Chapter 2

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Lily's POV

"Lily! Buck! Get up or you'll miss the bus!" I groaned and rolled over. "Whyyyy..." I got up, and stretched. I had forgotten today was the first day of school. I got dressed and opened my door. I packed my backpack, and lumbered downstairs. "Buck!" I opened his door and threw a book at him which was lying on the floor. His room was always a mess. "Boys.." I muttered. Going to the table, I saw mom packing out lunches. 

"Don't you have work today?" I asked, sitting at an empty chair. She looked up and sighed. She was about to speak when- "Yum! Pancakes for breakfast! Thanks mom."   I looked at Buck, who stuffed a pancake in his mouth. "Pig." I mumbled. "Toothpick." he spat back. "What?!" I growled. "I have more muscle than you!" He swallowed and shrugged. I do pushups in my room while you do yoga in your room." It's called Tai Chi!" "Both of you, stop! Now!" 

We froze. Mom had this voice that just dripped with authority. "Stop fighting with each other. It's giving me a headache. You are both different, so accept it." "Sorry, mom..." We both said at the same time.

'Idiot' Buck mouthed. 'Stupid' I mouthed back. "The bus is here." Dad walked into the room, smiling. It's your first day of school guys!" Buck shook his head. It's just the first day after the summer break, dad." Dad shrugged. "Still." Mom chuckled. "Go on before you miss the bus." I grabbed my bag, and lunch. "Thanks, mom! love you guys!" I opened the front door. "Wait! I don't have my bag!" Buck shrieked. I smirked, and jumped on the bus. 'Serves you right.' I thought.

Popping my earphones in, I starred off at the passing houses and buildings as the bus started toward the high school. Suddenly, a hand tapped my arm. I turned, and grabbed the wrist. Instinct of my martial arts training. "Ahhhh! Hey, Hey, hey! Lily, It's me!" I raised an eyebrow at Maddie, my best friend. "Sorry." I released her and took out my earphones.

 She took a seat beside me. "Are you excited for this year? I am! I can't wait! How was your summer?! Mine was great! We went on......" I zoned her out to keep my ears from exploding. Maddie was great and all. But when she started talking....she wouldn't stop. I nodded and smiled, not really listening to what she was saying. I started thinking about how this school year would be.

Finally, we reached our destination, and the bus stopped.  I looked up at the large school building. It seemed bigger this year.  Shrugging I walked off the bus to the doors. "Come on." Maddie nudged my arm. "Don't tell me you're nervous." I shook my head. "Nervous? Me? No way!"

She laughed. "Right. Tough as ever. Lily Alaxandra Hamato. The toughest girl there ever was." I rolled my eyes. "That title should belong to my mom not me." She chuckled as we walked to our lockers. "I guess you get your toughness from your mom, then." I grinned. "I guess you could say that."

Suddenly a barrage of squeals reached our ears. I turned to see a whole bunch of girls crowded round someone. "Oh, no...." Maddie groaned. I almost forgot about him....

Brayden Charles. School heartthrob. Most popular guy in the school. Prince of Charm, and blah, blah, blah. He disgusted me in every way. From his overly greased hair, to his pre-waxed Jordan shoes. He was a player with no brain. 

He saw us, and smirked at me, winking. I pretended to throw up. He frowned then turned back on his white-toothed grin. All the girls except me, and Maddie were obsessed with him. And I mean overly obsessed. 

We still had time before the bell rang, so I decided to take a look around. I first walked to the gym. It was the same, except for the new basketball hoops. I then took a stroll to the art room. New paints, but nothing overly new. I decided to check out the classrooms. I peaked in each classroom, but was not met with new things. 

Until I looked into the last classroom in the hall. My heart stopped with the sight I saw. A boy I have never seen before was sitting at a desk, writing something on a blank piece of paper. He had brown hair and light brown eyes. his ears stuck out just right like an elf's. He leaned his chin on his hand and seemed to be talking to himself softly. He was....."Handsome..." I mumbled to myself.

I shook my head, what was happening to me? My heart was pounding into my ribs. I peeled my eyes from the heavenly sight, and walked back to my locker, where I leaned back and took a deep breath. 

"Hey, weirdo!" I turned my head to see Buck walking in. His shirt was stained with syrup. "Your shirt is a mess." I snickered. He shrugged. "Snack for later." I pulled an 'I can't believe you.' face, and turned back to my locker, taking out by bag. The bell rang and Buck and I departed to our separate classes. 

As I sat in my seat, I couldn't take my mind off the angelic boy I has seen in the other class. 'Why had he been all by himself? Why hadn't I seen him before? Was he new?' Thoughts tossed around in my head, as I stared at the board. 

"Class settle down." Mr. Henry's booming voice cleared my thoughts of the mystery boy. "Class we have a new student with us." Looking up, I almost fell over from my seat. It was the boy I had seen in the classroom by himself!  

"He moved here from North Dakota. You will all welcome him appropriately." Mr. Henry patted the boy shoulder.  "Why don't you introduce your self?" The boy nodded. "Hello everyone. My name is Jayden. I'm looking forward to spending time here." He smiled. 

I whimpered inwardly. His smile was a killer. I sighed dreamily. "Thank you Jayden. Please take a seat where ever you like." I smacked my head. What was wrong with me? I had to stop thinking about him! Suddenly a soft tap on my shoulder pulled me out of my thoughts.

I turned to see a smiling face. It was Jayden. "Hi." He whispered, as Mr. Henry started the lesson of the day. "H-Hi." I played it cool. "New?" I inwardly slapped myself. 'Stupid, stupid, stupid!'  I thought. He chuckled softly. His laugh.... My stomach did flips. "That obvious?" I blushed and looked down at my desk. 

"Im Jayden." He held out his hand to me. I shook his hand. It was so soft... "I'm Lily." He smiled again. "Nice to meet you, Lily. I'm looking foreward to getting to know you better." I smiled back and nodded. "Me too." He turned back to the front and focused on Mr. Henry. I turned back too. He chose the seat next to me. 

He was so polite... He was...  perfect....

Hope you guys enjoyed the second Chaper of the story! The picture up top is Jayden.


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