Chapter 19

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Dylan's POV.

I smiled sadly at my room as I packed my suitcase. It was the one room I'd been in for the longest. It was a good room, but not home. What was home? I'd never known a home except the one I'd known as a child. When my family was complete.

Not my family was broken. Like my heart. A sharp tap sounded at my window, and I swung my head toward the window. A rock had hit the glass and was resting on the sill. I looked out but saw no one. 

Opening the window, I took the rock and saw a note attached to it. It was sealed with a creepy looking snake emblem on it. A Viper maybe? I ripped it open and read. 

Come to this address if you want to see her again.

The note was signed with a evil looking snake. A Viper maybe? I wondered who they were talking about.... "Mom?!" I shouted. "Yes, honey? Is something wrong?" He voice calmed my speeding heart of fear. 

Then I knew. "Lily...." I murmured. She hadn't been seen since he ran off on her that day.....a couple days ago. It had been almost a week. I crumpled the note. It was a trap. I knew it. A trap to catch me. 

But I knew better. She had used me. And she was using me again. I pulled out the letter again and inspected the emblem. It was the same as the one on the guy chasing us a the park. And the ones who killed father....and the ones....

I grabbed my head, and whimpered. "No, no, no!" It couldn't be true. I ran my finger over the red ink used in the stamp. Just as I had was fresh blood. "No!" I collapsed to my knees. Lily was not with the people trying to kill us. 

My mind transferred back to the night we'd been attacked.

I wake up to see a man tackle a girl to the ground. He fumbled with his gun, aiming it at her chest. The girl's eyes seemed to glow a little. Her eyes held determination. She glanced at me before throwing the guy off and moving their fight outside of the room.

I gulped and sat on the bed. That girl....was Lily. I had judged her so badly. And this is what had happened. That gun that fell from her pocket. It must have been there for my safety. I sobbed into my hands. This was my fault! All my fault.....How would I make it up to her?

How could I? Except....I stood and glanced at the note, before ripping it to pieces, and throwing it to the floor. I looked over at Lily's backpack. She never came back for it. I grabbed it and dumped the contents on the bed.




Medical supplies

And a folder

A vest 

The vest was probably bullet proof. I took it and put it on. I grabbed the gun and slipped it in my belt, before putting the rest in to the bag and slinging it over my shoulders. I turned to my desk and quickly wrote a note to my mom.

I told her I was going out for a while. I ran down stairs and sneaked out the front door. "This is it." I told myself. I was going to find a rescue the girl I loved. 

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Hidden in the Stars~{Book 1 in the Emerald of Annihilation Trilogy}Where stories live. Discover now