Chapter 5

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Buck's POV.

This is not a good start of the day. I was cornered in the school hall, by Brayden, and his gang. The popular guys who never took a second glance at kids like me. But today they corner me?! "Hi, Buck." His smile was friendly in an intimidating way. 

"H-hi...?" I stared at the other members of Brayden's group. Lisa Kensington, Greg Santos, and Jenna Laker. The group looked friendly though, How did I never see it? 

"Buck, you have potential," Brayden said, patting my shoulder. "You'd be a good addition to our little group." I perked my ears at that. "Part of your group? Like be with you guys? Popular? And cool?" 

Bryden nodded. "And you would go out shopping with us to get.....more appropriate clothes," Lisa added. I grinned. This was just what I needed. A ticket out of my boring life. I can prove my worth....I can finally be....powerful...

Lily's POV.

School ended abruptly as I thought about my deal with my uncle, Jack. I was going to do this. Sighing, I pulled my phone from my pocket and checked the time. "Hey, Lily!" I turned to see Maddie running up. Books spilt from her bag, as she pushed her glasses up on her nose. 

"I can call my parents and you can spend a day at my house!" I racked my brain for an excuse. "Uh, thanks, Maddie. But my Uncle is picking me up. We're going on a camping trip." Maddie pouted but regained her smile. 

"OK, that's fine. We can do it another time. See ya!" She made her way to the bus. I waved and leaned back on the bike rack waiting for Uncle Jack. "Hey, Lily." I turned to see the perfect face of Jayden. "Oh, hi, Jayden." I looked down. 

Even though I knew he was up to something, I couldn't stop my cheeks from colouring everytime he was near me. "Are you free today?" He asked. "Uh, I actually have a day planned with my uncle...."

A car honk pulled me out of his gaze. Uncle Jack stuck his head out his window. "Come on slow poke!" I chuckled softly. "TH-that's him.." Jayden seemed to glare at my uncle for a few seconds. "OK, it's fine. He smiled and walked off." 

I hurried to Uncle Jack's car and slid into the seat next to him. "Boyfriend?" He asked. "WHat? No!" I buckled my seat and glared at him. "Why would you think that?!" He smirked and pulled down his sunglasses that rested on his head. 

"Your cheeks are still red." I pulled up my jacket to hide my red face. "Are not." I mumbled. "It spread to your ears. He added as he pulled out of the parking lot.

"So where to?" I asked. Uncle Jack grinned. "Your going to make a good first impression on Mister Tanner." I groaned. "Why me.....?" He didn't look at me. "Is that a question? Cuz if it is, then it's a stupid one." I rolled my eyes and rested my head back on the headrest.

After a while, we came to a stop at coffee shop. "Why are we here?" Asked, half expecting us to be at the guy's house. "We are here, so you can become friends with him. His mom owns the shop so he helps out working here sometimes."

We exited the car and made our way into the coffee shop. It wasn't crowded. A few people sat at different tables. "Pick a table." He told me, while he went to order something. I chose a table next to a window and let out an exhausted sigh. 

A few minutes later, Uncle Jack came to me. "I ordered you something. Hopefully, you will be served by him." He winked. "How will I know? I don't even know what he looks like." I asked, taking a look around, "Oh, you'll know kid. Trust your instincts."

He went off to find another seat. I groaned and let my head fall to the table. "Why me...?" I asked for the hundredth time. "Hey, are you Lily?" a deep but soothing voice asked. I lifted my head to see a boy around my age. (Pic above)He had a steaming cup in his hand. 

His dark brown hair stuck out from under the cap he was wearing, teasing his doe brown eyes. "Hi. Yeah, I'm Lily." He sat down across from me and slid me the cup. "This is yours." He smiled a toothy, innocent smile. 

I started to sip my drink when I noticed he was staring at me. "Aren't you working?" I asked. "I'm on break." Was his answer. His voice a smooth. It was deep for how he looked. He looked cute. Like a little puppy dog, who needed a home. 

But his voice was deep and soothing. I smiled. "You sure?" He nodded. "Yeah." He stuck out a hand. "I'm Dylan." His grin never fading. I nodded. "I'm Lily." He giggled a boyish giggle. "I know that!" I laughed. He was adorable!

A few hours later we were in a deep conversation about Taekwondo. "I know!" He cried. "Mom made me take it a few years ago, but I had to quit." I laughed. "Why? I kept going till I was a black belt." 

He looked down a little. It was then that I remembered. he was being targeted by Viper. "It's OK, you don't have to talk about it, Dylan." I touched his arm. His smile returned. "Thanks." I grinned as an idea came to my mind.

"Hey, I am free tomorrow after school.....I can teach you what I know." He brightened. "Really?" I nodded, smiling wide. "Yeah! We can meet at the Sportsplex on third street." He smiled. "I can do that." I nodded. "OK, I'll meet you tomorrow then."

He nodded. "OK." I was about to leave to go to Uncle Jack who was at the other side of the room watching. "Lily, wait." I turned. "Yes?" Dylan scratched the back of his neck. "C-can we exchange phone numbers?" 

I smiled. "Sure." We swapped numbers and I went to Uncle Jack. "You seem happy." He teased. I slugged his arm. "Hey. I just met him. I'm gonna meet up with him tomorrow to teach him Taekwondo. Can you drive me?" 

Uncle Jack grinned. "Nah, you can drive yourself." My eyes widened. "I-I can?" He nodded. "Of course. Unless you want your new boyfriend to pick you up?" I rolled my eyes. "Uncle Jack I don't know how mom put up with you."

Enjoy Chapter 5!

Hidden in the Stars~{Book 1 in the Emerald of Annihilation Trilogy}Where stories live. Discover now