Unkeen X reader

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requested by dwn021 Enjoy Peep's! You are a wicked yokai.

Your pov: You were a young girl /boy laughing and smiling as you ran through the woods chasing your best friend, B/F/N (best friends name). "Try to catch me Y/H/N (your human name)!" B/F/N yelled as your about to cross a log over a river. Sadly you never made it across the river as you woke up. You looked across the room at Unfairy who had made his bed out of old sheets and pillows, he almost slept like a cat. You kept looking at him as you remembered how you were kicked out of Dame Deadtimes league. You were not taking it like Unfairy however, you were mad at them all for what they did to, even if Dame Deadtime was the one to cast you out, the others just laughed. You were UnY/N (Un-yokai-name), one if not the most strongest wicked yokai of all time. You were defeated only by an entire group of those pesky yokai and those two little humans, meanwhile the rest were beat by one boy, ONE BOY! It's just as unfair as Unfairy's banishment. He didn't know how strong the boy was, if he had he would've had them on there knees in seconds. "U-unY/N?" you got out of your thoughts and looked up at Unfairy. "UnY/N, are you still thinking about that day?" he asked in his still groggy voice. "Which one?" I asked not knowing of which two  days he was on about, the day I died at the river or the day I was banished a long side him. "B-both." He said trying really hard to console me without making me think of them, he would always do this as he knew how destructive I get when I think about those... days. "Yeah, yeah I was." trying to stay calm. "Think about B/F/N, that calms you." with those words he walked over to me and ended up falling asleep on my stomach, I smiled and rubbed his head and his ear twitched. "Alright." I said and fell back asleep after some time for thoughts on B/F/N and.... how I died.

Dream~ pov~: Y/H/N was running and chasing B/F/N around the woods, he/she chased B/F/N around the woods in the middle of fall. You tried crossing a log over a river to get to your best friend. *BANG*. You stop dead in your tracks and fall into the river, not even knowing where the bullet came from. You looked up at the sky as you were taken away by a river who's water you could not feel.

No ones but its talking about you pov: You  never knew what happened to your friend, you never knew who did it. Your anger about you life being cut short turned you into a wicked yokai, you searched day and night for who killed you. You found the scum of the earth who was heartless enough to kill an innocent child, he apparently was hunting and was on a hear a noise shoot tactic, he heard us and fired without a glance. When he saw what he did he ran over, my friend was scared and ran to tell an adult what happened, the bastard knew what was soon to become of him, so he got my body out of the water and gave me but a shallow grave. Oh and when you found the man, who's bones had betrayed him, you gave no mercy. You had tortured him, and only when he was on his knees and begging for forgiveness did you do him a favour and end that sad sacks life. Dame Deadtime saw what hatred you had in your E/C eyes and recruited you. Now here you were, awake and sweating with a peaceful Unfairy on  your stomach. You rubbed his head one more time before lifting him up and putting him down besides you, you got up to get fresh air. You walked and walked until you saw a familiar sight, you saw a beaten and tattered Unkaind. You walked over to him, not in panic, not really caring to be honest. "UnY/N!?" he asked as he looked at me with shock, "Yep, look who got beat by some kid." I said in a smug tone, "I-I know UnY/N it was wrong for me to discriminate you from being defeated by a group of yokai when I was only beaten by one." he lowered his head and had a look of shame on the few features he showed. "I forgive you Unkaind, what became of Dame Deadtime?" I asked as I was not around for the finally. "She was destroyed..." he said with a solemn "Oh." I replied, again not caring. "And the others?" I wondered not seeing them anywhere. "I have yet to find them." He replied. "Well good luck, bye." "W-wait!" he yelled reaching for my arm and grabbing it with tremendous strength. "What?" I asked a bit shocked by the way he grabbed my, he pulled me into a hug, "I missed you." he said. I blushed as this was the first time anyone had hugged me since I became a wicked yokai, and it felt... nice.

Unkainds pov: I missed UnY/N so much, I missed having him/her around, I even missed it when they would yell at the others. He/She was the only one I was sad to see get banished. I just hugged them and mumbled on about how I was sorry, how I missed them, and I accidently admitted I'd love them. When I realised this I stopped hugging them as he/she looked up at me with dark blush covering there features. "R-really?" I heard them ask, I was covered with the same blush at this point. "Yes." I stated, they leaned in so close, I removed my scarf and closed the gap. As we had finished our first kiss we left and got back to where he/she lived with Unfairy. I had some explaining to do to Unfairy as he was not happy with the idea of me living with them and more so that me and Y/N were together. It ended up that I would just live nearby and visit regularly. I still tried to find the others, but it was less of a must do, so much as a if it happens good kind of deal. But I couldn't be happier with Y/N.

The end~

Hey guys and girls, I was wondering if you guys could ask for more OC's X whoever. I really like writing them and learning more about a person through there OC's. Just a request from me to you, if not I'll just stick with writing X readers. All for now. PEACE~!

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