Mystica X Komosan

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Mystica's pov: Just one last part, that's all I have to accomplish before I finally get revenge for all they did to me. I stood before a party of yokai, all looking towards me with fighting spirits and a will to give those pitiful humans their powers. "Why do you all fight for the mortals?" I asked, my voice booming, "We fight for our friends, some of which just happen to be humans." a floating blue cat like yokai explained, "So in order to destroy the bonds of humans and yokai," I paused thinking, "A small expense of yokai will have to go as well." I said, summoning my power and planning to use my soultamite and ending them all painlessly. "Wait WHAT!?" the blue cat asked, I did not bother answering as I knew he heard. "You can't kill us!" a fluffy white bear looking yokai said panicking, "Do not worry small one, it'll be painless." I said calmly, I powered up my soultamite, however a blast of energy shot me down. I looked to see my brother, hand going down as I know e just hit me with a power blast, "ENMA!" I yelled in anger, "Yes?" He asked almost innocently, he had a smirk on his face, however I got rid of it by attacking him and landing a hit on his shoulder. He hissed in pain as he held his shoulder, "Well.... You've trained..." he said "I've trained to kill you." I growled lowly, "King Enma! How dare you hurt our king!?" the blue cat asked, "HE IS NOT MY KING!" I yelled and threw a blast at them all. All I remember is Enma recovering and hitting me in the gut, then I blacked out.

King enma's pov: "My liege!" Hovernyan yelled, "Are you alright?" "I am." I answered "I'm more worried for Mystica." I said, "You know her?" he asked shocked, I didn't want to say why and I knew the question would become, so I answered with a nod and amidietly took her away to be healed. I knew I couldn't take her to the castle as it would almost be suicidal, Komosan tugged on my clothing, I looked down, "King Enma?" "Yes Komosan?" "Is she gonna be okay?" I was shocked "Yes. Why do you ask?" "She seemed more sad than power hungry." he said, "She is..." I almost whispered, he looked to me, "Where is she going?" "I don't know..." I answered honestly. ".....I-I can take her...." he said, "No, I can't. She may hurt you when she wakes up." "Well if she can't go anywhere else." he said shyly. I smiled, "Komosan, if you will take her I will be grateful." he smiled, "Okay, I will."

Time skip....

"I'll check on her tomorrow." I said, laying my sister down on a futon. I looked to Komosan, who was surprisingly happy. I hoped I could get her tomorrow before she woke up. I left Komosan to look after her. I hoped he'd be okay.

Komosan's pov: I looked at the girl known as Mystica. She was talking in her sleep, mumbling 'no' and 'please don't'. I felt bad for her, she was having a nightmare. Mum taught me that the smell of tea can soothe a persons dreams back down. I made some and put it near her. She stirred, I stepped back, worried. She shot up and screamed. I grabbed her shoulder and calmed her back down, she seemed to scared to attack me, "C-calm down, please! You just need to calm yourself." I said, she laid down and I rubbed her forehead, she calmed down and looked at me. "W-who are you?" she asked worried, "I'm Komosan, You need to rest." "Where's Enma?" she asked worriedly, "Not here." "NO! He has to be!" she shouted, she really wanted to kill him, "Where's my little brother!?" she yelled. I was shocked, little brother? did she mean King Enma!?

Part 2 coming soon~ ;D

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