Blazion X Frostina part 1

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Requested by Frostina18. I will make this part 1, the next part shall be a lemon 0///0, Enjoy~

Frostina's pov: I was so happy, it was WINTER! I loved winter and all the beauty of the snowflakes. Right now I was floating around outside in the snow making snowmen and just having fun. I was sad however to be alone. I was building a snowman again, but I ran out of carrot's. I looked in my bag to see if I had one, but sadly I didn't, I turned back to head home considering I had nothing to do. I was just about to leave until I heard someone, "Is this what you need?" I turned to see Blazion holding a small carrot. "Blazion, what are you doing out here, It's winter you could freeze!" I ran over to him, he just handed me the carrot, "You need to finish it first." he stated, I put it on the snowman, "Now let's go home, you need to warm up." I took his hand and led him to my house where he could stay warm. We got to my house and I led him inside. I got Blazion a blanket and put him in front of my small fire place. I also decided to make us both hot chocolate. I handed him his mug "So why were you outside at this time of year, the fire clan can get badly sick from the snow can't they?" I asked with great concern for his health. I touched his forehead, I noticed his cheeks turn even more red than they were before and I was happy it was still burning (because he's from the fire clan). "I was worried about you getting lonely..." I blushed at this, normally the fire clan avoided me, but he was trying to get near me. "Well, thank you, but I rather you stay healthy than worry about me." He sipped his coco and seem to be dozing off. "Do you want to stay here tonight? It's getting late." I saw him blush  even more, "S-sure, I'd lo-like to." I was happy he agreed, this was a chance to get even closer to the fire clan. I decided to sleep next to him, so I laid down two blankets and pillow's for us. I was getting sttled, "Frostina, is it okay if we could... talk?" "Of course!" I said with glee, he seemed to turn even more red that he already was.

Blazion's pov: I was so happy to be so close to her, she was just so cute, the way she just wanted to be friend's, this had it's downside however, as I wanted to be more. Yes I, Blazion from the fire clan, wanted to go out with Frostina, the yokai the rest of the fire clan don't like. I decided to just learn more about her, for now... We talked for an hour or so, I watched as she peacefully fell into slumber. I just watched her for a bit, I couldn't help it, I kissed her head and fell asleep myself.


Blazion still: I woke up to see Frostina gone. I got up and saw her with a plate of toast. "Morning Blazion, I made you breakfast if you'd like some." "Thankyou." I thanked her and grabbed a slice, as did she. "It's stopped snowing, if you'd like to go home now." 'Oh how I don't want to leave' I thought to myself. I got up slowly and helped Frostina up. I walked to her door, "Can we catch up again?" She asked "Of course Frostina." I said as her eye's lit up with happiness, It made my heart melt, "Well I'll see you again Blazion!" I walked a bit out of the door, the cold making me flinch, I turned around and lifted her head up, I saw her blush, I very quickly but passionately gave her a kiss on the lips, she froze in place, but eventually kissed back. I realised her from the kiss, she was blushing mess, she hid her face in her sleeves. I gave her one last hug and left, I turned around and waved at her, she waved back shyly and closed the door. I walked back to the rest of the clan, wonder if I'll tell them.


Did ya'll like it? I hope you did, I will be making part 2 soon enough, BYE~!

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