Chapter 8

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Buck's POV.

It's been a little over a month and I am fully accepted into the group with Brayden. We been through so much fun.Ditching class to go swimming. Raiding places. I knew mom and dad would not like what I was doing.

But I was popular now! I could not risk my popularity for little things. 

"Buck!" I turned to see Greg walking up to me. "Hey. What's up?" He grinned. "We're haveing a party tonight. You're coming right?" How couldI say no? I didn't want to get kicked out. "Yes, I'll be there."

He smirked and patted my shoulder. "Good. I didn't want you ditching out on us." He stood and left. I sighed. I would just tell mom I was studying at a friends' house. But would she believe me? My grades had been slipping lately. 

No matter, I would make something up and be at the party.

Lily's POV.

I took a deep breath before knocking on Jayden's door. He opened it and ushered me in. "You came!" I squinted. "You expected me not to?" He shrugged. "I didn't know what to expect." I chuckled. "Fair enough." 

I pulled my textbooks out of my backpack and spread them on the table. "Let's get to work." 

A couple hours later, I yawned. Jayden rubbed his eyes. "I think we should call it a night." I said, leaning back in my chair. "Yeah. You look tired." Jayden smiled. "And you're not?" I asked, propping my elbows on the table.

He grinned his supposed perfect grin. "I can get tired..." I chuckled. "Well, then that proves you are tired. "Maybe." He grinned. 

I packed up my stuff and sighed. "Thanks for the help." Jayden said, smiling. "No problem." I answered, smiling back. He hugged me. The second hug he ever gave me. I hugged back then smiled. "See you soon." He put his hands behind his back. "See you too."

I chuckled, then left. He seemed like he was a good boy. But something felt wrong about that hug. I brushed it off and mad my way home. Lying in bed made my thoughts whirl. I soon fell fast asleep, dreaming about cute smiles, soft eyes, and brown hair.

A soft tapping on my window made me wake up all of a sudden. I rubbed my eyes and walked to the window. Hanging from the window sill was no other than the boy with brown bangs and an amazing smile. 

"Dylan?" I blinked, trying to understand if this was a dream or reality. "H-hi. A little help? Please?" He smiled awkwardly. I pulled him up into my room. "What are you doing here?" I asked. He hopped on my bed and spread out like a starfish. "I was bored. You weren't answering my calls." 

I looked on my bed, in my pockets. No phone. Weird, I had it at Jayden's house....."And I want to show you something." I was awake now. I locked my room door so no one would open it and get the wrong idea. "What do you want to show me?"

 He grinned his adorable grin. "You'll see." He checked his watch. "But we need to wait. The surprise doesn't start fro another half hour." I groaned. "Really, Dylan? I'm tired. You couldn't have come later?"

He faked a hurt face. "Some friend you are. I wanted to get here before you fell asleep." "A little too late for that, buddy," I mumbled. I folded my arms and pretended to glare at him. "Aww, don't be mad at me." Dylan sat up and pouted. 

"Not talking to you." I turned around, my back facing him. "Lillllyyyyy...." He whined. "Nuh uh." I stuck my nose in the air ignoring him. He stood and wrapped his arms around me from behind. "I'm sorry...." He mumbled. I shook my head.

He rested his head on my shoulder. "You don't love me....." He whined playfully. "Lily talk to me!" I chuckled at his cuteness. "Was that a laugh?" He brightened. "You laughed. You don't hate me!" I shook his arms off me. 

"Still not talking to you." He laughed. "Fine." He grabbed me and fell back on the bed, me resting on top of him. "Let me go!" I struggled to free myself from his grasp. "Not till you say you don't hate me." 

I rolled my eyes. "I don't hate you." He grinned. "Now say you love me!" I felt my cheeks heating up. "D-Dylan......!" His grin grew wider. "I can't hear you." I struggled, and he tightened his grip on my waist.

"Never!" He brushed his lips against my ear. "That's not what I told you to say." I shivered but felt safe. I relaxed and leaned my head back under his chin. "I'm too comfortable." He chuckled. "Then you'll miss the surprise." 

I groaned. "Fine!"  I gave in. "I love you!" He smirked. "You do? Well, that's nice to know." I was confused. "What? You told me to say that?" I sat up as he let me go. He sat up and smiled his adorable smile. 

"I told you to say 'You love me.' I never said to say 'I love you,' But I love you too." He pecked my cheek and stood up. I sat there unable to speak. "Come on, Lily." He opened the window and reached for my hand. "Meet you on the roof."

I climbed up behind him to the slanted roof of my house. "What did you want to show me?" I asked. Dylan smiled. "Look up." I glance up at the night sky to see a beautiful blanket of stars. A stray one streaked across the dark canvas.

"Amazing..." I breathed. Dylan nodded. He sat down on the roof and sighed happily. "I agree." I sat next to him. For the next few minutes, we tried counting the stars, which we failed at. A streak of white light crossed the sky. 

"Beautiful." I gasped. It was a cold night and I shivered. Dylan put his arm around my shoulders. "Cold?" He asked, putting his jacket around me, and resting his arm over my shoulders. I nodded and leaned my head on his shoulder. 

"This is my favourite scene." He said softly. I smiled. "Yeah?" He nodded. "Yeah. when life is tough and the world seems to be against you, I always go up somewhere at night and star at the stars. I was once told that we all have destinies. That we all have a purpose in life. And we can find that purpose by looking at the stars. Like they are hidden there."

I looked from his face to the sky. "Hidden in the Stars...." I whispered softly. "I like it."  I chuckled as he lay down and rested his head in my lap. "I have a better view from here." He smiled. "I now see all the beauty in the world." I blushed but laughed it off.

I looked up at the stars as my hands absentmindedly played with his hair. This was an amazing experience. I was glad to share it with one of the only people I trusted in the world.

How would he react to finding out I was an agent sent to protect him? would he trust me? Would he think our friendship was a fake? A cover? Like a disguise?  And how could I admit to myself that......I was falling in love with him, Dylan Tanner.....the boy I was meant to protect?


Hidden in the Stars~{Book 1 in the Emerald of Annihilation Trilogy}Where stories live. Discover now