Chapter 15

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Lily's POV.

I felt it before I even woke up. The pain was numbing. I could feel something soft under my head. Easing my eyes open, I groaned and blinked to adjust my eyes to the bright sunlight. The memories of yesterday flooded into my head. 

Driving off, being attacked, reaching the Tanner's house. Then I noticed. A face was staring intently at me, his chin on his hand. I would have screamed, but I then remembered where I was. I knew who it was.

 "Dylan?" I croaked. My mouth was dry, and I coughed. He smiled. A wide, adorable smile. (pic above) "Your not dead!" He hugged me. I would have returned it, if I wasn't in so much pain. "Dylan." His mother walked into the room holding a cup.

"Hello, Mrs. Tanner." I tried sitting up with the help of Dylan. "Don't talk child, you'll dry out your entire body!" She fussed, placing the cup in Dylan's hand. "I can drink mysel-" "Nonsense. Dylan will help you."

Mrs. Tanner winked before leaving the room. Chuckling, Dylan held the cup to my mouth. "Open up!" I drank and glared at him. "I'm not a baby." He grinned. "You sure?" I reached out to hit him, but pain shot up my shoulder, which set off a pain in my neck. 

"Lily! You ok?!" Dylan gripped my shoulders as I bent over, wincing. "I-I'm fine..." His eyes got serious. "Ok, serious now. What happened to you? You were badly wounded when you arrived on our doorstep."

I took another drink, then leaned back. I didn't want to tell him. How could I? "Lily?" I looked at him. "Dylan...I-I can't really say. My head hurts to think, let alone talk. Can I...get some rest?" He smiled sadly but nodded. 

"Sure. If you need anything, just holler. I won't be far away." He kissed my head before retreating out of the room. "D-did he just..." My mind hurt. "Ow..." My phone buzzed. 

Surprisingly it was still with me! I pulled it out. 5 messages from mom. 7 unanswered calls. most from mom. 3 messages from Uncle Jack. 2 unanswered call from Uncle Jack....

I shoved it in my pocket and sighed. I glanced around the room. My pack hung from a chair in the corner. It didn't take me long to realise it was Dylan's room. That last time I had been there.....

I grabbed my head as pain flowed back and forth like restless waves. I lay back and tried to relax. My original plan came back to me. After Uncle Jack had told me we weren't in the mission, I had blown up. 

I had vowed not to give up on Dylan......and his mom of course. I was not going to leave them to the mercy of Viper. They didn't deserve it! Dylan was 19 now, and I had a birthday coming up soon. How could I leave them when we had so many happy memories together?

I sighed and went back to sleep, trying to forget how to tell Dylan the truth.......about my protecting him. 

Dylan's POV.

I closed the door and went down to the couch. "How is she?" Mom asked. "Fine. She's going to sleep now." I answered, slumping back into the cushion. "Dylan." Mom walked over and sat beside me. 

"I know you like Lily-" "As a friend!" I interrupted. I don't know why I did that. I was just lying to myself. I had forced it out of me for the longest time, feelings just got stronger. To be true, the never went away.

Mom cleared her throat, continuing. "And I know she likes you too." Did she like me....the way I did her? No. She couldn't. I was head over heels. I...I....Loved he-"Dylan. Are you listening?" I blinked. 

"What? Sorry, I didn't hear you." She sighed. "I was saying, that we can't stay here. The attack was a sign. The bad men know where we are. They will come for us again." I nodded and looked down.

Hidden in the Stars~{Book 1 in the Emerald of Annihilation Trilogy}Where stories live. Discover now