Chapter 18

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Dylan's POV. 

I sat outside at the side of the house. My hood over my head. I was depressed. This was not how I wanted this to end. Lily, the person in the world I trusted most after mom of cause......betrayed me. She was working for the bastards trying to kill my mom and I. 

That wasn't the worst part. I had allowed myself to fall completely for her. I was in love with the girl who was the enemy. Is that what my life was meant for? 

No. It couldn't be. I stood, and trudged home, my head, and heart heavy. Mom needed help packing. We were leaving the city. I didn't know where we wound go, but I didn't care. As long it was far away from the memories here. 

Lily's POV.

Darkness surrounded me, as I woke up slowly. I glanced around. I was in a room that was way too small. I was tied to a metal chair. No, chained.... I guess they knew I could break through ropes.

I tried to struggle but a pain in my shoulder halted me, and made me wince. I took a good look around me. Where was I? How long had I been here? What were they planning to do with me? I struggled more, straining on the tightly wrapped chains.

The steel door squeaked open, and my face fell. "J-Jayden....?" My voice cracked. Was I seeing what I thought I was? He was wearing a black jacket uniform with the emblem of Viper on his sleeve. 

"I'm sorry, Lily." His voice was calm but his eyes burned hate. I knew he wasn't the least bit sorry. "When they're done with you. You're mine." I growled but shivered. "What do you want?" He smirked. 

"They want your little friend, Dylan. I on the other hand, don't care about him." I looked up at the eyes I once thought to be perfection. "All those were the same place we were....." His eyes glinted in the dim, flickering light bulb.

 "Not coincidences." He patted my cheek. I turned and bit his finger. Jayden reeled back and glared at me. "A tough one eh? We can fix that." I growled, then yelped as his fist met my side. I slumped, my head hung. 

Usually, pain wasn't a problem to me. But this stung with angry pain. "By the way, Lily." He lifted my chin with his finger. "Dylan's death will be in front of you. He already blames you am I right?" I lunged at him, but was held back. "Don't touch him....or his mom..." Jayden stepped back and glared down at him. "You're supposed to love me. Not him. He's a waste of air!"

I growled. "You are a waste of breath, Jayden! You're a sick little brat who's just jealous!" His hand connected with the side of my face. I winced at the pain. I licked my bottom lip and tasted the metallic taste of blood. 

"Watch your words Lily Hamato. You're dealing with the son of the second most important man in all of the organisation." I lifted my head slowly. All the fear gone from my eyes. "I don't care if your the richest guy on earth. I hate you. And I will find a way to save Dylan from you and Viper." He laughed. 

"And one more thing, Jayden."  I sat up straight and tall. "I will never fall in love for you, again." He smirked before turning and opening the door. "Oh, you will. And it will tear his heart open. And I have a feeling, you will be the one striking the last blow to indicate his death. And He should be on his way by now." 

I pulled harder at the chains. It was trap. A trap for Dylan. I was the bait. I struggled harder for about an hour before giving up. I slumped in the chair, and sobbed softly. I could finally admit it to myself. 

I was in love with Dylan Tanners. 

Oh, Noooo!! What will happen?! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

Hidden in the Stars~{Book 1 in the Emerald of Annihilation Trilogy}Where stories live. Discover now