Chapter 20

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Jack's POV. 

I stood at the door of the Tanner's little home. Mrs. Tanners answered and looked me over a little bit suspiciously. "Can I help you?" She asked. I nodded. "My name is Jack Rodgers Ma'am. I'm Lily's uncle. Is"

Her face fell. "She was. Come in." I came in and sat at the table. Mrs. Tanner sighed. She was until about a week ago. "She just...left. Dylan was heartbroken, but he tried not to show it." I nodded grimly. 

"did she mention where she went?" She shook her head. "No, she just left. Now Dylan is missing." Her eyes watered. "I don't know what to do. I-I'm worried something will happen to him..." I patted her hand. "Ma'am I am a certified government agent. I will not rest till your son is back with you."

She nodded and smiled. "Thank you, sir." I nodded. "I will find  your son. And my niece." 

Dylan's POV. 

I followed the directions I had found on the note to address. I took a deep breath as I stared up at the armoured compound. It was military grade. Nearly fail proof. Nearly. I sneaked around the side and looked up at a spot that wasn't guarded. 

I made a loop with the end of the rope and hurled it up to a ledge. I tugged it to make sure it would hold. "Hey, you!" I turned to see a man in uniform running toward me. "You are Dylan?" I was confused. He didn't try to kill me?

"Y-yes..." He smiled a crooked smile.. But it, fro some reason...looked faked. "We've been expecting you. Your.....friend told us you'd come for you." I backed up a little. "Wh-what?" He smirked. "Lily. She's been with us for years. She said you'd come for her if you thought she was in trouble."

I was ready to run. "What's the matter?" He strode towards me. "Heart broken? Again?" I turned to run, but his foot caught me in the side. I got up and remembered all those times Lily taught me self-defence. 

I swung my foot to hit him in the head, but he caught my foot and shoved me down. "Nice try boy." He tackled me and roped my hands behind my back. I thrashed around like a fish, trying desperately to get out.

He punched me in the jaw, and I stopped. I needed a plan. He stood my up and walked me to the gates. Hey! He just gave me a way in. I glanced back at the backpack but shrugged it away. I had the gun. 

I walked with the man till we were in a long hallway that was empty. I fell to my knees faking asthma. He dragged me up. "Asthma?" I nodded. "I-inhaler in my pocket...." He raised an eyebrow but untied me. I instantly grabbed his head and bashed it to the wall. 

He slid limply to the floor. I grabbed his jacket and put it on. It was big, but fit alright. I walked down the hall, checking in rooms for Lily. I heard stomping feet and pretended to be walking down the hall. 

Three guys walked past me, nodding at me. They started talking. "What are we gonna do with the girl?" One asked. "I don't know." Answered a second. "the boss wants her to be bait for the Tanner boy." 

I clenched my fists. "Do you know where she's being held?" The third asked. My ears perked up. "I have no idea, but Kris said something about Bruiser heading to the room to.....'teach her more manners'. I have no idea where it is though."

I felt my heart begin to beat heavier. She was alive! I walked past them, and looked around. A tall buff guy strode past me. "Bruiser?" I asked. He turned. He was scary. With bulging biceps and meaty hands. 

"Yeah?" I gulped. "The boss wants me to check on our....prisoner." He nodded. "OK, follow me. She hasn't had water in a while." He walked down a long corridor, and to a large steel bolted door. "She's in here." I nodded. "You're kind of young...." He mused, scratching his chin. 

I started sweating. "I get that a lot." I walked in to see a sight that took my breath away. Lily was chained to a metal chair. Her arms were bruised and red. Her face was covered with scratches and gashes. Blood soaked into her shirt. 

"Go on." Bruiser shoved me. "I don't have all day. I have to see her too." His smile was evil, and  I knew what he meant. He was going to beat her up more. Keep her weak.  I nodded, and put my hands in my pockets as if I was looking for something.

I whipped out the gun, and pointed it a him. "Let her free. Or I'll use this." He smirked. "You think me a fool boy? I knew it was you the whole time." I lowered the gun, and gripped it tighter. "Then why didn't you....kill me?" 

His eyes gleamed. "It was the master's plan all along." Backing out of the room,  he slammed the door and bolted it shut. I dropped the gun and pounded at the door. Nothing happened. I turned and looked at the girl I had broken. 

I trudged over to the chair. Her head hung, and she barely breathed. "L-Lily....?" I knelt and rested my hand on her cheek. A soft groan escaped her lips and she pressed her face into my hand.  I put my hand on her shoulder, and she flinched. 

I stepped back. Did she trust me? I pulled at the chains, trying to set her free. "Lily.... Lily!" Her eyes opened slightly. "D-Dylan...?" I hugged her tightly. Tears streaming down my cheeks. "I'm here, Lily...I'm here..." 

She buried her face into my shoulder and sobbed. "T-this is all my fault." She whimpered. "Shhh......" I stroked her hair. It was just as soft and silky as I remembered. "This is on me. I should have trusted you. I was an idiot."

She smiled a little, despite the obvious pain in her body. "Lily there's something I....have to tell you." I rested my forehead on her's. "What?" She asked softly. I took a deep breath. "I-"

MWahahahahahhahaah! I am soo evil. Why would I do that to you guys, I know. :D Enjoy this emotional chappy!!!

Hidden in the Stars~{Book 1 in the Emerald of Annihilation Trilogy}Where stories live. Discover now