Kamaitachi X Fem reader

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Requested by Kyosada2343, I'll only be doing a female version because it's easier, Enjoy!~

Y/N's pov: I was walking around the town called Springdale, when I was suddenly attacked! I just felt something sharp and quick slash against my arm, I looked around and only saw some dust pick up and swirl around me. I panicked and ran home, as soon as I got home I shut the doors and windows and just laid on my bed trying to calm down. When I did I saw my wound, huge and leaking quite a bit of blood. I went into the bathroom and tended to it. I wrapped it with a small towel and went to sleep whilst thinking what had caused that. I woke up at about 11:00 to a window smashing! I hid in my closet hoping they would just steal what the wanted and leave. I stayed silent, covering my mouth and listening for anything. I suddenly heard my bedroom door open, not even any feet, I heard my bed sheets being messed with. My heart stopped when I got the feeling of eyes on me, how though?! I suddenly heard the closet door open and a figure in front of me. He raised a huge weapon about to be bought down  "Have a good second life." "P-please don't!" "Why shouldn't I?" "I don't even know why your doing this!" "No?" "NO!". he bought his weapon which I now see to be a scythe down calmly. "Your father had a death wish upon him, one in which I decided to do, when I saw him, he said he would rather put the bounty on you, so... her I am." "M-my own father did this?" I was never one to be close to my father, he was a cruel man, but I never thought he'd do this. I started tearing up,, "I-I, don't want to die, but if you must..." the being bent down and wiped my tears "I see now that you're nothing but a sweet young lady. My name's Kamaitachi, and will not hurt you okay." I hugged him and thanked him. "Now, I'll be finishing business with your father, I hope you understand." "I do." He nodded and left.

Y/N's pov: I waited and waited, eventually I got a phone call from my mum, I already knew.... Some time after Kamaitachi came back and I saw a bit of red on his scythe. "....Hi...." "..Hi.." I repeated, he hugged me, "I'm sorry, I had to." "I, know." "Okay....." He kissed my head making me blush, "You're a sweet young lady, if you need help call my name, okay?" "Right." "I'll be off." "Bye...... thanks." "Thanks?" "For not killing me." He chuckled, "I hope that stays the case." He waved and left through my window. I smiled and slept, it was about 5 am but, I needed sleep. Dreaming of my new friend Kamaitachi.

The end....

I know, it's short and shitty, but whatev's. See you next time~

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