, she moaned as he fondled with the other one. He took in the view of her body and looked down, he noticed as he was looking for her 'entrance' she didn't have one, it was just smoke. He went on top of her again and she got ready for him, but he didn't know what to do. He tried just putting in her smoke like area, Smogmella lightly screamed in a new pain and pleasure take over her body, he continued as he also felt pleasure. He didn't know how that worked, but he felt really good so he went on. "Please move." Smogmella pleaded with Arachnus, he did and started slamming her while kissing her, she was moaning in his mouth until he reached a spot and she slammed her head back on the pillow. "T-there!" she screamed, he hit there again and again, after her moans filling the room and him grunting in pleasure ,"I-I'm Cumming!" she screamed again as he then felt a liquid around his member, "I'm cumming too." he then cummed in her, he tried going in her again but he only grunted and whined at the pleasure being over. He got off her and lied down on the bed next to her. "I love you so much Smogmella." he told her bringing her into an embrace, "I love you too.". They fell asleep together and enjoyed each others love even more.


Okay so I also wrote this on my deviant art account, so you can find it there. SO sorry for no updates lately, Christmas shopping all that. Hoped you enjoyed it. MERRY CHRISTMAS.

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