Mystica X Komosan part 2

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Hey venusaura~

Komosan looked to Mystica in shock, "What do you mean little brother?" he asked, Mystica's head flopped back down on the pillow and fell asleep, "Guess she was tired." he said seeing her face, "I'd better get to sleep to.", too tired to move Komosan ended up falling asleep on Mystica.

Mystica's pov: I woke up to something fluffy near me face, I looked to see the bear like yokai from earlier, his sleeping face was admittedly cute. I played with his ear, he stirred and I got up shocking him awake. He looked up at me, "M-morning." he said shyly. I looked away embarrassed. "???" I looked around questions running through my brain, "Where's Enma?" I asked looking to the small yokai, "Your little brother right?" "How do you know that?" I asked shocked, "You said it last night." he said quietly, "I-I did?" I asked mainly to myself, he nodded, "What's your name?" I asked snapping out of my trance. "Komosan." he said with a cute smile, "Where am I?" I asked looking at my surroundings. "Um.... My house." he said, I thought for a moment, "Why?" "Huh?" "Why am I here. Why didn't Enma kill me?" I asked with a sad feeling rising up in my chest. "He said he just wanted you to sleep somewhere, and that you can't go to the castle." "First he hurts me then kicks me out of my home!?!" I grumbled to myself. "What happened between you two?" he asked, I began my story as he smartly sat down.

"When I was younger, we were a family of four. Mum, Dad, Enma and I. I was the older sibling, Enma was my baby brother. Mum and Dad ruled the yokai world with kindness, love, and care. Many did not know Lord Enma was married, but he was, and me and Enma were the products. At first they loved us both, me and Enma were too young to know much, I can't even remember..." I wiped a tear away, "I can't remember mum." Komosan pat my back and sat closer to me, comforting me and making sure I was alright. I continued, "Before I was even a child, and Enma was nothing but a baby, Mum had passed dew to an illness she received after giving Enma his life. So he never even got to see her. After a while, Enma grew to look just like dad, and I grew to look just like mum. This apparently gave him grief, so he ended up devoting all his attention to Enma as to not remind himself of my Mum whenever he saw me. I ended up a forgotten child despite being the oldest. I only had a few friends who I frequently played with, but even they abandoned me when I grew....... anger issue's. Soon I was angry enough to start fights with Enma, I didn't fight with dad because I thought he'd just hate me more. At the time I thought dad didn't dare speak to me because he hated me, now I know he was only ashamed of me...". Tears were streaming now. Komosan had hugged me, patting my back and whispering sweet nothings into my ear. I hugged back, he felt like a teddy bear, the softest I've ever felt. "I-I'm sorry, I'll leave now, thankyou Komosan." I started to get, "Wait! I can't just leave you in this state. I can at least try to cheer you up." he said getting up and dragging me somewhere.

"Where're going?" I asked looking around at the human town called Springdale."To go and get icecream!" He said smiling. I walked behind him as he went up to a stand and ordered two 'icecreams'. They had a waffle like base but the top was thick creamy substance. It was cold too. I licked some of it and instantly loved it. I took a bite but I paused, my brain felt like it was stinging. "GAH! It's poisoned!" I yelled, "It's not, you just have a brain freeze." he assured, "MY BRAIN IS FREEZING!?!?!" I asked shocked on how I hadn't died yet. "No! It's fine, wait it out." I sat for a moment, the pain subsiding. "How'd that happen?" I asked, recovering from my pain, "It happens when you eat to much icecream. Just eat it slow and licks only." he said eat his icecream again. I did, fortunately I never got another one again.

We continued to eat our treats and I had wanted to go down to the lake, I saw it, a sparkling blue stream edging me towards it. I went down and sat on the bridge, I looked at my reflection in the water, I saw my hair, a mess, I made a brush out of thin air and starting getting out the knots. I saw Komosan trying to catch a cricket nearby, I walked up to him, seeing his childish behaviour towards the insect. He slipped on the mud but I caught him before he fell in the water. I held him for a moment.

Komosan's pov: I looked up after I slipped on the mud, I saw mystica, my saviour. I looked into her green eyes and smiled.


You're welcome venusaura.

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