Chapter 16

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Dylan's POV.

I couldn't process what I was seeing. A gun lying on the floor. A real....bloodthirsty, bullet shooting...gun. I shakily bent down and lifted up the weapon. My head whirred. Why did Lily have a gun? 

W-was league with the people trying to kill us? If that why she became my friend? To make my death even more painful? I couldn't believe it.... I trusted her! How could she lie to me like this?!

Tears threatened my sight. I had trusted her. She was my only friend...Was. And on top of that, she had made me fall for her! How could she!? I pressed my back to the wall and slid to the ground. 

I stared at the wall, the gun still in my vision. It was right in front of me. I hugged my knees and sobbed. What was the point of my life? I was dying right now anyways. Dying.....of a broken heart. 

I sobbed for a good hour and a half before calming down a little. I needed a plan. I put the gun in my pocket and went to the room, slipping it into Lily's backpack. She looked so innocent sleeping..... I shook my head, and glared. 

"That's what she wants you to think, Dylan. Get her out of your mind." I thought, leaving the room. 

~2 days later~

Lily's POV. 

Why is he ignoring me? It had been three days since I had arrived. I had told them I had been in a car accident with some friends and was close to their house. Mrs. Tanner offered to call my parents, but I told her not to. "It will only worry them." I had said. "I called them and said I was staying over."

Of course this wasn't true, but I couldn't tell them, who I really was. Not yet anyways. Dylan was not as cheery and grinning. He kept his distance from me, like I had some contagious illness. I was confused. 

One moment he kisses my head, and stares into my eyes longingly, then the next minute, he's barely glancing at me. Flinching when I move towards him, and his eyes are full of...fear? disappointment? Both?

His eyes met mine for a second, I almost cried at the sadness and anger mixed in them. I looked down at my plate as we ate lunch. "Dylan, why don't you take Lily to the park, while I clean up the house."

Them separated? Not a good idea. "I could help you, Mrs. Tanner. It's not a problem." She patted my hand. "No dear. I can handle myself. You two run along." Dylan glanced at me before standing. "I have....homework, mom." He glanced at me before heading up to his room.

Dylan was home schooled, so I knew that was a lie. Mrs. Tanner looked at me apologetically. "I'm sorry, Lily. I-I don't know what's come over him...These past few days...he's just, been different." I smiled a little.

 "Maybe it's my fault." "Oh! No not at all, dear. He cares deeply for you. He wouldn't'-" She stopped and covered her mouth as she realised what she'd just spilt. "He what?" I asked. Had I heard right? Her words rang in my ears. "He cares deeply about you."

Mrs. Tanner sighed. "He's going to have to tell you one of these days." she mumbled, standing and clearing the dishes. "Go up and see him." She smiled and took the plates to the sink. I stood and ambled up to Dylan's room.

I knocked. No answer. "Dylan?" He was silent. I eased the door open. He sat in a chair, gazing out his window. "I thought I was finally right about something...." he muttered. I walked up. "What?" He stood, and walked past me out of the room. "Nothing."

His voice cracked, as though he had been crying. His tone was harsh, and I felt pain beat at my heart. I sat on the edge of the bed and stared at my hands. About a year ago, I was a normal kid, living a normal life.

But then my uncle asked me to look out for a boy. A boy that changed my life. Now I was a lone agent. A rogue. I'd gone against Uncle Jack's orders to leave out of Viper's plans. how could I coward out, and leave them to die? 

I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I stood and went to the window. Whatever it took. I was going to save the Tanners from all Viper could throw at me. I was not a coward like my Uncle and mother. I was Lily Alexandra Hamato. And I was going to do my best to save the ones I vowed to protect.

Even if it meant losing my life......or Dylan's friendship.

Hidden in the Stars~{Book 1 in the Emerald of Annihilation Trilogy}Where stories live. Discover now